What about Homosexuals Who Oppose Redefining Marriage?

March 20, 2013

Many of the people who advocate most vigorously for changing the definition of marriage to one that would include homosexual couples argue that the only possible reason for opposing such a change is “hate” toward homosexuals.

What, then, do they make of homosexuals who themselves oppose redefining marriage?

I met one such person when we both testified against the Maryland bill to redefine marriage last year. Doug Mainwaring is a Tea Party conservative--and identifies himself as gay.

He has become increasingly vocal and visible in defense of marriage as the union of a man and a woman--arguing, correctly, that such a definition is clearly designed to encourage responsible procreation, not to oppress homosexuals.

Check out his latest blog post (“Same-Sex Marriage: We're Playing Chess, Not Checkers”) at The Public Discourse.