Yesterday a senate committee in Richmond voted in favor of Virginia ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Yes, I am speaking of your grandmother’s ERA.
The deadline Congress set for states to ratify the amendment has long since passed—nearly three decades ago. Proponents couldn’t convince enough states that it was a good idea within the deadline, and since then five states have withdrawn their ratification.
The issue is officially moot. But proponents hope they can convince enough states to go through the motions anyway, and then convince a lawless judge to ignore the deadline.
The Left loves lawless judges.
Women deserve to be treated with respect and fairness. We can all agree on that. But the ERA won’t deliver these things—in fact, it will undermine them.
The same lawless judges who might ignore ratification deadlines could also employ the ERA to eliminate the recognition of male and female. But that puts men in women’s shelters and prisons. It puts men in women’s bathrooms and showers. It puts men in women’s sports.
We don’t need that kind of help.
The ERA is not only anti-woman, but anti-children—especially the most vulnerable waiting to be born.
Proponents say the ERA is not about abortion. But look at what they do: Every time a state considers ERA language that is abortion-neutral, they kill it. That’s because abortion is at the heart of the ERA.
Women deserve safe spaces, privacy, and a level playing field. Children deserve a fighting chance to be born.
When the Virginia Senate takes up the measure in the days ahead, they should waste no time in putting to rest this bad, old idea.