Civil Society

Christians have a biblical mandate to love our neighbors. In a representative democracy like the United States of America, one way we can fulfill this command is by actively engaging in the public policy concerns of our civil society. Family Research Council seeks to advocate for public policies that are consistent with a biblical worldview—particularly in areas touching society’s foundational cornerstone, the family.

Featured Resources On Civil Society

Biblical Principles for Political Engagement: Worldview, Issues, and Voting
Safe and Secure: How To Prevent Pastoral Burnout
COVID-19 and International Best Practices for Free, Fair and Safe Elections
As Kanye Takes The Stage With Joel Osteen, Let's Encourage His Growth In Faith
Social distancing is separating us this Easter, but we can draw near to God
Easter faith: God in the midst of coronavirus pandemic
How churches can serve during COVID-19 crisis by working 'outside the box'
The power of prayer to deal with coronavirus anxiety
Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the Coronavirus Crisis
Biblical Principles for Religious Liberty
How the “Equality Act” Is Actually Unequal, Unfair, and Unjust
Rebels Without A Clause: When Senators Run Roughshod Over the "No Religious Test" Clause of the U.S. Constitution
Why Religious Freedom Is a National Security Issue
Why Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won't Tell Us.
Protecting America's national home
Prohibiting Trafficking of Baby Body Parts and Federal Funding for Fetal Tissue Research from Induced Abortions
Women and Pornography
The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion
The Effects of Marijuana
The Next Abortion Battleground: Chemical Abortion
Family-Friendly Tax Policy: Practical Ideas for Helping Parents
Biblical Principles for Pro-Life Engagement
A Good Society Depends on Hospitality, Order, and Justice
Principios bíblicos para la participación política
Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States
Diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in Children: An Explainer
Department of Defense on Why Those with "Gender Dysphoria" Are Disqualified from Military Service

More Content On Civil Society

Biblical Worldview
Reality, Anyone?
Biblical Worldview
Rightly Ordered Patriotism Is Not Christian Nationalism
The Courts
FRC's Tony Perkins' Statement on Idaho v. U.S.
Biblical Worldview
It's About Far More Than Politics
Biblical Worldview
Just Ask A Boy Scout
Foreign Policy
FRC's Travis Weber to Attend World Health Assembly Meetings in Geneva
Federal Government
Amid Rising Global Antisemitism, FRC Stands with Israel and the Jewish Community, Clearing up Confusion around Antisemitism Awareness Act
Biblical Worldview
The 4th Circuit Chooses Willful Ignorance
Foreign Policy
Coalition of Christian Leaders Calls on Churches to 'Pray For & Stand With Israel' on Sunday, May 19
Foreign Policy
Israeli Resolve Appears Firm in Face of Iranian Missile Assault
Federal Government
TODAY: Former Congressman Jody Hice Publishes New Book, Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People
Biblical Worldview
Recent Claims about Abortion and the Church Fail Biblical and Historical Scrutiny
Federal Government
Former Congressman Jody Hice Publishes New Book, Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People
Biblical Worldview
An Era of Euphemism and Lies
Foreign Policy
‘A Great and Effective Door of Opportunity’: Perkins Visits Israel to Meet with Key Leaders
Civil Society
Perinatal Hospice: A Compassionate, Life- Affirming Option
Biblical Worldview
‘Hungry to Equip their Flocks’: Reflections on FRC’s Pastor Conferences in Alaska
Civil Society
PERKINS: State of Faith, Family, and Freedom Address
Civil Society
FRC President Tony Perkins Delivers Annual State of Faith, Family & Freedom Address
The Courts
FRC Files Amicus Brief in SCOTUS Case Over FDA's Reckless Approval of Abortion Pill
Biblical Worldview
Laken Riley Did Not Have To Die
Biblical Worldview
A Fatal Ignorance
Biblical Worldview
2024: The Year of Consequential Elections
Civil Society
Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States - Analyzing Incidents from 2018-2023
Biblical Worldview
Anatomy of a Deconstruction
The Courts
Justice Clarence Thomas Deserves Recognition as an Icon of Black History
Biblical Worldview
An Open Border Policy Is Not a Biblical Mandate
Federal Government
FRC President Tony Perkins' Capitol Hill Remarks on the WHO 'Pandemic Treaty'
Civil Society
Speaker Johnson to Introduce ‘Clean’ Israel Aid Package
Civil Society
Free to Believe? The Intensifying Intolerance Toward Christians in the West - 2024 Edition
Biblical Worldview
They Lied To Us
FRC Submits Comment Regarding WHO's Troubling Pandemic Preparedness Agreement
Biblical Worldview
‘God Made Trump’ Appeals to a Christian Nationalism Foreign to the Bible
Biblical Worldview
The Pornography Divide
Biblical Worldview
Encouragement from Romania
Federal Government
Counterfeit Drugs Jeopardize Ohio's Safety, Security, and Economy
Biblical Worldview
Genesis 1-11: Essential for a Biblical Worldview
Biblical Worldview
Disney Admits to Prioritizing Politics over Profits
Biblical Worldview
It’s Okay to Be Thankful
Biblical Worldview
Is It Hopeless For America? Is There Time For A Spiritual Revival And To Disciple Our Children?
Federal Government
FRC President Tony Perkins Interviews House Speaker Mike Johnson on Washington Watch
Biblical Worldview
Americans Love Sex More Than Life
Biblical Worldview
Abortion: The Unintended Consequence of Shifting Mores on Sex
Biblical Worldview
New Speaker Mike Johnson Attacked for Believing Basic Christian Doctrine
Biblical Worldview
This Is Your Brain on Critical Theory
Federal Government
THIS SUNDAY: FRC, Faith Wins Co-Host An Evening to Stand With & Pray For Israel
Terrorism/National Security
Clouds Gather over Israel as House Speaker’s Chair Sits Empty
Civil Society
North Korea: The World's Foremost Violator of Religious Freedom - 2023 Edition
Civil Society
Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis 2023 Edition
Biblical Worldview
Teach Your Children Well
Biblical Worldview
FRC's George Barna Publishes New Book, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child's Heart, Mind and Soul
Federal Government
Presidential Straw Poll Results: Pray Vote Stand Summit 2023
Biblical Worldview
An Act of Political Evasion
Civil Society
Stop the Co-opting of PEPFAR: HIV/AIDS Relief Should Not Fund Abortion or LGBT Ideology
Federal Government
Pray Vote Stand Summit to Feature Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Pence, Trump and Other National Leaders
Federal Government
Family Research Council and FRC Action Announce Annual Summit to Feature DeSantis, Pence, Trump and Other National Leaders
Federal Government
Rising Anti-Christian Sentiment Finds Its Way to Finland
Biblical Worldview
Regarding Abortion, the Views of Regular Churchgoers are Surprisingly Mixed
Biblical Worldview
Church Attendees Believe... What?!
Biblical Worldview
In Twitter Debate Over Religious Freedom, Rep. Ilhan Omar Is Right
Biblical Worldview
Trump Supporters Are Sending A Message
Biblical Worldview
Why Are Young Liberals So Unhappy?
Civil Society
La exportación de la ideología LGBT: La prioridad de la política exterior de la administración Biden
Federal Government
FRC's Tony Perkins and Bob Fu To Speak at House Select Committee's Roundtable on the CCP's Threat to Religious Freedom
Biblical Worldview
FRC's Center for Biblical Worldview Releases 'An Introduction to Worldview: Refining the Lens Through Which You See Everything'
Religion and Society
An Introduction to Worldview: Refining the Lens Through Which You See Everything
Biblical Worldview
303 Creative Is a Big Win for Religious Liberty at the Supreme Court
The Courts
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Releases Statement on SCOTUS 303 Creative Decision
Federal Government
FRC's Tony Perkins, Senator Lindsey Graham Join Pro-Life Leaders in Sharing What Pro-life Voters Want To See in the 2024 GOP Nominee For POTUS
Biblical Worldview
Dobbs at One Year: Political Parties Remain Entrenched on Abortion
The Courts
TONIGHT: An Iowa Townhall Meeting for Life
The Courts
TOMORROW: An Iowa Townhall Meeting for Life
Biblical Worldview
Brittney Griner Finds Gratitude for America
Civil Society
Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Priority
The Media
FRC's Tony Perkins Statement On The Passing of CBN and Regent University's Pat Robertson
Woke Corporations Are Attacking American Values
Biblical Worldview
10 Things for Christians to Remember during Pride Month
Biblical Worldview
PSA: June Is Life Month, Not Pride Month
Biblical Worldview
Worldview and ‘The Blacklist’
Tuberville Is Right To Hold The Line Against The Pentagon's Taxpayer-Funded Abortions
Biblical Worldview
A War On Nature and Nature's God Escalates
Biblical Worldview
The Injustice of Biden’s Equity Agenda
Biblical Worldview
Sad and Futile Ideas About Happiness
Biblical Worldview
Joe Biden Is Running On Abortion
Biblical Worldview
The Christian Reformed Church: The Pressing Need for Doctrinal Clarity
Biblical Worldview
Why Are Young Progressives So Unhappy?
