Here are “The 7” top trending items at FRC over the past seven days:
1. Update: The COVID Bait and Snitch
In the middle of a global pandemic, you'd think health officials would have better things to do than mask checks at empty churches. Well, think again. Many states are turning neighbors into government informants with absolutely no way to screen phony or politically-motivated tattling.
2. Update: New ’Woke’ Denomination is a Warning Sign to Christians
Over the weekend, the formation of a new Methodist denomination was announced during an online worship service hosted by former and current Methodist church leaders. According to organizers, the Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX), as the group will be called, is a socially progressive denomination that will reimage what it means to follow Jesus.
3. Blog: Nigeria Is Officially Declared a “Country of Particular Concern”—and Not a Minute Too Soon
In a year when bad news seems to be relentless and unstoppable, there is still good news to report. Very good news, in fact. At long last, broken and bloodstained Nigeria has been declared a “country of particular concern” by the U.S. State Department.
4. Blog: 3 Alarming Developments for Religious Freedom in China This Year
Family Research Council has released an updated publication on the state of religious freedom in China, which, in just one year, have noticeably worsened. Bob Fu, President of ChinaAid and Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom at Family Research Council, knows well the dangers that the Chinese government can pose to people of faith.
5. Washington Watch: Rep. Mike Johnson Explains Why State AGs are Calling Out Election Abuse in a New SCOTUS Case
Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative from Louisiana, joined Tony Perkins to discuss the Texas lawsuit contesting election results in four battleground states—Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
6. Washington Watch: Cleta Mitchell Talks About the Thousand Pages of Testimony That Prompted the Trump GA Lawsuit
Cleta Mitchell, Election Law Attorney, joined Tony Perkins to discuss the Trump Campaign filing a lawsuit challenging the Georgia election.
7. Pray Vote Stand broadcast: Call To Prayer for our First Freedom
On this edition of Pray Vote Stand, Tony welcomed Ryan Tucker, Jack Hibbs, and Carter Conlon to join in a special time of prayer asking God to move on the hearts of elected officials and judges to uphold our first freedom.