Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

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One could not watch the Republican presidential candidate debate Wednesday evening, nor can one scan the headlines of today’s papers, without realizing that protecting the unborn has become one of the most decisive issues of our time. 

The horrific videos of Planned Parenthood personnel coldly discussing income from selling the body parts of the unborn have struck the conscience of the nation, and moved pro-life lawmakers to demand a complete end to federal funding of the abortion giant.  FRC stands with them in this effortAs FRC President Tony Perkins has said, “FRC is demanding that Congress zero-out Planned Parenthood’s funding on a must-pass piece of legislation.” This is what legislation by U.S. Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee would do.  As she wrote recently in National Review, her bill would “ultimately increase available funding to community health centers by $235 million during this one-year period. The legislation further prioritizes women’s health care over abortion by reallocating federal funding to the more than 13,000 facilities nationwide that provide preventive care to those who need it most and do not perform abortions.”

Pro-life champions like U.S. Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona have offered legislation to curtail the destruction of unborn life. Rep. Franks, who spoke about his efforts yesterday at FRC, has authored the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 3504), which is scheduled to be considered in the House over the next several days. And next week, the Senate will consider U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham's "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act," the House version of which was also authored by Rep. Franks. The bill, which has already passed the House, would protect unborn children from abortion in almost all cases for two reasons: one, as documented by the Director of FRC's Center for Human Dignity, Arina Grossu, these little ones feel pain -- intensely. And two, they have inherent value as little lives created by a loving God. 

FRC will never compromise our commitment to those whose precious, God-given lives are treated by the abortion industry merely as revenue sources and saleable commodities. The image of God they bear, from conception onward, calls us to defend them. Protecting unborn babies and their mothers from the predatory abortion industry is one of the highest callings of our time.  Affirming the value of life is a privilege.  And we can rejoice that in our time, we have the honor of standing for it. 

Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice-President
Family Research Council

P.S. Are you coming to FRC’s annual Values Voter Summit?  It’s not too late to register to hear leading presidential candidates and key conservative leaders lay-out their agendas for the coming year.  And don’t miss Chelsen Vicari’s excellent review of Tony Perkins’ important new book, No Fear.   

Religious Liberty

“Free to Believe”

International Religious freedom-

Marriage Licensing

 Religious Liberty in the public square

Tax Exempt Status





Federal funding of abortion

Fetal Pain

Healthcare conscience




Family Economics

Human Sexuality (Homosexual/ gender issues)

Human Trafficking


Pro-Marriage divorce reform