Arielle Del Turco

Director of the Center for Religious Liberty

Arielle Del Turco serves as Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, where she is responsible for religious freedom policy and advocacy efforts. Through research and analysis, she helps craft effective policy solutions and coordinates FRC's advocacy on religious freedom. Arielle is the author of numerous reports, and she has testified before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government.

Arielle's work has appeared in USA Today, The Hill, RealClearPolitics, Fox News, National Review, The Federalist, Jerusalem Post, and the Washington Examiner. She is the co-author of Heroic Faith: Hope Amid Global Persecution (Fidelis Publishing, 2022), along with Lela Gilbert and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin. She holds a master's degree in Government with an emphasis in International Relations from Regent University, as well as a bachelor's degree in Politics and History.


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Recent Activity

Who Doesn’t Like Pregnancy Resource Centers? Kamala Harris

Keith Self, Chad Connelly, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Alito Criticized for Flying ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag, but We Should All Raise One

Why D.C. Needs a Street Called ‘Jimmy Lai Way’

Ben Cline, Steve Marshall, Arielle Del Turco, Owen Strachan

Planned Parenthood’s Global Assault on Life Continues, and U.S. Taxpayers Fund It

Ep.78: Analyzing the Rise of Hostility Against Churches

Robert Aderholt, Joe Davis, Arielle Del Turco, Dr. A. J. Nolte

Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States - Analyzing Incidents from 2018-2023

Gary Palmer, Meg Kilgannon, Arielle Del Turco, Ohad Tal

Mike Johnson Is a Good Father. The Left Hates Him for It.

Cosmopolitan Is Promoting a Satanic Abortion Ritual, and It’s as Evil as You’d Expect

Sabrina Carpenter’s New Music Video Reveals a Cultural Contempt for Churches

What Does Osama bin Laden’s Viral Moment on TikTok Mean for America?

Chris Mitchell, Seamus Bruner, Arielle Del Turco, Harriet Hageman, Robert Aderholt

Chris Mitchell, Seamus Bruner, Arielle Del Turco, Harriet Hageman, Robert Aderholt

Speaker Johnson Is Right about the Separation of Church and State

4 Ways to Pray on International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted

Arizona School Board Becomes Religious Freedom Battleground

House Dems Use Global Persecution Hearing to Decry ‘Christian Nationalism’ in the U.S.

Proposed Federal Foster Care Rule Discriminates against Christians

Roy, Perkins Meet with Finnish Ambassador over the Prosecution of Finnish Christians

North Korea: The World's Foremost Violator of Religious Freedom - 2023 Edition

Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis 2023 Edition

Stop the Co-opting of PEPFAR: HIV/AIDS Relief Should Not Fund Abortion or LGBT Ideology

Harriet Hageman, Rich McCormick, Arielle Del Turco, Jerry Boykin

Matt Rosendale, Andrew Bailey, Arielle Del Turco, Scott Baller, David Closson

Tim Burchett, Matt Carpenter, John Wahl, Aaron Baer, Arielle Del Turco, Marcus Schroeder

Indian Diplomat Ignores U.S. Congressmembers’ Concerns about Religious Freedom

Biden Admin Considers Lifting Human Rights Sanctions to Beg China to Help with Fentanyl Crisis

La exportación de la ideología LGBT: La prioridad de la política exterior de la administración Biden

California Democrats Vote against Anti-Child Trafficking Bill, Then Change Course

5 Things You Should Know about Human Trafficking

USAID’s Samantha Power: ‘A Big Pot of Money’ Not Enough for LGBT Programs

UN Expert Argues Religious Beliefs Must Change to Accommodate LGBT Ideology

Kevin Hern, Greg Murphy, Arielle Del Turco, Meg Kilgannon,

Nathaniel Moran, Arielle Del Turco, Harim Nabi, Robin Lundstrum, Walt Heyer

Ep. 16: Exporting Pride: The USA's New Foreign Policy Priorities

Lawrence Wilson, Brad Jurkovich. Greg Burt, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Priority

FRC’s Public Comment Highlights Concerns over Proposed USAID ‘LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development Policy’

Arielle Del Turco on the Growing Hostility Toward Churches in America

Chip Roy, Arielle Del Turco, Marsha Blackburn, James Lankford, Greg Steube

Is PEPFAR Funding Abortions Overseas with U.S. Tax Dollars?

