FRC's Top 7 Trending Items (Week of May 24)

May 29, 2020

Here are “The 7” top trending items at FRC over the past seven days:

1. Washington Update: “Trump Insists It's Open Season for Churches”

On Friday, after hearing from pastors all across the country, President Trump addressed the stricter restrictions placed upon church gatherings over other establishments like restaurants, malls, and even casinos and called for America’s governors to stop the injustice.

2. Washington Update: “Mask Hysteria? Scientists Say No”

Do masks help reduce the spread of the coronavirus? One of the things scientists have learned is that the virus is transferred more from airborne droplets and less from commonly touched surfaces and the number one thing we can do to reduce that transmission is to wear masks.

3. Publication: Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination

May has been deemed “Sex Ed For All Month” by the powerful lobby shops pushing radical sex ed on children. In response, FRC has released a new resource for parents to inform them on what they need to know.

4. Blog: “The Trump Administration Is About to Do the Right Thing on Religious Freedom — Again”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is about to finalize a rule it proposed last year to ensure that religious freedom and conscience are protected, the medical profession is not politicized, and patient care is prioritized.

5. Blog: “Gender-Neutral Intersex Passport Case May Advance Larger Transgender Goals”

Although most individuals who choose to identify as “non-binary” do not have a biological intersex condition, transgender activists would like for anyone who identifies as “non-binary” to be able to get identification documents with an “X” gender marker.

6. Washington Watch: Rep. Ted Yoho blasts Biden’s anti-Israel policy that aims to roll back Trump’s accomplishments

Ted Yoho, U.S. Representative for the 3rd district of Florida, joined Tony Perkins to discuss Joe Biden’s pledge to reverse the Trump administration’s Israel policies and also on the brewing war between Israel and Hezbollah.

7. Washington Watch: Rep. Mike Johnson says every cent Planned Parenthood stole from PPP hurts legitimate businesses

Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for the 4th district of Louisiana and Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, joined Tony Perkins to discuss the Democrats’ outrageous defense of Planned Parenthood’s illegal Paycheck Protection Program loan grab.

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