Foreign Policy

Family Research Council believes that a rightly ordered foreign policy should focus on upholding the dignity of all human life, protecting marriage and the family, and defending religious liberty, which all nations must have a shared interest in if they want their societies to flourish.

Featured Resources On Foreign Policy

FRC Public Comment to HHS on WHO Pandemic Agreement
Why Religious Freedom Is a National Security Issue
Population, Abortion, and Food
Why International Religious Freedom Is Vital to International Development: Causal Connections and Policy Recommendations
Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Priority
Stop the Co-opting of PEPFAR: HIV/AIDS Relief Should Not Fund Abortion or LGBT Ideology
Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis 2023 Edition
North Korea: The World's Foremost Violator of Religious Freedom - 2023 Edition

More Content On Foreign Policy

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FRC's Travis Weber to Attend World Health Assembly Meetings in Geneva
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FRC President Tony Perkins Delivers Annual State of Faith, Family & Freedom Address
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FRC President Tony Perkins' Capitol Hill Remarks on the WHO 'Pandemic Treaty'
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THIS SUNDAY: FRC, Faith Wins Co-Host An Evening to Stand With & Pray For Israel
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Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis 2023 Edition
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Stop the Co-opting of PEPFAR: HIV/AIDS Relief Should Not Fund Abortion or LGBT Ideology
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Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Priority
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As Chinese Military Saber-Rattles, Biden Focuses on Pronouns: Congressman
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Why International Religious Freedom Is Vital to International Development: Causal Connections and Policy Recommendations
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The Precarious Circumstances of Iran's Christians
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A Shocking Reversal: The US Officially Turns a Blind Eye to Nigeria's Endangered Christians
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China Aids and Abets North Korea's Abuse of Christians
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A Chinese House Church Is Under Threat, and the United States Can Help
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Why Religion And Radical Islam Are Essential To Understanding The Taliban
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The Country Where "Missionary" Is a Curse Word
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America Failed Afghanistan. Now It Must Stand By Taiwan.
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Don't Mistake China's Three-Child Policy For Liberalization
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New FRC Publication Lists Concrete Ways Biden Should Respond to China's Genocide of the Uyghurs
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President Biden's Priority of Forcing Taxpayers into a Partnership with the Abortion Industry Won't Bring Unity
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FRC Commends State Department Genocide Designation for China's Atrocities Against Uyghur Muslims and Other Minority Groups
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Religious Freedom in China: The History, Current Challenges, and the Proper Response to a Human Rights Crisis
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The Trump Administration's Laudable 'Tough on China' Legacy
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Standing With France, and Free Speech, After Terror Attack
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FRC Releases New Publication Showing Extent of Christian Persecution in Nigeria
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Family Research Council to Host Event on Religious Freedom in Iran
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Pakistan religious discrimination is enabling human trafficking
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Abortion And Sex-Trafficking Are Undeniably Linked Abuses Against Women
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Remembering the Holocaust Amid Rising Anti-Semitism
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Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Lack of Religious Freedom for Uyghurs in China
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Why Christians must care about the international persecuted church
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Tony Perkins: Pray and act for persecuted Christians worldwide - here's why
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Say a prayer for the most persecuted
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Sec. of State Mike Pompeo Joins Tony Perkins on the Radio to Discuss the Commission on Unalienable Rights
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FRC Calls Pres. Trump's UN Speech a Historic Step to Protect Religious Freedom for all Faiths
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Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and Tony Perkins Preview on Radio the 2nd Annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom
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Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Religious Freedom in Northeast Syria alongside 2nd State Dept. Ministerial
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The US is speaking out on religious persecution, and the world is taking notice
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Congress Aims to Address China's Atrocities against Religious Minorities
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Family Research Council to Host Event Highlighting Religious Freedom in Northeast Syria alongside 2nd State Dept. Ministerial
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Family Research Council Applauds the State Department's Formation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights
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Nikki Haley Has Been an Agent of Change
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Why Religious Freedom Is a National Security Issue
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Family Research Council Praises Trump Administration's Sweeping Implementation of Pro-life Mexico City Policy
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Religious Freedom Under President-Elect Trump
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What President-elect Trump can do about religious freedom
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Population, Abortion, and Food

About Family Research Council

For 40 years, we've been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

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