What Does It Mean When Politicians Literally Hide the Bible?

New Biden Policy Promotes Woke Social Agenda Using U.S. Foreign Assistance

Ron Estes, Joel Griffith, Michael Toscano, Meg Kilgannon, Arielle Del Turco

In a Pop-Up ‘Church,’ Women Worship Abortion

House Republicans Probe into FBI Effort to Recruit Informants in Catholic Churches

Mark Alford, Travis Weber, Stephen Moore, Arielle Del Turco, Jim Roguski

Hostility Against Churches: Supplemental Report - First Quarter 2023

Secretary of State Blinken Defends Funding Drag Shows

Has the State Department’s Human Rights Report Gone Woke?

Chinese Christians Forced to Register for Church Services on App

Andrew Clyde, Steve Riggle, Cindy Martin, Arielle Del Turco, Carter Conlon

NYC Mayor’s Comments on Prayer Spark Backlash

It’s Time for Another ‘Jesus Revolution’

The Equal Rights Amendment Seeks to Erase, Not Help, Women

Bob Good, Josh Brecheen, Stephanie Taub, Arielle Del Turco, Dean Nelson

UK Woman Arrested for Praying Silently Outside Abortion Facility

As They Prepare to Celebrate Christmas, Churches Face Increasing Acts of Hostility

VA Nurse Stands Up for Religious Freedom

Kevin McCarthy, Mike Lee, Kirk Cameron, Amado Huizar, Arielle Del Turco

Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States

‘I Would Have Wanted It’: 10,000 Forced Abortions Committed by Nigerian Military, According to Reports

Michael Cloud, Michael Burgess, Arielle Del Turco, Gregg Walters, John Jennison, Travis Weber

Biden’s Disastrous Swap

Chinese Protestors Can Make a Difference. We Must Help Them.

Scott Shepard, Alex Nester, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

Countries of Particular Concern: Why This U.S. Foreign Policy Tool Is Often Ineffective and How to Make It Better

Yes, Amy Coney Barrett - and Any of Us - Can Be a Christian in the Public Square

Marriage Is an Institution We Must Not Give Up

Rare Protests Erupt Across China over Oppressive ‘Zero-COVID’ Policy

‘Sincere and Humble Thanks’: George Washington’s Vision for American Thanksgiving

‘Not Permitted in the Public Square’: How One Australian Christian Was Forced to Resign

No, Secretary Austin, Pro-Life Protections Are Not Harming Military Readiness

These Persecuted Christians Are in Leadership Boot-Camp, and It’s Impressive

No Explanation but Evil: The Persecution of One Pakistani Christian

This Young Woman Survived an ISIS Attack. Then She Was Euthanized in Belgium.

‘It’s Better to Die Here than Live under Communism’: The Unknown Plight of Montagnard Christians

‘Don’t Forget the North Korean Defectors Stuck in China’: Enduring Exploitation, They Long for Freedom

‘We Left China at God’s Leading’: The U.S. Must Help This Chinese House Church in Hiding

Fighting for Freedom for the World’s Most Repressed Country

Why Is One Southeast Asian Military Attacking Schoolchildren?

Cardinal Zen Prepares for Trial in Hong Kong, and the World Takes Notice

Faced with Mandate to Compromise Beliefs, Yeshiva University Will Not Back Down

Nurse Takes a Stand after CVS Fires Her for Stance against Abortion-Causing Drugs

Texas is Right. "In God We Trust" Belongs in Our Schools.

On August 22, We Remember the Victims of Religious Persecution

Chinese Popstar Breaks Norms with Faith-Based Song

UN Caught Bowing to China's Behind-the-Scenes Pressure

On World Day against Trafficking, Let's Remember North Koreans

Let Pelosi Go to Taiwan

What Is It Like to Be Pro-Life in China?

Report: 99 Incidents of Persecution Against Christians in the West in Three Years

Chris Smith, Erin Hawley, Paivi Rasanen, Mike McClure, Arielle Del Turco

Religious Freedom and International Development: An Explainer

Why International Religious Freedom Is Vital to International Development: Causal Connections and Policy Recommendations

Despite Forced Labor Concerns, Biden Lifts Solar Panel Tariffs

No, This Isn’t Satire. North Korea Is Chairing the UN’s Disarmament Conference.