Biblical Worldview
Why Blue States Are Legalizing Kidnapping
Biblical Worldview
Thinking Biblically about Guns
Civil Society
Hostility Against Churches: Supplemental Report - First Quarter 2023
Biblical Worldview
"Almost Sin" is Absolutely Wrong
Biblical Worldview
Tackling the Confusion over Sexuality in Our Times
Biblical Worldview
A Master's Degree in Miseducation
Biblical Worldview
FRC's David Closson Co-Authors New Book on Human Sexuality
Biblical Worldview
Which Way, Anglicans? Global South Responds to Church of England Blessing Same-Sex Marriages
Fighting An Online Epidemic
Biblical Worldview
When The World Calls Christians "Fascist"
Biblical Worldview
At Grammys and Elsewhere, the Devil Is in the Details
Federal Government
FRC President Tony Perkins Delivers Annual State of Faith, Family & Freedom Address
Federal Government
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins to Deliver 'State of Faith, Family & Freedom' Address
Biblical Worldview
School Choice Is an Issue of Discipleship
Is California The True Freedom State?
Biblical Worldview
Republicans Pass Pro-Life Resolution and Bill; Democrat Uses Scripture to Support Abortion
Civil Society
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts - 2023 Edition
Biblical Worldview
Roe at 50: Reflections and the Road Ahead
Biblical Worldview
The Child Is Born! A Christmas Refresh for Weary Pilgrims
Federal Government
‘Egregious’: Congress Passes Budget-Busting, $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill
U.S. Pledges Billions in Ukraine Aid During Zelenskyy Visit, Prohibits Securing U.S. Border
Economics and Taxes
‘Tragic’: Cities Use Federal COVID-19 Money to Fund Abortion, Planned Parenthood
Biblical Worldview
Lessons for South Korea from Post-Roe America
Civil Society
Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States
Federal Government
Countries of Particular Concern: Why This U.S. Foreign Policy Tool Is Often Ineffective and How to Make It Better
Biblical Worldview
The Left’s Argument against Amy Coney Barrett Deserves Our Attention
Federal Government
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins' Statement on the U.S. Senate's Passage of 'Respect for Marriage' Act
Biblical Worldview
BARNA: 8 Ways to Reinvigorate Our Electoral Process
Federal Government
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins' Statement on the Vote To Proceed to the 'Respect for Marriage' Act in the U.S. Senate
Biblical Worldview
Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel
Biblical Worldview
A Win For The Status Quo
The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death - 2022 Edition
Biblical Worldview
‘Straight Line’ vs. ‘Jagged Line’ Issues: Christian Voting in the Midterms
Civil Society
Difficult Conversations about Abortion
Biblical Worldview
FRC and Summit Ministries Announce Partnership Producing A New Biblical Worldview Study Series, 'Now We Live'
Biblical Worldview
God Is Pro-Life: Why We Must Be as Well
Biblical Worldview
Policies Have Consequences, Mr. President
The Courts
Roe v. Wade: An Explainer
Biblical Worldview
The Injustice of the Equity Agenda
Civil Society
Biblical Principles for Pro-Life Engagement
Biblical Worldview
An Excuse to Discriminate?
Biblical Worldview
The Left Isn’t Afraid of Christian Nationalism. They’re Afraid of Christians.
Federal Government
FRC and Regent University School of Government to Host Townhall on 'Christian Nationalism'
Biblical Worldview
Called to Account: MacArthur Highlights Newsom’s Unbiblical Worldview
Civil Society
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin and Dr. Kenyn Cureton Publish New Book, Strong & Courageous
Biblical Worldview
Is It UnChristian to Send Migrants to Chicago and Martha’s Vineyard?
Biblical Worldview
Funeral Proceedings and Regal Processions: How the Queen’s Passing Reminds Us of our True Home
Biblical Worldview
Motherless or fatherless, on purpose
Federal Government
No Respect for Religious Liberty
Federal Government
Family Research Council and FRC Action Announce Second Annual Pray Vote Stand Summit
Biblical Worldview
Disciple Your Kids and Run for School Board
Biblical Worldview
Is Abortion an Election Game-Changer?
Biblical Worldview
All Hands on Deck: Christians Need to Engage in the Election Now
Federal Government
Threats to Weaponize the IRS Will Not Deter the Family Research Council
Biblical Worldview
A Transgender Power Play in California
Biblical Worldview
The Respect for Marriage Act is a Disaster for Religious Liberty
Biblical Worldview
4 Compelling Reasons for the Senate to Oppose Redefining Marriage
Biblical Worldview
In the Marriage Debate, Let’s Make Sure We Define ‘Love’ the Same Way God Does
Biblical Worldview
House Vote on Marriage Underscores Speed of Moral Revolution
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Protecting Minors from Gender Transition
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Prenatal Nondiscrimination Acts
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Acts
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Defunding Abortion Businesses
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Counseling Bans and Counseling Protections
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Government Nondiscrimination Acts
Civil Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Born-Alive Protections
Biblical Worldview
Politics and the Strange Providence of God
Terrorism/National Security
As Chinese Military Saber-Rattles, Biden Focuses on Pronouns: Congressman
Civil Society
Maternal Mortality: A Case Study in Washington, D.C.
Religion and Society
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Fetal Dignity
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview of Full Protections for the Unborn
Biblical Worldview
Rethinking Your Relationship with the Church
Biblical Worldview
It’s Okay to Be Grateful for America
Federal Government
FRC and Regent University Release Joint Study Linking Religious Freedom To Economic Well-Being
Biblical Worldview
What Would Jesus Do with Pride Parades?
Civil Society
Religious Freedom and International Development: An Explainer
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins' Comment on SCOTUS Decision in Coach Joe Kennedy's Case
Biblical Worldview
Life Wins at the Supreme Court: Ways the Church Can Respond
Biblical Worldview
Why Are Drag Queens Everywhere?
Civil Society
Why International Religious Freedom Is Vital to International Development: Causal Connections and Policy Recommendations
Health Care
2022 State Legislative Sessions: An Overview on Chemical Abortion
Biblical Worldview
If It’s Bad in America, Why Is It Good in the Ukraine? On Hypocritical Evangelical Leadership
Biblical Worldview
Are they now the Tampa Bay Gay Pride Rays?
Biblical Worldview
The Supreme Court Case That Could Be as Important as Dobbs
Biblical Worldview
The Crisis No One in America Is Talking About
Crime and Criminal Justice Reform
Biden must support police officers instead of undermining them
Biblical Worldview
What Christians Should Remember about Pride Month
Biblical Worldview
Refusing to Let the Law Tell Lies
Fighting over the assets in our cultural divorce
Civil Society
Assisted Suicide: An Explainer
Civil Society
Diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in Children: An Explainer
Civil Society
Zelensky's Use of Social Media Is Tipping the Scales Towards Democracy
Civil Society
Even the Democrats Are Feeling Nostalgic About Trump
Foreign Policy
Vladimir Putin Must be Tried for War Crimes
The Courts
FRC Releases New Map Showing What State Laws Protecting Unborn Life Could Look Like After Roe
Civil Society
Preparing for a Post-Roe America: The History and Context of Pro-Life Laws in the States
Civil Society
Florida bill shows how good policy makes for good politics
Civil Society
Putin the war criminal: It's time to investigate his brutality
Civil Society
Stranger Danger: Protect Vulnerable Voters from Fraud
Civil Society
Progressives Seem Willing to Erase Women. Are We Going to Let Them?
Civil Society
It's Not Too Late to Revoke Dangerous Concessions to Iran
Civil Society
Is America really getting gayer?
