All Things SCOTUS! September 30, 8:00pm (ET)

September 29, 2020

If you loved VVS, don’t miss PVS—our Pray, Vote, Stand weekly broadcasts. Every Wednesday from now until the election, FRC is focusing on one issue a week that Christians need to think critically about before casting their ballot—and September 30’s topic is the courts. Tune in from 8:00-8:30 p.m. (ET) to catch our featured interview on the confirmation process, a segment on key tools and resources, interactive opportunities, viewer Q&A, and, most importantly—prayer!

Speaking of audience participation, we want to hear from you! What questions on the U.S. Supreme Court or the confirmation process would you like to see answered in the program? Send us your questions (in the form of a question, please!) to Tell us your name and where you’re from, and we’ll attempt to cover a handful during the broadcast.