UN Human Rights Leader Echoes CCP Propaganda and Betrays Victims

U.N. Human Rights Leader Embarks on China's Propaganda Parade. She Shouldn't Fall for It.

U.N. Human Rights Leader Embarks on China’s Propaganda Parade. She Shouldn’t Fall for It.

No, Amnesty International: Ukrainian Refugees Do Not Need Abortion

Chuck Grassley, Vicky Hartzler, Arielle Del Turco, Jennifer Bauwens, Meg Kilgannon

Religious Freedom: A Human Right and a Pillar of American Society

Shining a Light on Religious Liberty around the World

How Polish Churches Are Loving Their Ukrainian Neighbors

How Polish Churches Are Loving Their Ukrainian Neighbors

Ukraine, Russia, and Who to Believe

Human Rights Must Not Be Twisted to Include Abortion

In Afghanistan, Women Are Being Subjugated. In the West, They Are Being Erased.

US Determination of Burma's Rohingya Genocide Is Better Late Than Never

Marjorie Jackson, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco, Lela Gilbert, David Closson

Will Finland side with religious freedom?

Katherine Johnson, Arielle Del Turco, Michelle Davis, Carl Trueman

Would You Stay and Fight for America?

Congress should partner with local and faith-based groups for aid

Dems Slip Harmful Human Rights Provision into Russia Energy Sanction Bill

Real Men Don't Bomb Women and Children. They Protect Them.

Dems Slip Harmful Human Rights Provision into Russian Sanctions

Russian Victory Would Mark End of Religious Freedom in Ukraine

Forced Marriage in Pakistan and Why It Matters to the U.S.

Courage on Display in Ukraine

Praying for Ukraine

Praying for Leah Sharibu After Four Years in Captivity

Don't Let the Bright Lights of the Olympics Blind You to the People Suffering in Its Shadows

Combatting Forced Marriage of Young Women in Pakistan

The Olympics and Genocide Collide

The Olympics Shouldn't Be the Propaganda Win China Wants

Three Things the New Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Should Prioritize

Congress Should Respect Human Rights; The 'Global Respect Act' Doesn't

The Human Costs of China's Demographic Collapse

Finland Puts the Bible on Trial

Does Genocide Fall "Below the Line" of Things You Care About?

A Year of Biden's Foreign Policy: Blunders, Chaos, and Human Suffering

On Religious Freedom Day, Let's Recommit to This Fundamental Human Right

Don't Let Biden Off the Hook for the Disaster He Left in Afghanistan

Don't Let Biden off the Hook for the Disaster He Left in Afghanistan

Congress Votes to Protect American Consumers and Human Rights

China's Tragic War on Uyghur Women

Dan Bishop, Sarah Perry, Arielle Del Turco, Gordon Chang

Amid the Push for Faux "Rights," Human Rights Day Reminds Us of What Matters

Can We Prevent Forced Uyghur Labor Already?

Xi Jinping Ordered a Genocide. Will There Be Consequences?

FRC at the U.N.: Speaking Out on Religious Freedom

Profiles in Courage -- and Cowardice

Senator Rubio Takes a Stand Against Uyghur Forced Labor

Nigeria Conspicuously Absent from State Department's List of Religious Freedom Violators

Enes Kanter Proves Professional Athletes Can -- and Should -- Stand Up to China

Biden Takes Aim at Trump's Pro-Faith Policies

"Old Friends" or Not, Biden Must Get Tough on Xi

Biden's State Department Slips Abortion into Human Rights Report

Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan Oppress Another Victim

House Democrats Want to Fund... Companies That Oppress Uyghurs?

China Aids and Abets North Korea's Abuse of Christians

Biden's Weakness is Emboldening Authoritarians

Biden's Taiwan Gaffe Causes Confusion, But Actions Speak Louder

Enes Kanter Brings Much-Needed Courage to the NBA

Why Taiwan Matters

China's New Missiles Could Signal a New Arms Race

Apple Enables China's War on Faith in Its App Store

A Chinese House Church Is Under Threat, and the United States Can Help

Pew Finds High Rate of Global Restrictions on Religion

What Does the Future Hold for the Pro-life Movement in Mexico?

