Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015

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Over the past few days, we’ve learned the story of a newborn baby left in a Nativity scene at the Holy Child Jesus Church in Queens, New York.  The babe was found lying in a manger, wrapped in towels.  Sound familiar?

Thankfully, the baby was found within an hour of being left in the crèche, discovered by a custodian.  It’s good to know that “under NY safe haven law, which permits a parent to leave a child in a safe place (such as a hospital or church) with hope of their being taken care of, (the baby’s mother) will not be charged with child abandonment. And as it turns out, there are parents in the parish who have already asked to adopt the baby.”

A baby rescued in the representation of a manger.  Of course, another Baby came to a manger, but the difference in the stories is that Jesus came to rescue us.  As Paul the apostle wrote the church in Galatia, Jesus “gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father” (1:4).  Born in a stable, laid in a feeding trough, the Lord of the universe came to us as a baby.  Fragile, vulnerable, tiny.  No words can capture the dimensions of this miracle.

Last week, we were reminded that the fragility of human life is not limited to the little ones among us.  A maddened shooter murdered three people at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado.  Ironically, one of them was police officer Garrett Swasey.  In addition to his service protecting and defending his community, Officer Swasey also served, part-time, as a pastor (take a few moments to listen to his compelling, Gospel-rich last sermon). 

Those murdered in Colorado were as precious as the baby found in Holy Child Jesus Church.  So were those aborted in the clinic in which the victims were killed.  So are their mothers.  So is every life, within the womb and outside it.  As FRC President Tony Perkins said last week, “Only through peaceful means –not violence— can we truly become a nation that once again values all human life, born and unborn.”

Rob Schwarzwalder
Senior Vice-President
Family Research Council

P.S. Be sure to watch Dr. David Prentice’s presentation this week at FRC, “Malevolence or Benevolence? Fetal Tissue Research, Planned Parenthood's abortions, and Embryonic Stem Cells.”

Religious Liberty

“Free to Believe”

International Religious freedom- 

Religious Liberty in the public square

Note: U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has given a number of thoughtful speeches on the centrality of religious liberty to our country.  His most recent, delivered in the Senate on December 1, is titled, “Hatch Affirms that Religion is Indispensable to Democracy.”

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Federal funding of abortion

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