The Fairfax County School System will not get to have a taxpayer-funded transgender “panel discussion” after all.
Last week, Fairfax County Schools announced the “Coming Out and Coming Around” event to be held in July: “Join us for an LGBTQ panel discussion. Parents, counselors and LGBTQ adolescents will share experiences and answer your questions. Browse LGBTQ resources in the Parent Resource Center library.”
This did not sit well with Fairfax County property owners, who send most of their property taxes every year to the Fairfax County School Board. Aren’t “panel discussions” supposed to be fair and balanced, especially if they are funded by taxpayers with a broad range of views?
Fairfax families pushed back, and the bureaucrats buckled.
One savvy mom called and peppered a counselor with questions:
Are you representing both sides on this panel? “We have no sides.”
Oh really, well, will there be anyone on the panel discussing negative consequences to children from transitioning? Or that it might not be in the best interest for a child to transition? In so many words, “No.”
Anybody on the panel that does not advocate children transitioning? In so many words, “No.”
Since this is an academic setting, have you considered including diversity of thought on this? Diverse perspectives from medicine, science? Ever heard of Dr. Paul McHugh? No. No. And No.
This tax-funded “panel” has been officially “postponed” until the fall.
It’s a small victory in the fight against political indoctrination of public school children.