Google's Hypocrisy on Free Speech and Human Rights, at Home and Abroad

China Must Stop Sending North Korean Defectors Back into Grave Danger

Speaking Up for Those Who Can't

Ron Estes, Mike Berry, Jerry Boykin, Arielle Del Turco, Meg Kilgannon

Biden's U.N. Speech Falls Flat

The UK Is at a Crossroads of Conscience Concerning Assisted Suicide

Biden Wants Us to Forget about Afghanistan. We Must Not.

The Taliban Ends Women's Sports in Afghanistan

After Biden Abandoned Afghan Women, His "Women's Rights" Rhetoric Rings Hollow

IRF 101: Perils for Christians in India

Is Religious Freedom a Matter a National Security?

The Country Where "Missionary" Is a Curse Word

Taliban Takeover Brings New Hardships for Afghan Women

America Failed Afghanistan. Now It Must Stand By Taiwan.

Explainer: What the Taliban Takeover Means for Afghan Believers

5 Ways to Pray for the People of Afghanistan

"They Need a Miracle": Pray for the People of Afghanistan

IRF 101: Ongoing Terror Against Christians in Nigeria

Let's Avoid the Temptation to Brush Aside Attacks on Canadian Churches

Kim Jong Un's War On K-Pop Is A Sign Of North Korea's True Weakness

Inside a Chinese Internment Camp

'They Need Our Faith'

Promoting Religious Freedom Even When the Government Doesn't

In Pakistan, Economic Pressure Can Make a Difference for Persecuted Christians

Britney Spears and Uyghur Women Share a Terrible Burden

CCP Celebrates 100 Years of Persecution

With the End of Apple Daily, Hong Kong's Freedoms Take Another Blow

Southern Baptist Convention Takes Principled Stands for Truth

Southern Baptists Stand With Uyghur Muslims Against Atrocities

Biden must help fleeing Chinese Christians

Protecting Religious Freedom in the Culture and the Courtroom

How You Can Advance International Religious Freedom: A Guide to Taking Action

Tweeting a Bible Verse Should Never Result in Jail Time

Terror by Night: The Burkina Faso Nightmare

As China Crushes Dissent, the Legacy of Tiananmen Square Lives On

Don't Mistake China's Three-Child Policy For Liberalization

Kat Cammack, Arielle Del Turco, Elizabeth Woning, David Closson

Kim Jong Un Encourages Workers to Maintain "Communist Faith"

China's Top Experts, Cheap Goods, and a Culture of Death

Three Reasons Congress Should Embrace International Religious Freedom

Courageous Faith in China's Early Rain Church

California's Persecution of Churches Comes to a Screeching Halt

4 Reasons Why the Founders Valued Religious Freedom

Population Isn't All That China Loses with Its One-Child Policy

Beijing's War on the Bible

Why International Religious Freedom Is Important to the Work of USAID

On the National Day of Prayer, Let's Pray for Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom is a Matter of Human Dignity

On Thursday's National Day of Prayer, We Should Remember the Words of Abraham Lincoln

South Korea Should Expand Free Speech on the Peninsula, Not Reduce It

China's 'Sinicization' Plan Will Not Bring Down the Church

U.S. Commission Calls out World's Worst Religious Freedom Violators

Clarence Henderson, Arielle Del Turco, Bob Good, Owen Strachan

American Dollars Should Have No Part In China's Forced Sterilizations

4 Tips for Praying for the Persecuted

Why Is Religious Freedom So Uniquely Important?

Chris Mitchell, Arielle Del Turco, Ryan Tucker, David Closson

Yet Another Christian Teenager in Pakistan is Trapped in a Forced Marriage. It's Time to Act.

Hong Kong Has Gone Dark

Here's How Biden Can Get Tough On China's Muslim Genocide

Religious Persecution Fuels Forced Marriage and Human Trafficking

Is Democracy Dead in Hong Kong?

New Report Confirms China's Genocide. It's Time to Get American Companies Out of Xinjiang.

