The Social Conservative Review: December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

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Dear Friend,

It's common this time of year to ask, "Are you ready for Christmas?"

Usually what's meant by this is, have you purchased all the presents you wish to give? Are your travel plans all set? Will you be taking time off between Christmas and New Year?

Shorthand expressions save time and unneeded explanation, but sometimes they misstate the very question they ask.

In a recent talk at FRC, Dr. Kenyn Cureton got to the real meaning of how to be ready for Christmas and invited us to consider how to truly prepare for "the Word (Who) became flesh." Dr. Cureton, who leads FRC's Church Ministries department, invested 20 years as a pastor after earning his Ph.D. in theology. His message is informed by a scholar's eye and a pastor's heart, and most supremely by love for Jesus Christ. You can listen here.

Get ready - and Merry Christmas!

Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice President
Family Research Council

P.S. Adult stem cell treatments save lives, and FRC's Dr. David Prentice offers proof in his fascinating recent talk here at FRC.

Educational Freedom and Reform

Legislation and Policy Proposals

College Debt

Government Reform


Health Care

Health care reform: ACA/Obamacare


Human Life and Bioethics

Bioethics and Biotechnology

Euthanasia and End of Life Issues

Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.

Human Trafficking

Marriage and Family

Family Economics

Family Structure


Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty

Religion in America
Check out Dr. Kenyn Cureton's feature on Watchmen Pastors called "The Lost Episodes," featuring how religion has had an impact on our Founding Fathers.



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