Civil Society
Press works overtime to smear parents
Civil Society
Clarence and Ginni Thomas embody integrity in public service
Civil Society
Student loan moratorium exposes Biden's hypocrisy
Civil Society
MEDIA ADVISORY: FRC President Tony Perkins to deliver State of Faith, Family, & Freedom Address Tonight
Civil Society
FRC President Tony Perkins delivers State of Faith, Family, & Freedom Address
Foreign Policy
The Precarious Circumstances of Iran's Christians
Civil Society
Black History as American History
Civil Society
DeSantis is right: A state election crimes agency will make elections more secure
Federal Government
FRC Submits Comment on Proposed Rule to Force Insurers to Cover Gender Transition Procedures
Civil Society
Politico Rejects Candid Grade of Joe Biden's First Year
Federal Government
Three Things the New Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom Should Prioritize
Civil Society
Biden: It's Not Who Can Vote, But Who Gets to Count the Vote
The Courts
ProLifeCon 2022 to Focus on Possible End of Roe v. Wade, Says FRC
Civil Society
Biden's Appointments Speak to an Extremist Agenda
Civil Society
The Freedom to Cheat Act: The Radical Left's Latest Attempt to Undermine Our Democracy
Foreign Policy
As protests set Kazakhstan ablaze, U.S. should be careful of getting burned
Civil Society
Biden nominee for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Nancy Abudu is radical activist, says Family Research Council, in letter to U.S. Senators
Civil Society
BLM Bites The Hands That Feed It This Christmas!
Civil Society
The courage of Barronelle Stutzman
Federal Government
Contempt Vote of Mark Meadows is Politics at its Worst says FRC's Tony Perkins
Civil Society
Mobile Health Apps Need a Security Check-Up
Civil Society
One Biden Vax Mandate Down, 3 to Go
Federal Government
Most Countries Do Not Allow Abortion Through All 9 Months. Dobbs Can Give US Chance to Join Rest of World.
Civil Society
The Supreme Court Case that Could Overturn Roe v. Wade
The Courts
Last Night: FRC Gathered National Pro-Life Leaders for Dobbs Prayer Event in Jackson, Mississippi
Civil Society
Trial of a Mass Murderer Has the Men Running Iran on Edge
Foreign Policy
A Shocking Reversal: The US Officially Turns a Blind Eye to Nigeria's Endangered Christians
The Courts
Gov. Reeves Joins National Pro-Life Leaders for Dobbs Prayer Event Hosted by FRC in Jackson, Mississippi
The Church
New Horizon Church in Jackson, MS to be the site of nationwide pre-Dobbs abortion case prayer event
State Policy Brief: Religious Freedom Restoration Act
State Policy Brief: Counseling Bans
State Policy Brief: Government Nondiscrimination Acts
State Policy Brief: Chemical Abortion Bans
State Policy Brief: Prenatal Nondiscrimination Acts
Civil Society
Cultural bullies out for revenge
Foreign Policy
International Christian Persecution: Remembering the Mistreated
Civil Society
FRC's Mary Szoch speaks at Supreme Court in favor of Texas's efforts to protect life
Civil Society
Let's take them at their word
Foreign Policy
China Aids and Abets North Korea's Abuse of Christians
The Media
Family Research Council's Washington Watch with Tony Perkins Program Now Airing on NRBTV
Civil Society
A Hate Group Grows on Campus
Civil Society
State Policy Brief: Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Acts
Civil Society
The Existential Threat of CRT: State-Sponsored Racism
Civil Society
America Must Reject COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Foreign Policy
A Chinese House Church Is Under Threat, and the United States Can Help
The SPLC's Radical "Learning for Justice" Program
Civil Society
FRC and FRC Action Announce Senator Josh Hawley Will Speak at Pray Vote Stand Summit
Civil Society
Loudoun County teacher Tanner Cross to speak on education panel at FRC and FRC Action's inaugural Pray Vote Stand Summit
Parents Deserve to Know What Kids Are Being Taught - So Why Is This State Preventing It?
Federal Government
Pelosi and Biden Give Human Life a One-Two Punch
Foreign Policy
Giving a Platform to Ebrahim Raisi Is a Dark Stain on the UN
Civil Society
Drafting women is Congress's latest woke idea for the military
A Concerned Citizen's Guide to Engaging with Public Schools
Foreign Policy
The Taliban Ends Women's Sports in Afghanistan
Civil Society
President Biden's Vaccine Mandates are an Unprecedented Abuse of Power, says Family Research Council
Foreign Policy
Why Religion And Radical Islam Are Essential To Understanding The Taliban
Civil Society
In God We Trust. Government-Not So Much!
Civil Society
Dems make it impossible for Sen. Manchin to support H.R. 4
Federal Government
Why Is The US Government Blocking Refugee Flights From Afghanistan?
Biblical Worldview
Obeying Politicians Is Not the Same as Obeying the Law
Civil Society
Is Religious Freedom a Matter a National Security?
Federal Government
The Country Where "Missionary" Is a Curse Word
Civil Society
We Should Celebrate How Far We Have Come From 1965
Federal Government
America Failed Afghanistan. Now It Must Stand By Taiwan.
Civil Society
Biden's eviction moratorium has small landlords on the brink. Will anyone help them?
Civil Society
Big Tech's Assault On Patent Rights!
Civil Society
Patent Law Holds the Bipartisan Key to Fighting Big Tech
Don't Force Women to Register for the Draft, Says New Issue Brief from Family Research Council
Civil Society
Election Integrity Reform Is Key to Preventing A Socialist Takeover of America
Civil Society
Stopping Election Integrity Reform a Key to Socialist Takeover
Civil Society
Democracy Depends on Transparency
Civil Society
Republicans Must Not Save the Biden Administration from the Ashbin of History
Civil Society
Republicans Will Own Inflation from Infrastructure Trap
Back to School Is Different This Year
Federal Government
Family Research Council files comment rebuking HHS's proposed reversal of the abortion surcharge rule
Foreign Policy
Kim Jong Un's War On K-Pop Is A Sign Of North Korea's True Weakness
Transgender weightlifters and twerking lesbians: 'Wokeification' of the Tokyo Olympics
Women Should Not Be Drafted into Selective Service
Civil Society
Iran Attempting To Manipulate Trial Of Henchman
Health Care
State Policy Brief: Cease Abortion Subsidies in Healthcare (CASH) Act
Civil Society
YouTube Backtracks on Censorship of FRC Interview on Whether Schools Should Vaccinate Children Without Parental Knowledge or Consent
Woke Disney: Why America's theme park should stop embracing 'gender-inclusivity'
The Media
Family Research Council decries YouTube censorship of discussion on whether schools should vaccinate children without parental knowledge or consent
The Courts
FRC disappointed after judge temporarily enjoins the Arkansas SAFE Act, but confident the truth will prevail
Federal Government
FRC Launches new website tracking taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood since 1994
Civil Society
Disarming Americans is the Best Way to Enslave Them
Civil Society
The Dems Spend $25M To Reject Bipartisanship
Civil Society
If you love America, are you really a 'white Christian nationalist?'
Civil Society
Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War
Foreign Policy
CCP Celebrates 100 Years of Persecution
Civil Society
International Community Must End Iran's Culture of Impunity for Its Leaders
Civil Society
The Left's Next Move Is Even Worse than H.R. 1
The Church
Biden must help fleeing Chinese Christians
Federal Government
FRC urges FDA to maintain ban on human-animal chimeras, monsters from Greek mythology
The Courts
Supreme Court gives victory to religious liberty, children, says Family Research Council
Civil Society
The New York Times' Ironic Coverage of the 'Woke' ACLU
Foreign Policy
Don't Mistake China's Three-Child Policy For Liberalization
Federal Government
Three Reasons Congress Should Embrace International Religious Freedom
Civil Society
Democrats Pull Hat Trick With Dishonest Voting Rights Bill
FRC Launches New Center for Biblical Worldview, Welcomes George Barna and Owen Strachan as Senior Fellows
Civil Society
Maricopa County Officials Need to Remember They Are 'Public Servants'
Civil Society
Senate Democrats Closer to Power Grab with S. 1 Committee Vote
Federal Government
Biden's Plan For Government-Run Child Care Is Exactly What Most Moms Don't Want
Health Care
Abortion Is Not Health Care
Civil Society
The Corrupt Politicians Act Is a Step Backwards for America
Federal Government
Biden administration ignores the science as it seeks to punish medical professionals, says Family Research Council
Civil Society
On Thursday's National Day of Prayer, We Should Remember the Words of Abraham Lincoln
Civil Society
Family Research Council Welcomes Meg Kilgannon as Senior Fellow for Education Studies
Federal Government
Biden's First 100 Days Have Been a Nightmare for Social Conservatives
Civil Society
In first 100 days, Biden's level of funding available for abortion is 19 times Obama levels
Civil Society
Supreme Court to Decide Whether Second Amendment Protects Concealed Carry of Firearms
Civil Society
How low will Democrats go on pushing Jim Crow narrative?
