Disney Turns Snow White with Rage at Florida Parents' Bill

April 6, 2022

No one envies White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki's job. It's no fun defending the Biden administration's every flub and fumble -- especially the intentional blunders. Despite daily fielding hostile questions on camera, Psaki on Monday looked none too comfortable defending, once again, her boss's obsessive antipathy towards Florida's new law protecting Parental Rights in Education. To a straightforward question -- "At what age does the White House think that students should be taught about sexual orientation and gender identity?" -- the talented spin artist stumbled painfully through a non-answer, glancing repeatedly at her notes.

"Of course she's going to have to check her notes," said Meg Kilgannon, FRC's senior fellow for Education Studies, "because she is telling a lie." She has to check, "What is the latest claim?" But even polished professionals can only stomach so much hogwash, which is why Psaki is looking for an exit.

Critics like Disney are more shameless. At first, the company stayed mum as a mouse, doubtlessly recognizing that Democrats' "Don't Say Gay" branding fit Florida's bill as well as a glass slipper on an ugly stepsister. Somehow, a few squeaky-wheel employees intimidated the entertainment giant into forfeiting both its legacy and its soul by opposing a bill popular even among Democrats. Every day is Topsy Turvy for villains who look at little girls and say, "I'll Make a Man out of You." But those same employees must have turned all the Colors of the Wind with rage when Disney tried to lean on Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) and realized with dismay they had already used their last wish from the magic lamp of corporate pressure.

Now, those Poor, Unfortunate Souls have decided to dig themselves clear to The Other Side faster than you could say "bippity-boppity-boo." Leaked videos show Walt Disney executives promising to advance a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda." In response, other states like Texas and Ohio are embracing Florida's not-at-all-secret agenda of protecting children by empowering parents. And another group is suggesting Disney's woke lobbying may violate their fiduciary duties to stockholders.

How come Disney's woke platoon believes they're Robin Hood-like heroes instead of the villain from Hansel and Gretel? "These people have bought into a philosophy called Queer Theory," Kilgannon explained, "a tool for revolutionizing society" as "part of cultural Marxism." Education schools are indoctrinating would-be teachers with critical theories to divide students into classes of oppressor and oppressed. They want to abuse their authority over a captive, impressionable audience and "turn our children into activists," she warned.

Parents need to resist the Left's false vision of human sexuality. Kilgannon acknowledged parents' natural inclination to "outsource sex education" and protect the innocence of childhood. But so-called experts teach a view in direct rebellion to God's good design. "The expert handling this topic is you, the parent," argued Kilgannon. "God gave these children to you, and you know how they got here. And you know how to discuss this with them."

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it," says Proverbs 22:6. But how many parents will Go the Distance? How many will take God's commands and "teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deuteronomy 6:7)? "God's plan for human sexuality is beautiful," said Kilgannon. "It's nothing we should be ashamed of discussing with our children." Despite decades of Disney movies preaching the opposite, it really is true that Mother Knows Best.