How the United States Can Address China's Uyghur Genocide

These Days, Anything Can Get You Canceled -- Except Genocide

IRF 101: Pakistan Is Captive to Islamist Mob Rule

8 Powerful Books That Demonstrate the Importance of Religious Freedom

IRF 101: In Turkey, Authoritarianism and Islamization Are Squeezing Out Christians

America Must Disentangle Itself From China

Biden Admits He's Just Paying Lip Service to China on Human Rights

Is Biden Going Soft on China?

Now That 'America Is Back,' What Is Our Foreign Policy?

"The Holy Spirit Will Be Working": Despite Persecution, Hong Kong Christians Remain Hopeful

Targeting the Vulnerable: Euthanasia in Nazi Germany

On Holocaust Remembrance Day: We must confront today's antisemitism

Will Biden Stand up to China's Genocide?

Biden must follow through on the State Department's China genocide declaration

10 Facts About Global Religious Persecution From the 2021 World Watch List

10 Facts about Persecution from the 2021 World Watch List

When Dealing With North Korea, Human Rights Must Take Priority

North Korea: The World's Foremost Violator of Religious Freedom

Signs of Hope for Religious Freedom in Sudan, But Concerns Remain

Hope for Freedom Fades in Hong Kong

In This New Year, Let's Be Attentive To Those Persecuted for Their Faith

The World Should Have No Place for Blasphemy Laws

In America, Churches May Be Closed On Christmas, But In Pakistan, They May Be Bombed

Remembering Persecuted Christians at Christmas

3 Things the U.S. Can Do to End Blasphemy Laws Around the World

China's Bride Trafficking Problem

In China, Almost Half a Million Souls Are Being Forced to Pick Cotton

3 Alarming Developments for Religious Freedom in China This Year

Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and the Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis

Jay Richards, John Cribb, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

4 Disturbing Trends in Religious Freedom Worldwide

The Trump Administration's Laudable 'Tough on China' Legacy

Amidst Election Uncertainties, the State Department Continues to Press for Human Rights

Standing With France, and Free Speech, After Terror Attack

Please Pray With Us for Persecuted Christians Around the World

China To Christians: We're Rewriting The Bible, And You'll Use It Or Else

The NBA's Airball on Human Rights

The Courage and Faith of Hong Kong Freedom Fighter Jimmy Lai

The Long Arm of the Chinese Communist Party

House Takes Aim at China's Forced Labor Program

Why All Christians Should Care About International Religious Freedom

DHS Puts U.S. Companies on Notice: No More China Slave Labor

Russia's Quiet Persecution of Religion

In North Korea, the Choice to Be a Christian Can Be Fatal

Mulan Rouge: Disney Film Betrays a Shade of Red China

International Religious Freedom: What It Is and Why You Should Care

Pakistan's Religious Discrimination Harms Young Girls the Most

Make an atrocity determination about China's treatment of Uighurs

China Helps North Korea Treat Women In Unspeakably Horrific Ways

Hong Kong freedom lovers deserve global support against Chinese Communist Party's new Red Terror

China Sanctions U.S. Congressmen, Again

USAID Does a World of Good for Religious Freedom

Remembering ISIS' Yazidi Genocide, Six Years Later

Frank Wolf, Faith McDonnell, Mariam Ibraheem, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco

Debbie Lesko, David Closson, Arielle Del Turco, Jarrett Stepman

An Open-Air Prison No One Can Escape

Stop The Lip Service On Uyghur Forced Labor

Christians Rejoice as Sudan Moves Toward Embracing Religious Freedom

3 Ways The United States Can Still Support Hong Kong's Freedom

Banned from China: The Best Compliment a Senator Can Get

Cruz, Rubio, and Smith Are Banned From China

Vicky Hartzler, Bernie Kerik, Jeff Sessions, David Harsanyi, Arielle Del Turco

The U.S. Just Sanctioned the Mastermind Behind the Uyghur Crackdown

China Is About to Clamp Down on Hong Kong

'We Can't Do Anything, No One Does Anything for Us'

Religious persecution is engulfing the world

An American Pastor was Finally Released from India. Hostility to Christians is Still on the Rise.

Pompeo Warns of a 'Great Darkness' over Parts of the World

Cheryl Chumley, Barbara Ehardt, Arielle Del Turco, Hans von Spakovsky

Shelled and Sheltering, Syria's Christians Wait for Help

Chinese Churches Can Reopen... If They Preach Party Doctrine

We Must Never Forget the Tiananmen Square Massacre

We Must Never Forget the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Congress Addresses Chinese Atrocities

Iran Sends More Christians to Prison

The End of Hong Kong as We Know It?

