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Dear Friends:
So now even the federal government affirms what FRC and others have been saying for years: President Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA, or ObamaCare) subsidizes abortion.
According to a report issued by the General Accountability Office earlier this month, "1,036 qualified health plans in ... 28 states cover non-excepted abortion services." Commenting on the report. FRC President Tony Perkins said, "Not only does Obamacare fund elective abortion, but the ACA only requires that the information about elective abortion coverage be provided after an individual purchases a plan. Americans should not be forced to play a game of moral Russian roulette when they select a health care plan."
That's why the director of FRC's Center for Human Dignity, Arina Grossu, joined U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and other national pro-life leaders at a Capitol Hill news conference a few days ago to say FRC "call(s) on Congress to vote for H.R. 7, the 'No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion' and the 'Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act.' The American people deserve real answers, real options, real transparency and absolutely no taxpayer funding of abortion."
The more complex the legislation, the less accountability and transparency it provides. In a republic in which representative self-government depends on integrity and knowledge, accountability and transparency are essential. Let's demand them from Congress and from our President when it comes to paying for something - abortion - tens of millions of Americans can never approve.
Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council
P.S. It's not too late to register for FRC's annual "Values Voter Summit" this weekend to hear from some of America's leading conservative voices and find out how you can help advance faith, family, and freedom.
Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life
- "FRC on the GAO Report: Obamacare Subsidizes Abortion," Family Research Council
- "Opposing waiting periods for abortions is disrespectful towards women," Live Action News
- "Planned Parenthood Defends Do-It-Yourself Abortions in Iowa," Crisis Magazine
- "The United States Has A Femicide Problem," The Federalist
- "Is the Abortion Argument Changing?," Alliance Defending Freedom
Euthanasia/End of Life Issues
- "New study shows some 'vegetative' patients are mentally active," LifeSiteNews
- "Should Teenagers Plan End-of-Life Care?," National Review Online
- "Man challenges Belgium's euthanasia law after mom's death," WORLD Magazine
Stem Cells and Biotechnology
- "Woman is first to receive next-generation stem cells," Live Action News
- "Team reports reliable, highly efficient method for making stem cells,"
- "UM171: New Molecule Allows For 10X Increase In Adult Stem Cell Transplants," Science 2.0
- "UTSW researchers working to regenerate heart, nerve cells," Dallas Morning News
Marriage & Family
- "A Theology of Student Debt," Values and Capitalism
- "Scientific Education: Do We Love Our Children?," The Public Discourse
- "Do Christian Schools Produce Good Citizens? The Evidence Says Yes.," Christianity Today
- "The Common Core assessments provider is asking for help through an online forum in setting cut scores for tests," Smarter Balanced Consortium
- "Pre-K: What We Don't Know,"
Family Life
- "Stock gains lift US household wealth to a record,"
- "The War on Poverty After 50 Years," The Heritage Foundation
- "The 'War on Poverty' and the Unique, Unrepeatable Poor Person," The Acton Institute
- "Welfare, Work, and Human Dignity," Humane Pursuits
- "Children Who Never Play," First Things
Human Sexuality
- "The Church and Violence against Women,"
- "Marxist Feminism's Ruined Lives," FrontPage Magazine
- "Dangerous To Be An American Woman? Not If We Take Responsibility For Ourselves, Each Other," The Acton Institute
- "Clemson University Halts Use of Survey Asking About Students' Sex Lives in Title IX Training," The Huffington Post
Homosexuality and Same-Sex "Marriage"
- "Breaking the Silence: Redefining Marriage Hurts Women Like Me - and Our Children," The Public Discourse
- "FBI does not support 'hate group' charge by Faithful America,"
- "The must-watch video on same-sex marriage," MercatorNet
- "Modern Attitudes Toward Marriage Lead to Loneliness," Crisis Magazine
- "Jesus and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate," Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
- "Change Therapy Case May Go to Supreme Court," Liberty Counsel
- "Incest and Pornography: More Similar Than We Think," The Public Discourse
- "Child Pornography Case Spurs Debate on Military's Role in Law Enforcement," New York Times
- "ACTION: 'Dear Abby' Pushes Porn Use," Porn Harms
Human trafficking
- "Human Trafficking and the 2016 Super Bowl," The Pacific Standard
- "Major League Baseball's human-trafficking problem,"
- "Cornyn's sex trade bill progresses," The News-Journal
- "Chilling PSA Reminds Us That Human Trafficking Victims Are Exploited In Our Neighborhoods," The Huffington Post
Religious Liberty
- "Don't Buy The Lie: 'Freedom To Worship' Not The Same As Religious Liberty," The Acton Institute
- "How Obamacare Forces You to Subsidize Plans That Cover Elective Abortion," The Daily Signal
- "New Study Sees Threat to Religious Liberty," Crisis Magazine
- "Cry Freedom," The Economist
Religion in Public Life
- "A Tale of Two Churches," Aleteia
- "The Illusion of Neutrality," Crisis Magazine
- "Americans Want More Faith in Public Life," The Atlantic
- "Holiness and Love: Together, Not at Odds," The Gospel Coalition
International Religious Liberty
- "Does ISIS Represent True Islam?," The Gospel Coalition
- "Saudi anti-Christian sweep prompts calls for US involvement," Fox News
- "International Religious Freedom Policy and American National Security," The Public Discourse
- "Christianity will live on in Iraq," USA Today
Other important articles
- "The Scent of a Conservative," The Pacific Standard
- "No Wave for the GOP," National Review Online
- "Boring Lives, Boring Television," Bloomberg
- "How to Get a Health Care System that Answers to the Patient," The Galen Institute
- "America's Public Opinion and Going to War," Accuracy in Academia
Book Reviews
- "How Economies Die," The Acton Institute
- "It's All for Your Own Good," New York Review of Books
- "Lila," The Gospel Coalition
- "Hidden in the Gospel,"