Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015

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Recently, the news has been tough for Christians here at home and abroad. Some of what’s been taking place is simply horrific: Islamist terrorists mass-murdering Christians in Kenya, for example. Other stories involve the erosion of religious liberty in America, as in the failure in Indiana to protect the rights of business persons who don’t wish to participate in same-sex weddings.

Religious liberty, same-sex “marriage” and “LGBT rights,” and the sanctity of life are requiring more and more of our attention. But there’s also good news about these very matters; here’s a sampling:

  • After activists threatened the family that runs a pizza shop declining to cater same-sex weddings, an Indiana lesbian contributed to a fund for the family. “As a member of the gay community, I would like to apologize for the mean spirited attacks on you and your business. I know many gay individuals who fully support your right to stand up for your beliefs and run your business according to those beliefs. We are outraged at the level of hate and intolerance that has been directed at you and I sincerely hope that you are able to rebuild,” wrote Courtney Hoffman. In total, Memories Pizza received more than $840,000 in on-line donations (most of which it will donate to charities) and, reports say, is planning to re-open.
  • In a recent interview on the outstanding Podcast, “Michael Easley: In Context,” former practicing homosexual Matt Moore tells of his journey from what he calls “a hopeless way of life” and says he now “greatly desires, through his writing, to help the gay community see the world and themselves from a biblical perspective and to know the hope that is available to them in Christ.” Matt now attends a seminary and hopes to serve as a pastor. He also has begun a serious relationship with a young Christian woman.
  • The Oklahoma Senate has approved a 72-hour waiting period before a woman seeking an abortion can receive one. Wisconsin’s attorney general is working to reverse a court ruling against laws designed to protect women’s health and safety in abortion clinics. And long-time pro-life champion Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback has enacted legislation to limit late-term abortions in his state.

We don't know the final chapter of any of these stories. Or of our country's future. Or of our own lives. But there's One Who does. He's worth serving, His truth is worth upholding, and His grace is worth sharing. Knowing these things are sure, let's not grow weary in advancing and defending faith, family, and freedom.


Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice-President
Family Research Council

P.S. In The Christian Post, FRC President Tony Perkins and I make our case against a New York Times op-ed implying support for anti-Christian fascism. And don’t miss our April 22 panel discussion, “The Supreme Court and Marriage: What Happens after the Decision?” Join us in person or watch (at no registration fee) online live.

P.S.S. The Director of FRC’s Center for Religious Liberty, Travis Weber, has just published two new analyses concerning same-sex marriage and the courts: “State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs): What are they and why are they needed?” and “How are clergy protected from being forced to perform same-sex marriages?” Download and distribute at no charge.



Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life


Assisted Suicide



Marriage & Family

Economy and the family

Homosexuality and Gender Issues

Human Trafficking




Religious Liberty and Persecution



Religion in Public Life


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