Federal Government
In first 100 days, President Biden has taken a record number of actions against life, family, and religious freedom tracked by FRC
Civil Society
Goodbye Election Day
Federal Government
American Dollars Should Have No Part In China's Forced Sterilizations
Federal Government
Family Research Council Urges House Members to Sign Discharge Petition on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
Civil Society
Beyond Election Integrity: American Exceptionalism in Crosshairs of Radical Left
Federal Government
Claiming state voting reforms are racist is ridiculous. I should know: Ken Blackwell
Biblical Worldview
A Biblical Rebuke of the Equality Act
Civil Society
Corporate Wokesters Betray Shareholders' Trust by Bashing Election Integrity Laws
Governor Noem Is Responsible for Killing South Dakota's Women's Sports Bill
Civil Society
Media companies bill is bait and switch to strangle conservative outlets
Civil Society
The Left's Hoodwinking of America
Biblical Worldview
Principios bíblicos de la sexualidad humana
Federal Government
FRC calls out Senate confirmation of abortion activist to head largest executive agency
Foreign Policy
When will the World Respond to Jihadi Violence in Africa?
Let Little Girls Dream of National Championships
Foreign Policy
Here's How Biden Can Get Tough On China's Muslim Genocide
Federal Government
FRC Condemns Anti-Life, Anti-Family Spending Spree Dressed up as a Covid Relief Package
Federal Government
New FRC Publication Lists Concrete Ways Biden Should Respond to China's Genocide of the Uyghurs
Civil Society
Stop The Socialist Power Grab, Deal with Supreme Court Disappointments Later
Civil Society
Defeat H.R. 1 Now, Deal with Supreme Court Disappointments Later
Civil Society
How the “Equality Act” Is Actually Unequal, Unfair, and Unjust
Federal Government
Is the Equality Act Biden's dragonnade?
Federal Government
FRC urges US Senate to Reject Radical HHS Nominee Xavier Becerra
Federal Government
FRC urges US House of Representatives to reject the far-Left Equality Act
Federal Government
Trump Judges and the Equality Act
Civil Society
The 'Equality Act' Would Create a Religious 'Separate But Equal'
Federal Government
So-Called 'Equality Act' Harms Women, Punishes People of Faith, and Creates an Abortion Mandate says Family Research Council
Civil Society
Checkpoint Pelosi: Democrats consider permanent military-style barrier around Capitol
Civil Society
Biden Seeks to Boost Planned Parenthood Funding to New Levels
Civil Society
Impeachment Manager Rep. Jamie Raskin Wrong on 1st Amendment and Trump Speech
Civil Society
Media Advisory: Family Research Council to Host Pray Vote Stand Townhall
Federal Government
Election Integrity: The Case For Trump's Acquittal
Civil Society
What Trump Must Do in His Senate Impeachment Trial
Civil Society
What It Means that Leahy-Not Roberts, Not Harris-Will Run Trump's Senate Trial
Biden's Transgender Military Order Is Based On Politics, Not Facts
Federal Government
President Biden's Priority of Forcing Taxpayers into a Partnership with the Abortion Industry Won't Bring Unity
Terrorism/National Security
On Holocaust Remembrance Day: We must confront today's antisemitism
President Biden Diverts Military Away from its Mission, Forces it to Pay for Gender Reassignment Surgeries
Federal Government
Should extreme pro-abortionist Xavier Becerra be in charge of America's health care?
Federal Government
7 Executive Actions on Abortion, Gender Identity We Can Expect From Biden
Federal Government
FRC Warns Biden Executive Order Targets People of Faith and Faith-Based Organizations
Foreign Policy
FRC Commends State Department Genocide Designation for China's Atrocities Against Uyghur Muslims and Other Minority Groups
Federal Government
Biden's HHS nomination sign of admin's likely extreme abortion course
Federal Government
What Does Joe Biden's HHS Nominee Have to Do with the Senate Run-Offs in Georgia?
Civil Society
Taxpayer Funding of Abortion and Abortion Businesses
Federal Government
Warnock Professes To Be a Christian, But Look What He Actually Believes
Civil Society
Religious Freedom Index Underscores Importance of Faith In American Life
Foreign Policy
Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and the Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis
Civil Society
Walter Williams - A Warrior For Liberty!
Civil Society
When Churches Should Defy COVID-19 Restrictions
Civil Society
A Reminder: State Legislators Have Constitutional Power Over Elections
Civil Society
The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History
Foreign Policy
FRC Publication on Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Anti-Conversion Laws Reveals Religious Freedom Progress in Sudan and Elsewhere, but Problems Remain
Foreign Policy
The Trump Administration's Laudable 'Tough on China' Legacy
Religion and Society
Philadelphia Should Respect Catholic Foster Care Agency's Free Exercise of Religion
Federal Government
Pro-Life Women Won Big on Election Night
Civil Society
Why the Left Lost the Election Even if Biden Wins the White House
Civil Society
Election 2020 showed Republicans that it pays to be bold
Civil Society
Critical Race Theory Cynically Undermines Racial Harmony
Foreign Policy
Standing With France, and Free Speech, After Terror Attack
Civil Society
Trump's Growth In Support Among Minorities Destroys Racism Narrative
Biblical Worldview
Principios bíblicos de la libertad religiosa
The Courts
Family Research Council Applauds Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court Justice
The Courts
Presidential Promises Kept: Justice Barrett Will Fairly Apply and Honor the Law for Decades
Civil Society
Demand Letter Insists Big Tech Company MobileCause End Religious Discrimination, Reliance on SPLC
Biblical Worldview
Principios bíblicos para la defensa de la vida antes de nacer
Civil Society
The Political Games Proxy Advisors Play With Workers Retirement Security
Civil Society
FRC Urges Senators to Confirm Judge Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court
Civil Society
No quicker way to destroy America's fabric than to pack the Supreme Court
Civil Society
Democrats And Media Promote Myth To Advance Baseless Attack On Trump
Civil Society
Should Christians Really Support ACB?
Civil Society
Why Amy Coney Barrett Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Civil Society
Abolish the Debate Commission If No In-person Debates
The Church
Family Research Council, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Church to Host 'Freedom Sunday' Live Stream Event
Civil Society
Trump's health care plan: More to look forward to
Civil Society
A health care opening for Mike Pence tonight
Federal Government
Pence Can Win this Debate by Letting Ohio Know about Harris' Record of Radicalism
Civil Society
The religious war over the Supreme Court
Religion and Society
Rebels Without A Clause: When Senators Run Roughshod Over the "No Religious Test" Clause of the U.S. Constitution
Civil Society
Why There's Nothing Unprecedented about what the Republicans (or Democrats) are Doing
Pres. Trump Nominates Amy Barrett, Makes the Fight Worth Having
The Courts
Family Research Council Condemns Attacks on Amy Barrett's Faith
Civil Society
Politics: How Involved Should Christians Be?
Biblical Worldview
The 2020 Election: A Clear Distinction on Abortion
The Courts
Family Research Council Statement on the Passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Civil Society
Big Tech Company MobileCause Pulls Plug on Family Research Council & FRC Action One Hour Before Election Broadcast Event
Civil Society
What the rioters really want
Civil Society
Will Liberals Protect Your Vote When They Won't Protect You?
Civil Society
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
Civil Society
Biblical Principles for Human Sexuality
Civil Society
FRC Releases New Publication on Biblical Principles for Human Sexuality
Civil Society
What it Means if Kamala Harris is a "Pragmatic Moderate"
Civil Society
God Help Us - Kamala Harris Voted Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered
Foreign Policy
Hong Kong freedom lovers deserve global support against Chinese Communist Party's new Red Terror
Rather Than Reopen, It's Time to Rethink Government Education
Why Every Church Should Start a Christian School
Foreign Policy
Stop The Lip Service On Uyghur Forced Labor
Civil Society
BLM's Popularity Is a Politically-Motivated Myth
The Church
Are Christians Forbidden to Eat Blood?
Civil Society
Cancel Culture's Dual Meaning Is a War for America's Soul
Civil Society
The New York Times' Dark History of Slave Ownership
Federal Government
Memo to Congress: Everyone Benefits From Health Care Price Transparency
Founding Ideals
'Cancel Culture' and the Historical Illiteracy That Fuels It
FRC's Cathy Ruse Receives 'Activist of the Year' Award
Foreign Policy
FRC Releases New Publication Showing Extent of Christian Persecution in Nigeria
Civil Society
Stimulate job growth, not the printing press, in next COVID relief package
U.S. Supreme Court affirms the rights of religious schools in employment decisions, says Family Research Council
Civil Society
Lawlessness, The Murder of Our Children and The Soul of America
Civil Society
Black Lives Don't Matter To Black Lives Matter
Foreign Policy
A Focused Coalition Is Primed to Uproot Iran's Despots
Crime and Criminal Justice Reform
FRC's Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin Joins 46 Retired Flag Officers on Letter Supporting Pres. Trump's Authority to Stop Rioting and Lawlessness
Civil Society
In These Troubled Times, Where are the Men?
