The Social Conservative Review: June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014

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Dear Friends,

As summer approaches, our experts here at Family Research Council continue to produce valuable research on issues impacting faith, family and freedom. Here are some of our latest contributions to the public debate:

Marriage, Polygamy, and Religious Liberty: Peter Sprigg, FRC's Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, and Travis S. Weber, FRC's Director, Center for Religious Liberty, examine the "slippery slope" arguments used by conservatives on the redefinition of marriage as it relates to homosexual marriages and how it would further expand that definition.

FRC's Common Core Coalition Manager, Sarah Perry, has released three publications on the dangers of Common Core. Common Core State Standards examines FRC's position, which encompasses the lack of parental control over the quality of education, the impact of the costs on state and local governments, and the overreach by the Federal government. Additionally, we look at the impact of Common Core in Mathematics and English, Language Arts, and Literacy.

With the topic of legalizing marijuana being focused on in the media, FRC has released two publications examining the impact this would have on families. The Effects of Marijuana by Donal O' Mathuna looks at the impact marijuana usage has on the human body. My own Christian Faith and Marijuana Use looks at the impact of marijuana from a Judeo-Christian perspective.

Conservatives and the Constitution: The Political Imperative of Retaining our Allegiance to Constitutional Governance looks at how conservatism has been at the forefront of arguing for representative self-government and how it should be rooted in an accurate understanding of the Constitution.

Lastly, Arina Grossu, Director of FRC's Center for Human Dignity, provides insight on how unborn babies can feel pain by 20 weeks post-fertilization in her new publication, Fetal Pain.

Thank you for standing by FRC, as we continue to be in the frontlines of faith, family and freedom.


Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council

P.S. Don't miss our upcoming lectures in the month of June by visiting our events page. Join us here at FRC or watch online at no charge.

Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life

Euthanasia/End of Life Issues

Stem Cells and Biotechnology

Marriage & Family
Common Core

Family Life

Human Sexuality

Homosexuality and Same-Sex "Marriage"


Human trafficking

Religious Liberty

Religion in Public Life

International Religious Liberty

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