Weekend Edition - July 27, 2019
July 27, 2019
This weekend, we’ll hear from:
- David Brat, Dean of Liberty University’s School of Business and former U.S. Congressman, on the economic and biblical arguments for the U.S. to exercise fiscal restraint and accountability.
- Jim Bridenstine, Administrator of NASA, on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing.
- David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signing a bill that would ban veterinarians from declawing cats (because that’s just too cruel), after signing a bill earlier this year that permits abortion until birth and repeals legal protections for infants who survive abortion.
Episode Resources:
- Check out FRC’s publication, “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts”
- Show your support for the life of all babies born alive by sending a baby hat to Congress!
- Learn more about “Biblical Principles for Political Engagement: Worldview, Issues, and Voting”
- Watch and share FRC’s new ad calling out big entertainment companies Disney, Amazon, and Netflix for their virtue signaling and hypocrisy.
- Download the STAND FIRM app to never miss another episode of Washington Watch!
- Follow Tony Perkins on Twitter: @tperkins