Crime and Criminal Justice Reform
Democrats Have Failed the Black Community for Too Long
The Courts
Justice Gorsuch botched Bostock v. Clayton County ruling on homosexual and transgender 'rights'
Civil Society
Supreme Court Fails to Exercise Restraint in Employment Cases, says Family Research Council
Civil Society
Families and Charitable Organizations, The Foundation of American Society
Civil Society
In Defense of Law and Order
Federal Government
HHS Corrects Dangerous Obamacare rule
Federal Government
Gender and Sexuality in the 2020 Election
Civil Society
'Black Lives Matter' Around The World, Including In Nigeria Amid Rising Violence
Civil Society
Race, Justice and Religious Liberty In the World
Health Care
Yes, drug manufacturing needs to return home, but don't jeopardize US leadership by going overboard
D-Day at 76
Civil Society
Ex-Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell: Leaders in our cities have a duty to do this
Federal Government
Family Research Council and 21 State-Level Family Policy Councils Release Resource Outlining Biblical Principles for Political Engagement
Civil Society
Mob violence and police brutality result from a morally bankrupt America
Civil Society
Family Research Council Grateful for President Trump Deeming Houses of Worship 'Essential'
Religion and Society
Religious liberty during COVID-19: Get a haircut, but stay away from church
The Courts
Why Are Catholics Turning on the Little Sisters?
The Courts
'We're all in this together' should apply to needy children too
Foreign Policy
America, Not China, Must Achieve 5G Leadership
Religion and Society
This National Day of Prayer, Ask God to Bless America During the Pandemic
Religion and Society
Judge Justin Walker: A Warrior for Religious Liberty
Religion and Society
Religious liberty means COVID-19 restrictions cannot target churchgoers
Foreign Policy
USCIRF is Right to Call Out India's Religious Freedom Violations
Foreign Policy
2020 USCIRF Annual Report: Coronavirus Reveals in Greater Detail the World's Worst Religious Freedom Violators, says Family Research Council
Civil Society
COVID-19 and International Best Practices for Free, Fair and Safe Elections
Foreign Policy
What's Next for North Korea's Christians?
Civil Society
Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination
Religion and Society
FRC Documents Government Restrictions of Religious Freedom During Coronavirus Lockdowns
Civil Society
Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the Coronavirus Crisis
The Church
States Must Walk a Fine Line When It Comes to Church Gatherings
Religion and Society
Social distancing is separating us this Easter, but we can draw near to God
Biblical Worldview
Easter faith: God in the midst of coronavirus pandemic
Civil Society
China Keeps Suppressing Religion While Squelching Truth About COVID-19
Religion and Society
Drive-In Easter Sun Rise Service to be Held in Central
Religion and Society
What American Christians can learn from the Chinese church in coronavirus crisis
Religion and Society
Iran's Imprisoned Christians Face Yet Another Danger: COVID-19
Religion and Society
How to think about shutting down churches during coronavirus
Religion and Society
Coronavirus, Iran, and the Persecuted Church
Religion and Society
China's Abuses Against Uighurs Not Going Away: Here's How You Can Help
Religion and Society
The power of prayer to deal with coronavirus anxiety
Religion and Society
Wave Of Violence Should Prompt U.S. To Urge Religious Freedom In India
Religion and Society
Principios bíblicos para la participación política
The Courts
FRC's Tony Perkins Optimistic Supreme Court Will Protect Women from Unsafe Abortions in Louisiana Admitting Privileges Case
The Courts
Let the states protect women
The Courts
Tony Perkins to attend Supreme Court oral arguments in Louisiana abortion clinic admitting privileges case
The Courts
Don't forget Justice Clarence Thomas in Black History Month celebrations
Civil Society
Religious freedom is an inconvenient right to American progressives
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council to Host Event on Religious Freedom in Iran
Foreign Policy
President Trump's Address Delivers Powerful, Unifying Vision for America; A Stellar Record Backs Him Up, Says Family Research Council
Foreign Policy
Pakistan religious discrimination is enabling human trafficking
The Plague of Morally Toxic Public Schools
Foreign Policy
Abortion And Sex-Trafficking Are Undeniably Linked Abuses Against Women
Foreign Policy
Remembering the Holocaust Amid Rising Anti-Semitism
Biblical Worldview
Marching for Lives
Biblical Worldview
47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Increasing opposition to abortion nationwide
Civil Society
Religious Freedom Still Deserves Our Respect
Civil Society
A Great Religious Freedom Day: Pres. Trump Stands Up for Students' Freedom to Pray, Religious Expression
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Lack of Religious Freedom for Uyghurs in China
Civil Society
Don't be fooled by liberal dark money influence
Civil Society
Chick-fil-A once inspired me to live out my faith in the workplace. Those days are gone.
Civil Society
Chick-fil-A Donates to SPLC, Anti-Christian Group linked to Shooter that Stormed Family Research Council
Civil Society
The secret ingredient to a healthy, happy Thanksgiving
Civil Society
Liberty in the Things of God (Book Review)
Foreign Policy
Why Christians must care about the international persecuted church
The Church
As Kanye Takes The Stage With Joel Osteen, Let's Encourage His Growth In Faith
Founding Ideals
Free Speech Triumphs at the University of Michigan
Terrorism/National Security
BLACKWELL, BOYKIN: Real Consequences If Russia And China Supplant US In Venezuela
Foreign Policy
Tony Perkins: Pray and act for persecuted Christians worldwide - here's why
Foreign Policy
Say a prayer for the most persecuted
Religion and Society
HHS Rule Protects Faith-Based Adoption Agencies to Celebrate National Adoption Month
School Board Sex Politics With Students in Fairfax County
Civil Society
The Democrats' Misguided War on Faith
Civil Society
HUD Sec. Ben Carson Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss Destructiveness of Political Correctness
Foreign Policy
Sec. of State Mike Pompeo Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Commission on Unalienable Rights
FRC Opposes Putting Abortion Pills on College Campuses
Civil Society
FRC Honors VA Delegate Todd Gilbert with Sam Adams Award for State Policymaker of the Year
Civil Society
President Trump to Address Values Voter Summit 2019
Civil Society
VVS 2019 Faith, Family, and Freedom Gala Will Honor Pastor Andrew Brunson
Civil Society
Family Research Council Joins 'Sex, Not Gender' Rally at the U.S. Supreme Court
Civil Society
Religious liberty is in the Bible
Civil Society
Religious Tax Exemption Good for Society, Church and State
Civil Society
Safeguard Your Ministry From Moral Failure
Civil Society
Eric Metaxas to Address Values Voters Summit 2019
Biblical Worldview
The Human Dignity of Klopfer's Victims
Civil Society
FRC Calls Pres. Trump's UN Speech a Historic Step to Protect Religious Freedom for all Faiths
Civil Society
Family Research Council Submits Comment Backing Trump Administration Religious Liberty Rule
Civil Society
Four Ways President Trump Can Make Religious Freedom Great Again at the UN
Civil Society
Biblical Principles for Religious Liberty
Civil Society
America can't outsource teaching values and keep producing patriots
Federal Government
Family Research Council Applauds House Minority for Holding Hearing on Born Alive Abortion Survivors
Civil Society
Family Research Council Applauds HHS Notice of Violation Issued to University of Vermont Medical Center for Conscience Rights Violation
Civil Society
Tony Perkins: Solution to gun violence isn't what you think, says former police officer
Civil Society
Family Research Council Submits Comment Backing Trump Administration Sex Discrimination Rule
Civil Society
Family Research Council Statement on Sen. Jon Kyl's Interim Report on Facebook Bias Concerns
Civil Society
Family Research Council Commends Dept. of Labor's Proposed Rule Protecting Religious Employers
Civil Society
Big business virtue signaling is bombing with consumers
Civil Society
Opinion: President Trump has delivered for African Americans
Civil Society
Tony Perkins: Does the Bible's warning about debt apply to the government?
Federal Government
FRC Applauds Enforcement of New Title X Rule Separating Taxpayer Dollars from Abortion Industry
Civil Society
Biblical Principles for Political Activism in the 2020 Presidential Election
Foreign Policy
Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and Tony Perkins Preview on Radio the 2nd Annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Religious Freedom in Northeast Syria alongside 2nd State Dept. Ministerial
Civil Society
Family Research Council Video Ad Campaign Calls out Disney, Amazon, and Netflix for Hypocrisy
Foreign Policy
The US is speaking out on religious persecution, and the world is taking notice
Foreign Policy
Congress Aims to Address China's Atrocities against Religious Minorities
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Religious Freedom in Northeast Syria alongside 2nd State Dept. Ministerial
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council Applauds the State Department's Formation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights
The Courts
Symposium: American Legion lays the groundwork for the downfall of Lemon
Religion and Society
Why Christians must support religious freedom for everyone
Civil Society
Biblical Principles for Political Engagement: Worldview, Issues, and Voting
Will California Turn Dorm Rooms into Abortion Rooms?
