The Social Conservative Review: September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016

Dear Friends,

For Americans, "freedom" is central to our identity. We are the "land of the free, the home of the brave." Our media and culture tell us that with the progression of "LGBT rights" and with the expansion of "safe spaces" on college campuses, we are now a more free and inclusive society. So are we now happier and more satisfied as a result? R.R. Reno of First Things has pinpointed a "politics of vulnerability" that clearly shows we are anything but.

As Reno writes, current developments have instead led to "new dissatisfactions." He elaborates: "It's telling that the institutions with the most highly developed rhetoric of inclusion are the most elite, which is to say the most competitive. Again the paradox: The most successful kids with the greatest opportunities seem to be the ones most eager for protection [i.e. "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces"]." Among LGBT activists, we see example after example of lawsuits being utilized when bathroom policies and wedding cake referrals are deemed "hateful." Why does this occur? When the most basic human forms of authority and societal structure -- the family and the church -- are torn down in the public square, people can't help but feel increasingly vulnerable. What does this lead to? Reno explains: "Without a trustworthy Father in heaven (and often without a father in the home), the rising generation is more and more likely to ask big government (and a culture of political correctness) to provide security and comfort."

A true understanding of "freedom" can go a long way in restoring this sense of security and comfort that many have lost. As believers know, true freedom is not merely the ability to choose something amongst a multitude of options; it is the ability to become who we were made to become -- a child of God. As children, we learn about God's love and authority -- the surest source of genuine security and comfort -- through our parents' example and the faith they instill in us, in both literal and symbolic ways. We in turn pass this example and faith on to our children, and they to theirs, etc. In this way, a society's well-being and hopeful future depend upon the strength of the family.

Thank you for your prayers and for your continued support of FRC and the family.


Dan Hart
Managing Editor for Publications
Family Research Council

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