The Social Conservative Review: June 6, 2013

June 6, 2013

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Dear Friends,

One of the distinguishing characteristics of Christians is that their hope is not in any human institution, political leader, or social movement. It is in Christ Himself, the Lord of history who is weaving, subtly but unstoppably, every disparate strand of life to create the final, majestic tapestry of human experience - for His glory and the good of those who love Him.

This great truth is always relevant, but it's a good reminder as we consider the events of our time.

  • FRC's friend U.S. Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) has offered legislation to protect all unborn pain-capable babies nationwide.
  • The Boy Scouts of America voted to allow "open and avowed" homosexuals in their ranks, even as the Illinois legislature refused to vote for permitting same-sex marriage.
  • A federal judge has ordered that a version of the notorious abortifacient drug "Plan B" can be sold over the counter to anyone of any age.

Some defeats and some victories, none complete or necessarily final. The one great constant is the Resurrected One, Whose triumph over sin and death is comprehensive and eternal. In all the battles we fight and prayers we offer, let's always remember that.


Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council

P.S. Be sure to watch our latest adult stem cell video, which tells the remarkable story of kidney transplant patient Rob Waddell. Unlike so many kidney patients, Rob received adult stems cells that enable him not to need anti-rejection drugs. View his story here.

Educational Freedom and Reform

Legislation and Policy Proposals

College Debt

Government Reform


Health Care

Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts


Human Life and Bioethics

Bioethics and Biotechnology

Euthanasia and End of Life Issues

Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.

Human Trafficking

Marriage and Family

Family Economics

Family Structure



Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty

Religion in America
Check out Dr. Kenyn Cureton's feature on Watchmen Pastors called "The Lost Episodes," featuring how religion has had an impact on our Founding Fathers.



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Religious Persecution

The Courts
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