A "Blasphemous" Text Put a Pakistani Couple on Death Row. They're Illiterate.

One Christian Family's Story of Unending Persecution in India

For its Most Filthy and Dangerous Jobs, Pakistan Prefers Christians

National Day of Prayer: Remembering Those Suffering Worldwide for Their Faith

Christians Met in a Private Chinese Home. Dozens of Officers Shut it Down.

New Report Reveals Rising Hostility to Religion in China

How to Learn More About the Plight of North Koreans

USCIRF is Right to Call Out India's Religious Freedom Violations

How You Can Pray for North Korea and its Persecuted Christians

Umpiring Religious Freedom Worldwide: USCIRF's 2020 Report

Tony Perkins, Arielle Del Turco, Lela Gilbert, Travis Weber

What's Next for North Korea's Christians?

Why We Remember the Armenian Genocide

Religious Freedom Concerns in India Rise Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Steve Scalise, Brent Keilen, Arielle Del Turco, David Closson

COVID-19 Poses Yet Another Grave Threat to North Korea's Christians

The Pandemic and the Persecuted

This Easter, Christians Worldwide Are Fighting Not Just COVID-19 But Persecution Too

China Keeps Suppressing Religion While Squelching Truth About COVID-19

What American Christians can learn from the Chinese church in coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus, Iran, and the Persecuted Church

Kevin Brady, Den Trumbull, Frank Wolf, Ethan Gutmann, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco

Wave Of Violence Should Prompt U.S. To Urge Religious Freedom In India

India's Religious Freedom Problems: Will Modi Address Them?

China Uses Coronavirus to Oppress Religious Minorities

The Atrocity of Forced Marriage in Pakistan

Jill Stanek, Dan Gainor, Michelle Cretella, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco

Pakistan religious discrimination is enabling human trafficking

Remembering the Holocaust Amid Rising Anti-Semitism

The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism Can't Be Ignored

Entering the New Year, Religious Minorities Across the Globe Face an Uncertain Future

For Some Christians Around the World, Celebrating Christmas is Dangerous

When Expressing Your Religious Beliefs Is a Crime

Barry Loudermilk, Addia Wuchner, Travis Weber, Arielle Del Turco

As Uyghurs Disappear in China, Officials Offer Scripted Excuses

The Beijing Games over Hong Kong

Why Christians must care about the international persecuted church

Turkey Is Accused of War Crimes in Syria. Here Are Three Questions Trump Should Ask Erdogan.

When Erdogan Visits the U.S., He Has Some Explaining to Do

Say a prayer for the most persecuted

Tension Rising in Hong Kong

Death Comes to Northeast Syria: The Human Cost of Trump's Withdrawal of Forces

Four Ways President Trump Can Make Religious Freedom Great Again at the UN

Senate Condemns China's Abuses Against Religious Minorities

Religious Freedom Is at Stake in Hong Kong. We Must Not Look the Other Way.

Pakistan's "Blasphemy" Laws are Killing Religious Minorities. 72 Other Countries Are Following Suit.

The State Department's Ministerial on Religious Freedom is Over. Now What?

World Leaders Shamelessly Deny Religious Freedom Violations in Their Countries

The US is speaking out on religious persecution, and the world is taking notice

Congress Aims to Address China's Atrocities against Religious Minorities

State Department's New Commission Set to Expose Human Rights Abusers

Dilshat Perhat Ataman: A Prisoner of Conscience in China

A Survivor of China's "Re-education" Camps Exposes Atrocities in Xinjiang

30 Years After the Tiananmen Square Massacre, China Still Oppresses Its People

With Modi's Reelection, India's Religious Minorities Remain Under Threat

China is Trafficking the Organs of Religious Minorities

China Continues to Oppress the Uyghurs. Our Trade Talks Can Be a Platform for Change.

Asia Bibi Is Finally Free!

UK Report: 80 Percent of World's Persecuted Religious Believers Are Christian

Will Asia Bibi Be Forgotten?

Alfie Evans and the Continued Influence of the Eugenics Movement

Why Religious Freedom Is a National Security Issue