Religion and Society
FRC President Tony Perkins to deliver Truett McConnell University commencement address
Religion and Society
Tony Perkins, David Closson: A spiritual crisis on the National Day of Prayer
Religion and Society
The Sexual Revolution and sex abuse scandals: A Protestant take on Pope Benedict's letter
Religion and Society
The US must bring imprisoned American pastor David Lin home from China
Civil Society
Safe and Secure: How To Prevent Pastoral Burnout
Religion and Society
Alice Lin Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Urge Americans to Pressure China to Free Pastor Lin
Religion and Society
Alice Lin, Daughter of U.S. Pastor Held by Chinese Govt, to Speak out Publicly for First Time on Washington Watch with Tony Perkins
Religion and Society
Tony Perkins: Pompeo's faith is not a liability - it's an asset
Religion and Society
Conservatives Release Open Letter to the News Media: Avoid Imploding Southern Poverty Law Center
The Courts
Religion and Society
Consumers Beware: PayPal has weaponized financial system with its ties to SPLC
The Courts
Should the Peace Cross even be before the Supreme Court?
Religion and Society
Avoid the 'Twinkie diet' in your prayer life: Do THIS to help you deal with depressing news headlines
The Courts
A Christian War Memorial in No Way Violates the Establishment Clause
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Documents Pattern of Unconstitutional Religious Tests Against Nominees
Civil Society
Department of Defense on Why Those with "Gender Dysphoria" Are Disqualified from Military Service
Religion and Society
Democratic Congresswoman Condemns Religious Bigotry, Standing up to Her Party in a Rare Act of Courage
The Courts
SCOTUS Hits Pause Button on Activist Judges Taking Military Policy Out of the President's Hands
Religion and Society
On Religious Freedom Day, consider life in countries without it
Biblical Worldview
Religious Freedom Day
Religion and Society
FRC's Tony Perkins Joins Egypt's President, Coptic Believers for Opening of Cathedral Near Cairo
The Courts
All I want for Christmas is a Supreme Court victory for public Christmas displays, crosses
The Courts
Family Research Council Files Amicus Brief in Bladensburg Peace Cross SCOTUS Case
Religion and Society
Actions of the House Speak Volumes about Party Priorities
Religion and Society
For Christians, Voting Is Not an Option. It Is a Divine Calling.
School Board Says Boys and Girls Have Different Brains - Except in the Bathroom
Religion and Society
Post-Midterm optimism for religious freedom
Religion and Society
Pastor Brunson's Release: A View From the Courtroom
Religion and Society
Trump's Foreign Policy Reset
The Courts
Voters Say 'Full Steam Ahead' on Judges
Religion and Society
Tony Perkins Joins First Ever U.S. Evangelical Delegation to the United Arab Emirates
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Calls for National Day of Prayer and Reconciliation
Religion and Society
Turkey Releases Pastor Brunson, FRC Applauds Pres. Trump, Secretary Pompeo for Securing Pastor's Freedom
Foreign Policy
Nikki Haley Has Been an Agent of Change
The Courts
Family Research Council Congratulates Brett Kavanaugh on His Confirmation to the Supreme Court
The Courts
Family Research Council Applauds Senate Cloture Vote to Advance Kavanaugh Nomination
Religion and Society
Vice President Warns of Threat Posed by Religious Freedom Violator China
The Courts
The Kavanaugh Circus Shows The Supreme Court's Political Power Is Out of Control
The Courts
Family Research Council Urges U.S. Senate to Confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court
The Courts
Kavanaugh Soars Over Keystone Kop Democrats
Brown University is in Denial About Transgender Reality
The Courts
The Problem With Judicial Nominations? The Left Doesn't Actually Want to Follow the Constitution
The Courts
Sen. Lindsey Graham Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings
The Courts
Kavanaugh Hearing Offers a Snapshot of Where the Left Wants to Take America, says Family Research Council
The Courts
What to Expect From the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on Exoneration of Army Chaplain Scott Squires, SSG Kacie Griffin
Civil Society
Why Judge Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Civil Society
Equal Accountability Needed for All Firms Listed on U.S. Exchanges
Religion and Society
Patience is Out: Pres. Trump Calls for 'Large Sanctions' on Turkey, Immediate Release of Pastor Brunson
Religion and Society
Ominous Court Ruling Allows Discrimination Against Christian Adoption Provider
Religion and Society
State Dept.'s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Could be a Turning Point for Millions
Religion and Society
With State Department Ministerial, Trump Administration Signals Seriousness on Religious Freedom
The Courts
Why This Supreme Court Nominee Matters
The Courts
On Trump's pick of Kavanaugh, conservatives should trust but verify
The Courts
Family Research Council Welcomes Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Pres. Trump's Supreme Court Nominee
Religion and Society
Keep kids with parents at border - and remember how we got here
Religion and Society
Pastor Jack Graham Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the "Call2Fall" National Prayer Movement
The Courts
Justice Kennedy's Retirement will Turbo Charge Evangelical Vote, says Family Research Council
The Courts
FRC's Tony Perkins Applauds Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Free Speech Rights for Pregnancy Care Centers
The Courts
FRC's Tony Perkins' Statement on Arlene's Flowers, Inc. v. Washington Remand to Lower Court
The Courts
FRC Responds to the Supreme Court's Decision in Bladensburg Peace Cross Case
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Applauds DOJ's ''Place to Worship Initiative''
Women and Pornography
Religion and Society
Now That Starbucks CEO Knows About Planned Parenthood Funding, Will He End Chain's Support of 'Racist Organization'?
Religion and Society
Flocking to Tend to Our Nation's Spiritual Needs
Religion and Society
CA Pastors Dr. Jim Garlow and Art Cena Jr. to Speak at Family Research Council's Watchmen on the Wall Pastors Briefing
Religion and Society
U.S. Reps. Mark Meadows, Mark Walker to Speak at Family Research Council's Watchmen on the Wall Pastors Briefing
The Courts
Trump, Republicans Changing Lower Courts for the Better
Religion and Society
This Student Was Ordered to Remove a Bible Verse From Her Graduation Speech. Here's What Happened.
Religion and Society
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Appointed as Newest USCIRF Commissioner
Religion and Society
FRC's Tony Perkins Applauds President Trump's EO Creating a White House Faith Initiative
Religion and Society
One Year Later: Pres. Trump's EO on Religious Liberty Has Helped Protect Hundreds of Charities, Schools Serving Up to 14 Million People
Religion and Society
Family Research Council to Host Panel Discussion on Opportunities for Secretary Pompeo to Promote Religious Freedom, National Security
The Courts
Family Research Council Statement on Confirmation of Kyle Duncan to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
Religion and Society
American Pastor Back Behind Bars in Turkey
Religion and Society
What Mike Pompeo understands about religion and national security
Religion and Society
FRC Joins 31 Military Religious Liberty Advocates On Letter Thanking Air Force Secretary for Standing Up for Col. Bohannon's Religious Liberty
Religion and Society
Michigan Pastors Deliver 23,000 Petitions to Legislators in Support of Metro City Church
Religion and Society
FRC Joins 49 International Religious Freedom Advocates on Letter Urging Confirmation of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State
Religion and Society
Mike Pompeo, religious freedom and a safer world -- how are these three things connected?
Civil Society
Summary of Trump Administration Policy on Transgender Military Service
'Activist Mommy' Elizabeth Johnston Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss National Sex Ed Sit Out
Terrorism/National Security
Why Religious Freedom Is a National Security Issue
Religion and Society
FRC Applauds Air Force Secretary for Restoring Col. Bohannon's Career, Dealing Another Blow to Obama Era Political Correctness
The Courts
Supreme Court should spare pro-lifers from compelled pro-abortion speech
Religion and Society
If ESPN Continues to Pick Sides, So Will Fans
Religion and Society
Left-Wing Anti-Semitism: The Greatest Campus Threat Is Ignored by the SPLC
Religion and Society
Country Music Spurns Mike Huckabee Over Marriage Views, Betraying Countless Fans
Religion and Society
Billy Graham's Legacy - Faith Looming Large in Public Life
Religion and Society
Billy Graham -- faithful to the end and still leading us behind him
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Honors the Life of Dr. Billy Graham
Religion and Society
Behar's Poke at Pence a Reminder of ABC's Disdain for Conservative Christians
Religion and Society
Michigan Pastors Urge State Legislators to Withdraw Demands for Church Investigation
Religion and Society
After Atheist Group Got Prayers Before Sports Canceled, Students Are Fighting Back
The SPLC's Incursion into Education
Religion and Society
Ambassador Sam Brownback Will Advance Religious Freedom Around the Globe, Bringing Hope to Millions, says Family Research Council
The Courts
The EEOC's Ever-Expanding Definition of “Sex Discrimination”
Religion and Society
FRC's Tony Perkins Travels to Guatemala, Meets with President Jimmy Morales
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Applauds Gov. Brownback's Confirmation
Religion and Society
FRC Commends Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Approving Gov. Brownback's Nomination for Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom
Religion and Society
Christians in the Middle East are suffering. When will aid promised by Team Trump arrive?
