Human Dignity

Family Research Council believes all humans possess inherent dignity that comes from God (Gen. 1:26). Recognition of this dignity is foundational to a moral society. However, human dignity is threatened in our society by the likes of pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, drug legalization, and attempts to dehumanize the unborn. These perversions of the beauty of human life and sexuality see people as objects and commodities to be sold and exploited, not as human beings as an end in themselves.

Featured Resources On Human Dignity

Maternal Mortality: A Case Study in Washington, D.C.
Prohibiting Trafficking of Baby Body Parts and Federal Funding for Fetal Tissue Research from Induced Abortions
Women and Pornography
The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion
The Effects of Marijuana
Fetal Dignity Laws: Respecting the Human Dignity of the Unborn
How to Find Healing After Abortion
Difficult Conversations about Abortion

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Human Dignity
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For 40 years, we've been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

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