NRO’s Katherine Timpf highlights that the “PC police” are worried about unmerited privileges going to those who marry.
In Non-Marriage Reduces U.S. Labor Participation I show that the “Police’s” concern is badly founded, according to federal data:
During recessions, when corporate budgets are tightest and businesses are failing more frequently, firms do not rid themselves of their more expensive labor, married workers. Instead, less-expensive singles lose jobs more frequently.
There can be many reasons for this, but it cannot be that firms losing money decide to lose more just to favor otherwise identical, expensive workers (to whom they will simply pay a premium). That is absurd. And, if followed, would at the very least see all those firms replaced by sensible ones. There have been many recessionary cycles for this to take place.
Modern recessions are a great test of the “PC police’s” hypothesis. That hypothesis fails.
Marriage is a social good.