Religion and Society
Religious liberty report card: The Trump administration's first year
Religion and Society
Sen. James Lankford Joins Tony Perkins for Religious Freedom Day Broadcast
Religion and Society
Family Research Council to host Religious Freedom Day Special Report
Civil Society
Chai Feldblum Should Not Be Reappointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Religion and Society
An Unelected Judge Is Overriding Trump's Transgender Military Policy
Religion and Society
The 'War on Christmas' Is Real
Religion and Society
In Masterpiece, the Supreme Court Grapples With a Problem of Its Own Making
Religion and Society
The Big Changes the Trumps Are Making at the White House to Celebrate Christmas
The Courts
The Inanity of Liberals' Fearmongering on Tax Reform
The Courts
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Speaks in Support of Jack Phillips at Supreme Court Rally
The Courts
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins to Speak at Supreme Court Rally in Support of Baker Jack Phillips
The Courts
Louisiana AG Jeff Landry Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio Sharing His Support for Trump Nominee Kyle Duncan
Religion and Society
The Big Changes the Trumps Are Making at the White House to Celebrate Christmas
Religion and Society
LGBT advocates seek to scuttle a vital Constitutional right
Religion and Society
ACLU: Forcing Faith Out of Adoption
Religion and Society
School Worker Was Told She Could Be Fired If She Offered to Pray for Someone Again
The Courts
The First Amendment Protects a Dissenting Cake Baker, Not State Coercion
The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion
Religion and Society
Atheists, Courts Mark Veterans Day While Demanding Demolition Of Veterans Memorials
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Congratulates School Employee Toni Richardson and First Liberty Institute on Win for Religious Freedom
Religion and Society
Two-Thirds of Americans Believe Bakers Should Be Able to Refuse to Make Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on Evangelical Leaders Meeting with Egyptian President el-Sisi
Religion and Society
FRC Praises Trump Administration's Plan to Directly Address Needs of Christians in Middle East
The Courts
In abortion case, we let two children down: Jane Doe and Baby Doe
Religion and Society
Militant Atheist Group Using Liberal Court to Tear Down a Memorial Cross
Civil Society
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Phony Lists, and Intimidation
The Courts
Court Ruling Striking Down Clergy Housing Allowance Another Example of Hostile Environment Created by Obama administration, says Family Research Council
The Courts
FRC Submits Joint Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear School Bathroom Case, Protect Privacy
The Courts
Family Research Council Applauds President Trump's Nominations to the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
The Courts
Family Research Council, NC Values Coalition File Joint Amicus Brief in Masterpiece Cakeshop SCOTUS Case
Religion and Society
Can a Christian Serve as a Judge Anymore?
Religion and Society
Conservative Movement Releases Open Letter to the News Media: Beware of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Thankful for Pres. Trump's Call for a National Day of Prayer
The Courts
Family Research Council, NC Values Coalition File Joint Amicus Brief in Arlene's Flowers SCOTUS Case
Religion and Society
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Calls for Day of Prayer for America's Healing
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Praises Nomination of Governor Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador
Civil Society
The Decay of Liberty and the Rule of Law in 21st Century America
Religion and Society
Why We Were Right to Pray for President Trump
Religion and Society
Family Research Council to Host Michael Stokes Paulsen for Discussion on Objections to Religious Liberty
Religion and Society
Report: Attacks On America's First Freedom Increased 76 Percent In Three Years
The Courts
Supreme Court Delivers Big Wins for Religious Freedom
Religion and Society
Documented Incidents of Hostility to Religion in America Show 76 Percent Increase Within Past 3 Years According to New Report
Civil Society
Transgender Policy Could Cost Military Billions Over Ten Years
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Applauds Trinity Lutheran SCOTUS Playground Decision
Religion and Society
FRC Hopeful Supreme Court Will Uphold the Freedom of Colorado Baker to Live By His Faith
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on GuideStar's Decision to Remove Hate Labels on Christian Groups
Religion and Society
GuideStar Urged by 41 Conservative Leaders to Cease Using SPLC's Defamatory Labels
The Courts
Family Research Council Encouraged by Unanimous 5th Circuit Ruling Allowing Implementation of Mississippi Law Against Government Discrimination
Religion and Society
The Bigotry of Bernie Sanders
Religion and Society
Sanders' Religious Test Goes Against Founders' Vision
Religion and Society
Trump's Rule on the HHS Contraceptive Mandate Ensures Religious Freedom for All
Religion and Society
Mayor Ben Baker Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Respond to Demands a Cross be Removed
President Trump Names Abstinence Education Leader to Top Post at HHS Department
Religion and Society
Comedian Chonda Pierce Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss Kathy Griffin's Comedic Career
Supreme Court's Refusal to Hear Military Religious Freedom Case is Troubling, Says FRC
Secretary Mattis: Focus on War-Fighting, Ditch the Social Engineering
Religion and Society
Maxine Waters: The Left's Best Against Donald Trump?
Religion and Society
Pastor J.C. Church to Speak at Watchmen on the Wall 2017
Religion and Society
Pastor Jentezen Franklin to Speak at Watchmen on the Wall 2017
Religion and Society
Rev. James Robison Honored with Family Research Council's Watchman Award
Religion and Society
Pastor Scott Craig to Speak at Watchmen on the Wall 2017
Religion and Society
Sen. Roy Blunt to Speak at Watchmen on the Wall 2017
Rolling Thunder, 'Missing Man' tables and the Bible
Religion and Society
FRC's Tony Perkins' Statement on Vice President Pence's Surprise Visit to Louisiana Flood Victims
Religion and Society
Rep. Mark Walker to Speak at Watchmen on the Wall 2017
Civil Society
A Clear and Present Danger: The Threat to Religious Liberty in the Military - Volume II
Economics and Taxes
Destroying the Johnson Amendment
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council Praises Trump Administration's Sweeping Implementation of Pro-life Mexico City Policy
Pres. Trump Delivers a Message of Courage in Liberty University Commencement Address
Civil Society
Family Research Council Congratulates Ken Blackwell on Appointment to Presidential Commission on Election Integrity
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Praises KY Court of Appeals Ruling in Favor of Christian Shop Owner
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Commends Secretary Perdue's Policy Statement that Reflects Pres. Trump's Religious Liberty Executive Order
Economics and Taxes
GOP religious freedom bill restores free speech, not 'dark money'
Economics and Taxes
Family Research Council Applauds Pres. Trump for Acting on Promise to Protect Religious Liberty
Economics and Taxes
Family Research Council Praises House for Defunding Planned Parenthood, Replacing Obamacare
Economics and Taxes
FRC's Mandi Ancalle to Testify Before House Subcommittee in Support of Free Speech for Churches
Religion and Society
Rev. Franklin Graham Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Calls for Signing of Executive Order Protecting Religious Liberty
Religion and Society
Family Research Council to Host Special Broadcast Highlighting Need for Executive Order on Religious Liberty
Terrorism/National Security
The First 100 Days to Securing America
Economics and Taxes
Family Research Council Announces a Score in Favor of Latest GOP Health Care Bill
The Courts
4 Entertaining Moments During Oral Arguments Over Banning Churches From Public Funds
The Courts
Family Research Council's Travis Weber Upbeat After Trinity Lutheran Oral Arguments
The Courts
FRC's Travis Weber to Attend Oral Arguments in Justice Gorsuch's First Religious Liberty Case
Religion and Society
Rep. Ron Estes Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio After Winning the Special Congressional Election in Kansas
The Courts
Family Research Council Congratulates Neil Gorsuch on His Confirmation to the Supreme Court
The Courts
Family Research Council Statement on Senate Triggering the Nuclear Option
The Courts
The 'Bigly,' and Necessary, Humility of Judge Neil Gorsuch
The Courts
Family Research Council Applauds Judiciary Committee Approval of Judge Gorsuch
Economics and Taxes
FRC Praises Congress for Sending First Pro-Life Bill to Pres. Trump
Rep. Andy Harris Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law
The Courts
During His Hearings, Neil Gorsuch Answered Tough Questions With Ease
The Courts
Gorsuch's Pro-Life Promise
Economics and Taxes
I'm Grateful for the Restoration of the Mexico City Policy This International Women's Day
The Courts
Supreme Court Gives Good News to Parents, Students Concerned About Bathroom Privacy
Civil Society
Judge Neil Gorsuch: The Case for Confirmation
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Calls on Oregon Court to Affirm Bakers' Religious Liberty
