Canada Celebrates Israel Democracy

May 5, 2014

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a statement today expressing Canada's goodwill on the occasion of Israel's birthday. The statement is a sincere one and represents the admiration that goes out from one democracy to another.

Reading the Prime Minister of Canada's statement made me want to check to see how our own very eloquent president would greet the Israelis. I looked and looked, but couldn't find anything. You can get the President's witty talk at the White House Correspondents Association dinner. Mr. Obama admitted that last year, the first of what we pray will be his last term, was a bad one for him. Why, it was so bad, the president jibed, that "even the 47% were telling Mitt Romney they were sorry." That was funny.

But no message to Israel, the only democracy in the Mideast. No kind words to our only trustworthy ally in the region.

Well, maybe I could find it on the State Department website. Surely, Sec. of State John Kerry would like to make nice to Israel. He needs to after his infamous gaffe comparing Israel's future to "apartheid," like South Africa's past.

Checking in at, I searched and searched for birthday messages to Israel. Nada. None. Nowhere.

I did find a glowing statement about our improving relations with (drumroll, Marine Band, please) ANGOLA! Well, that's good news.

Digging deeper into the State Department's informative website, I learn that ex-Sen. Russ Feingold is Mr. Kerry's Envoy to the Great Lakes.

Who knew we even had an envoy to bodies of water?

Which only serves to remind me that Israel could teach our water borne envoys a lot. As in parting the waters, stilling them, and walking on them.

This is a day for the rest of us to thank God we have friends in Israel. Who blesses you I will bless; who curses you I will curse says the Lord.

That promise comes to us from an even higher authority than the president, the secretary of state, and even higher than the White House Correspondents.

To read the entire statement from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, click here.

than the White House Correspondents.