Standing Courageous in Central Florida

September 13, 2021

The FRC Stand Courageous men's ministry team was on the road again this past weekend in central Florida. Hosted by Pastor Cliff Lea at First Baptist Church in Leesburg, Florida, over 500 men packed out the worship center to hear our stable of speakers as well as attend some standing room only breakouts.

Based on FRC executive vice president and Lt. General (Ret.) Jerry Boykin's most recent book, Man to Man, each of the main stage speakers unpacked the five facets of what it means to be a biblical man: Provider, Battle Buddy, Instructor, Defender, and Chaplain. The general himself challenged the men to be the Provider, and not just one who provides money and material resources, but also provides presence, identity, and vision for his family.

Dr. Stu Weber, General Boykin's close friend and battle buddy, spoke on that same topic, pointing out that in the Bible: "Alone is not good," and using the biblical example of David and Jonathan as the model for masculine friendship. He then challenged the men to find and develop such a relationship with a "battle buddy," which is a military term for men who have joined themselves together to support each other in conflict, to have each other's back.

Our host, Pastor Cliff Lea, spoke to the topic of man as an "instructor" and the importance of men to not only teach the truth but also model it. In order to be an instructor, Pastor Lea urged men that they must first fear the Lord. Pastor Charles Flowers from San Antonio challenged the men to be "defenders" of our families, friends, and the defenseless against attacks that invariably come against us from Satan and those doing his bidding, but that the Lord Jesus enables us to overcome. Miami area pastor, Dr. Joaquin Molina spoke on the final role, that of "chaplain," challenging the men to be spiritual leaders and pass the torch to the next generation. In fact, Molina brought up his sons, whom he had discipled, then brought up 12 young men under 12 who came with him to the conference as examples for the men present.

One of the highlights for the men at every Stand Courageous Conference is to hear Gen. Boykin's riveting testimony, which is chronicled in his book Never Surrender. When the general offered an invitation, scores of men came forward to make spiritual decisions, a number of whom professed faith in Christ for the first time. More men came forward at the end of the conference at the general's invitation to receive the "father's blessing" and confer a blessing on their sons and other men around them. It was incredible to see a church full of men empty the pews and crowd the altar for a blessing.

Randy Wilson, FRC's director of our men's ministry, who also led one of several packed-out breakout sessions, commented: "No matter the age, when the men are given an opportunity to receive a blessing from another man of authority, they come to get that blessing." General Boykin reflected on the conference: "It was truly powerful. The speakers were anointed. They nailed it and got right to the soul of what men are supposed to be. I can tell you I was blessed, and I believe the men who attended were as well."

Stay tuned to our website,, or download the Stand Courageous app for info on upcoming conferences and to access a growing arsenal of resources and tools for men. We want to equip men all across America to take the next steps toward becoming a biblical man. In a culture that is increasingly hostile toward masculinity, our mission is to help men "Stand Courageous" for Christ, their families, and the values that made this nation great.