Pres. Trump Address Outlines Vision to Restore Freedom
Religion and Society
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins to Attend President Trump's Address Before Congress
Economics and Taxes
How the market can fix health care
Religion and Society
FRC Stunned By Washington State Court Ruling that Puts Florist's Own Home at Risk of Seizure
Religion and Society
Neil Gorsuch's Proven Track Record of Protecting Religious Liberty
Religion and Society
Texas and North Carolina Lt. Governors, Tony Perkins Discuss Privacy and Religious Freedom Protections
Religion and Society
Shulkin Poised to Address Concerns at the VA
Religion and Society
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Texas Privacy Act
Religion and Society
State of Georgia's $225,000 Payout to Pastor a Victory for Religious Freedom
The Courts
Judge Gorsuch Is A Mainstream Constitutionalist
The Courts
Tony Perkins to Attend White House Supreme Court Announcement
The Courts
Family Research Council Welcomes Judge Gorsuch as Pres. Trump's Supreme Court Nominee
Economics and Taxes
Family Research Council Praises House Vote to End Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
Religion and Society
Donald Trump Won the Respect Vote
Foreign Policy
Family Research Council Applauds Pres. Trump's Executive Order Restoring Policy Against Funding Foreign Abortion Groups
Terrorism/National Security
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin: Gen. Mattis Will Return Winning to Military Lexicon
Colorado Parent Joins Family Research Council's Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss Cherry Creek School District's Pornographic Sex-Ed Content
Terrorism/National Security
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Statement on Pres. Obama Commuting Most of Bradley Manning's Sentence
Foreign Policy
Religious Freedom Under President-Elect Trump
Foreign Policy
What President-elect Trump can do about religious freedom
Religion and Society
Confirm Senator Sessions
Religion and Society
Christian Persecution, Religious Freedom Explored in 'Silence'
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Files Amicus Brief with US Supreme Court in School Locker Room/Bathroom Case
Religion and Society
TODAY: Black Pastors to Hold Capitol Hill News Conference in Support of Sen. Jeff Sessions
Religion and Society
Trump Will Have His Hands Full Fixing Social Extremism in the State Department
Religion and Society
A media noose for Jeff Sessions
Religion and Society
A Christmas gift of prayer
Navy Begins Transgender Indoctrination
Civil Society
Supreme Court Nominations: Filling Justice Scalia's Seat and Beyond
Religion and Society
Religious Liberty and the Wedding Vendor Cases
A transgender military is a weaker, compromised military
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Praises Selection of Gen. Mattis for Secretary of Defense
Religion and Society
The Liberal Media's Anti-Christian Witch Hunt of Chip and Joanna Gaines
Religion and Society
Religious Liberty - the Way Forward
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Congratulates U.S. Rep. Tom Price on His Selection as HHS Secretary
Religion and Society
FRC Commends President-elect Trump's Selection of Sen. Sessions as Attorney General
Family Research Council Launches New Website Promoting Military Religious Freedom
Religion and Society
FRC Applauds President-elect Trump's Selection of Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff
Religion and Society
Survey Finds 60 percent of Trump Voters Were Impacted by Pro-life, Pro-Religious Liberty GOP Platform
Economics and Taxes
Free Speech Fairness Act
Religion and Society
Dr. Eric Walsh Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the State of Georgia's Demand that He Hand Over His Sermons and Personal Bible
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Calls on Georgia Governor to Withdraw Demand for Pastor's Sermons and Documents
Economics and Taxes
Family Research Council Endorses Free Speech Fairness Act
Economics and Taxes
TOMORROW: Tony Perkins and Congressional Leaders to Unveil Free Speech Fairness Act
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on ACC Championship Re-Locating to Orlando
Religion and Society
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Commends VA for Upholding the Inclusion of the Bible in 'Missing Man' Table Displays
Economics and Taxes
How to Amend the Johnson Amendment
Religion and Society
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson to Address 11th Annual Values Voter Summit
Religion and Society
Tony Perkins' Statement on Louisiana Flood
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on Judge's Rebuke of Obama's Overreach on Bathrooms
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on NBA All-Star Game Re-Locating to New Orleans
The Courts
U.S. Supreme Court's Hold on School Bathroom Ruling Is Encouraging News for Schools Resisting Obama's Bathroom Edict
Family Research Council Submits 92,000 Petition Signatures in Support of Airman Forcibly Removed from Retirement Ceremony
Religion and Society
The First Amendment Defense Act Should Not Protect Multiple Views of Marriage
Founding Ideals
Tony Perkins Requests La. FBI Special Agent in Charge to Correct His Omission of God from Pledge of Allegiance
Civil Society
Women in Special Ops and Selective Service
The Courts
Regulations Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Economics and Taxes
Family-Friendly Tax Policy: Practical Ideas for Helping Parents
Religion and Society
Family Research Council: Judge Displays Religious Animus Against Mississippians In Striking Down Religious Freedom Law
The Courts
Q&A on the Abortion Facility Regulations Decision
Family Research Council Criticizes Pentagon for Transgender Policy Change
The Courts
Supreme Court Decision on Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt Devalues Women's Safety
Economics and Taxes
Family-Friendly Tax Policy: Practical Ideas for Helping Parents
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Hosts Panel Discussion, ''Obergefell v. Hodges: One Year Later''
Civil Society
Dr. Bill Bennett to be honored with Family Research Council's Vision and Leadership Award
The Courts
Family Research Council Praises Dismissal of Unwarranted Charge Against David Daleiden
Crime and Criminal Justice Reform
Bathroom Incidents
Religion and Society
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant Honored with Family Research Council's Samuel Adams Religious Freedom Award
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Applauds Texas, officials from 10 other States for Standing up to Obama Administration's School Bathroom, Locker Room Directive
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on House Adoption of the Maloney and Byrne Amendments
The Courts
Family Research Council Submits Amicus Brief in Kansas Supreme Court Abortion Case
Family Research Council Statement on Rep. Maloney Amendment
Title IX and Transgendered Students
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Cautiously Optimistic on SCOTUS Remand in Zubik v. Burwell case
Religion and Society
Obama Push for Schools to Allow Multi-Gendered Restrooms and Showers Strips Parental Authority and Local School Autonomy
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Commends NC Governor for Standing Up to DOJ's Bullying
Terrorism/National Security
Family Research Council Ad Campaign Calls Out President Obama for Focusing on Bathrooms As National Security Threats Grow
Religion and Society
DOJ Threatens North Carolina Unless State Agrees to Bathroom Mandate
FRC's Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Commends U.S. Army for Retaining Sgt. Martland
Religion and Society
Is the High Court Starting to Take the Little Sisters Seriously?
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on Tennessee SB 1556
Terrorism/National Security
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry to Speak at Family Research Council on the Genocide Designation Concerning ISIS Atrocities
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Remains Hopeful in Pivotal Military Religious Freedom Case
Religion and Society
Family Research Council to Attend Oral Argument in Key Military Religious Freedom Case
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Files Amicus Brief in US Supreme Court First Amendment Case
Religion and Society
Churches Across Nation To Stand with the Persecuted on Sunday, April 17th
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Statement on Gov. McCrory's Executive Order on H.B. 2
Religion and Society
Family Research Council Announces Stand with the Persecuted Sunday on April 17th
Civil Society
Population, Abortion, and Food
Pornography and Its Consequences
Biblical Worldview
Christian Faith and Marijuana Use
Complementarity in Marriage: What it is and Why it Matters
Religion and Society
Why Christians Should Seek to Influence Government for Good
Civil Society
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Its So-Called 'Hate Groups'
Civil Society
Modern Slavery: How to Fight Human Trafficking in Your Community
The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community
Homosexual Assault in the Military
Founding Ideals
The Ten Commandments: Foundation of American Society
Civil Society
How a Bill Becomes a Law- FRC's Role in the Process
Economics and Taxes
Why Marriage Should Be Privileged in Public Policy

About Family Research Council

For 40 years, we've been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

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