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Dear Friends,
As we go throughout the year, there is no shortage of news concerning issues vital to social conservatives. FRC has, as usual, been working hard on many of these issues, seeking to advance both the needs of families and the priorities of the Judeo-Christian tradition in the public square. Here are a few of our recent efforts:
Marriage on Trial: State Laws Defining Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman Are Valid under the Constitution of the United States: Peter Sprigg, FRC's Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, wrote this paper to explain why state definitions of marriage as the union of one man and one woman are consistent with the U.S. Constitution and with existing Supreme Court precedents.
Understanding Windsor: What the Supreme Court Ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act Did -- and Did Not -- Say: This paper by Peter Sprigg examines the court case, United States v. Windsor and the ramifications it had on the Defense of Marriage Act.
Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance Project: SPLC has been at the center of a controversy recently in Hawaii, as public school teachers in the Aloha State have accepted money from the group to push their agenda in the classrooms. This paper examines the negative impact of SPLC's Teaching Tolerance project.
This is only a small cross-section of recent FRC actions on behalf of faith, family, and freedom. Go to to learn more. And thanks, as always, for standing with us. With God's help, we're not going anywhere but forward.
Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council
P.S. Be sure to join us on April 23 when the Director of FRC's Center for Human Dignity, Arina Grossu, gives a lunchtime presentation on the state of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in the U.S. You can join us here at FRC HQ or watch online at no charge. Just register here.
Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life
- "The global war on baby girls," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
- "Abortifacients, Emergency Contraception, and Terminating Pregnancy," The Public Discourse
- "Over Easy," The New Inquiry
- "NYC's tanning salons inspected more regularly than abortion clinics," New York Post
Euthanasia/End of Life Issues
- "Swiss Assisted Suicide to Save the Planet!," National Review Online
- "Should euthanasia be an acceptable medical practice?,"
- "The trouble with euthanasia,"
- "Hard Cases Make Bad Euthanasia Laws," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
Stem Cells and Biotechnology
- "Scientists smash barrier to growing organs from stem cells,"
- "UVa professors make breakthrough in stem cell research," Richmond Times-Dispatch
- "Scientists Use Stem Cells To Grow Body Parts In Their Lab, Including Noses, Ears, And Tear Ducts," Medical Daily
Marriage & Family
Common Core
- "Congress Should Promote Charter Schools," The American
- "Parental revolt against Common Core prompts states to take action," Fox News
- "Confusing Math Homework? Don't Blame the Common Core," The Atlantic
Family Life
- "When the Government Takes Your Children," Crisis Magazine
- "Is college worth it?," The Economist
- "The link between family structure and poverty," MercatorNet
- "We're All Over-Protected Now," The Gospel Coalition
- "Where Is the Virtue?," The Public Discourse
- "More Moms Stay Home with Their Children," National Review Online
- "The Complex Risks Associated with Cohabitation," Family Studies
Human Sexuality
- "Sexual Risk-Avoidance Education," Family Research Council
Homosexuality and Same-Sex "Marriage"
- "Mozilla's Statement of Faith and the Altars of Conformity," The Acton Institute
- "The Problem with Same-Sex Marriage and Procreation," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
- "The Church and Civil Marriage," First Things
- "Who is the Hate Group?," Crisis Magazine
- "Does Porn Hurt Children?," New York Times
- "Anti-Porn Group Hosts National Summit to Combat Pornography, Sexual Exploitation," The Christian Post
- "Internet Porn & The Decline Of Faith," The American Conservative
Human trafficking
- "Feds, strip clubs fighting human trafficking," Chicago Tribune
- "'The life': Sex trafficking survivors tell their stories ahead of Maine conference," Bangor Daily News
- "DOD to Issue Regulations Aimed at Preventing Human Trafficking," American Forces Press Service
Religious Liberty
- "Family Research Council: Fighting for Religious Liberty in the Courts," Family Research Council
- "Preserving Religious Liberty in Mississippi," The Christian Post
- "How the Coercion Coalition Is Imposing the New Freedom in America," The Washington Examiner
- "Religious freedom is a human right -- for family businesses too," The Hill
- "Religious Freedom in the House Budget," The Foundry
Religion in Public Life
- "Is US as Religiously Diverse as You Think? 'No' Says Pew Study," The Christian Post
- "Moralism is Not the Gospel (But Many Christians Think it Is),"
- "What Counts as 'Religious' in Law?," The Catholic Thing
International Religious Liberty
- "Understanding a More Religious and Assertive Russia,"
- "Evangelicals Back Peace Pact with Islamic Rebels in Philippines," Christianity Today
- "Illiterate Christian Couple Sentenced to Death for Blasphemous Text Messages in Pakistan," The Christian Post
- "Activist Jesuit Priest Executed in Syria," Relevant Magazine
Other important articles
- "Millennials Choose the Path of Least Resistance," Rasmussen Reports
- "What Can a Modern Philosopher Teach Us About Natural Law?," The Public Discourse
- "Science and Panic," The American Thinker
Book Reviews
- "At Night We Walk in Circles," Books and Culture
- "What's Best Next," The Gospel Coalition
- "A CRB Discussion of Modern Liberalism's Origins," Claremont Review of Books