The Poverty of Nations: Practical Solutions for a World in Need

January 27, 2014

My friend Dr. Wayne Grudem, one of America's leading theologians and a man of great compassion for those in need, has published a new op-ed in  Titled, "The Only Way for the Poor to Escape from Poverty," the piece is a short, introductory summary of Dr. Grudem's book, Poverty of Nations (both the book and op-ed are coauthored by economist Barry Asmus). Here is an excerpt:

"The Bible's teachings support the idea that nations must produce their own prosperity. When Israel came into the Promised Land God did not promise them perennial donations of riches from other nations, but hills filled with iron and copper (which they would have to dig and refine) and fields of vines and fig trees (which they would have to tend and harvest each year)."

Dr. Grudem gave a longer presentation of the arguments in his important book last month at the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C. You can watch it in its entirety at no charge and learn the principles that, when applied, can elevate the poor into prosperity and hope.