Lack of Data on Same-Sex Parenting Should Be a Major Caution to Supreme Court

March 27, 2013

The brilliant legal scholar Nelson Lund, who co-authored FRC's amicus brief on the President's health care plan with the director of our Center for Religious Liberty, Ken Klukowski, has written a landmark op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal on the lack of any sociological data on how same-sex marriage affects children. Professor Lund, who teaches at George Mason University's School of Law and formerly was executive editor of the University of Chicago Law Review, notes that "There are no scientifically reliable studies at all, nor could there be, given the available data," with respect to the affects of same-sex parenting. He concludes, "If the Supreme Court constitutionalizes a right to same-sex marriage ... there will be no going back," says Professor Lund. "The court cannot possibly know that it is safe to take this irrevocable step." Read his compelling analysis here.