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Dear Friends,
This week the Supreme Court, which too often strikes out on behalf of faith, family, and freedom, hit a home run for religious liberty.
In its ruling in Town of Greece v. Galloway, a 5-4 majority upheld the constitutionality of legislative prayer and affirmed the long-held right of Americans to pray in the public square. In January, FRC submitted an amicus brief on behalf of 49 Members of Congress supporting Alliance Defending Freedom's petition in this case.
Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said, "Our tradition assumes that adult citizens, firm in their own beliefs, can tolerate and perhaps appreciate a ceremonial prayer delivered by a person of a different faith."
Amen! A victory for the Constitution, liberty, and the traditions of millions of ordinary Americans: Not bad. Let's pray that all of our courts will remember that our "first freedom," religious liberty, is something to be cherished and advanced if our country is to remain a beacon of hope for all mankind.
Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council
P.S. Marijuana use and legalization are increasingly significant issues in our country. Download FRC's new publication, "The Effects of Marijuana," to learn more about the dangers of the "drug culture."
Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life
- "Stunning Rebuke of Fifth Circuit Court's Abortion Antics," American Center for Law and Justice
- "Why We Should Welcome Abortion Narratives," First Things
- "The Battle for Life Endures -- and So Must We," The Gospel Coalition
Euthanasia/End of Life Issues
- "Margaret Sanger, Eugenicist," The Washington Times
- "Some Dutch pharmacists refusing to supply euthanasia drugs," National Right to Life News
- "Assisted Suicide Frees Doctors' Inner Kevorkian," National Review Online
Stem Cells and Biotechnology
- "Stem cells from some infertile men form germ cells when transplanted into mice, study finds,"
- "Cloned embryos yield stem cells for diabetes," Reuters
- "Doubts over heart stem-cell therapy," Nature
Marriage & Family
Common Core
- "Common Core's Lack of Transparency," The Christian Post
- "Common Core: The Day After," EducationNext
- "Common Core's Rotten Core," Crisis Magazine
Family Life
- "Divorce Shocker: Most Marriages Do Make It," CBN News
- "Legislative Bullying," First Things
- "Forgiving Student Loans Won't Fix Crisis: Our View," USA Today
- "Are Our Relationships Threatening The State?," The Acton Institute
Human Sexuality
- "VIDEO: Teaching children godly sexuality," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
- "Where is the Virtue?" Crisis Magazine
- "New Paper Exposes the Hidden Agenda of the Sex Ed Establishment," C-FAM
- "Sexual Assault on Campus a Symptom of a Larger Problem,"
Homosexuality and Same-Sex "Marriage"
- "Befriending Those With Same-Sex Attraction: One Celibate Man's View," The Public Discourse
- "What Do You Do When You Are on the Wrong Side of History?," The Federalist
- "Laws Defining Marriage as Union of Man and Woman Do Not Violate Religious Liberty," The Foundry
- "Retaining gospel vocabulary: Homosexuality and the church," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
- "Crushing Dissent in the Name of Tolerance," The Washington Times
- "Is pornography a risky business for banks?," Inside Counsel
- "What Happened to Child Pornography Victims in the Supreme Court," The Huffington Post
- "Internet porn and children: body and soul," MercatorNet
- "Decency Fight Victory,"
Human trafficking
- "US Lawmakers Press Obama Administration on Human Trafficking," Reuters
- "In offensive against sex trafficking, Ann Wagner steps into controversial realm," St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- "Roskam: Human trafficking a growing threat in suburbs," The Daily Herald
Religious Liberty
- "U.S. Supreme Court Prayer Ruling Momentous Victory for Religious Liberty," Family Research Council
- "VICTORY: U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Legislative Prayer," The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
Religion in Public Life
- "Can God Bless a Godless America?," Fox News
- "Does Religion Do Us Any Good, Even If We're Not Religious?," The Acton Institute
- "The New Tent-Makers," Leadership Journal
International Religious Liberty
- "Religious Liberty: A Global Prayer Update," The Christian Post
- "In-churching Russia," First Things
- "The Church and the U.N., Again," The Catholic Thing
- "USCIRF: Religious liberty law needs revision," Baptist Press
Other important articles
- "The Coming Two-Tier Health System," The Hoover Institution
- "Virginia proposal would limit size of gatherings at private homes," Fox News
- "Logic: What's Missing from Public Discourse," Crisis Magazine
- "Why We Need 'Dinosaurs' Like C. S. Lewis," The Acton Institute
Book Reviews
- "Burke vs. Paine on Choice, Obligation, and Social Order," The Acton Institute
- "The Collapse of American Pluralism," City Journal
- "Yawning at Tigers," The Gospel Coalition