Here are “The 7” top trending items at FRC over the past seven days:
1. Update: Biden Isn’t Fueling Anyone with His Useless Agenda
Joe Biden wants to be FDR, but he may be a Jimmy Carter. The lines for gas up and down the east coast were so long that the traffic jams spilled onto the main streets. Along the southern border, the state of emergency hit a fever pitch when the surge hit a two-decade high. In Israel, Arab terrorists are on the verge of “full-scale war” and what is the president’s response? “This is progress.”
2. Update: Biden’s Big Government Works Overtime for Unemployment
The evidence of it is everywhere—at restaurants, factories, and construction sites. A couple in Chattanooga couldn’t even go out to dinner without being greeted by a sign that read: “We are short staffed. Please be patient... No one wants to work anymore.” Employers offer to pay more, give night and weekend incentives, and still—they can’t seem to find any applicants.
3. Blog: Thinking Biblically About Cancel Culture
Over the past few years, “cancel culture” has overtaken social media platforms with language urging us to “cancel” someone or declare that they are “over.” Whether the context is politics, sports, entertainment, or business, no one seems safe from the reach of the so-called cancel culture movement. How should Christians think about “canceling” people, institutions, or ideas?
4. Blog: God Is the Solution to a Declining Birth Rate
The Centers for Disease Control released new data showing the American birth rate in 2020 fell to its lowest point in history, continuing the general trend that began in 1971 of American birthrates falling below the replacement level. Certainly, instability caused by COVID-19 impacted the birthrate, but COVID-19 did not cause the instability—it simply magnified a problem that already existed.
5. Washington Watch: Chris Mitchell, Jason Smith, Chip Roy, Dan Celia
Tony was joined by Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, who shared the latest on the rocket attacks against Israel. Jason Smith, U.S. Representative for Missouri, gave his take on President Biden’s spending proposals. Chip Roy, U.S. Representative for Texas, talked about the House Republicans’ upcoming vote to recall Rep. Liz Cheney as House GOP Conference Chair. And, Dan Celia, President and CEO of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries, detailed what the April Jobs Report and President Biden’s spending proposals mean for the economy.
6. Washington Watch: Jackie Walorski, Roger Severino, Ken Harrison, David Closson
Tony was joined by Jackie Walorski, U.S. Representative for Indiana, to answer the question: are unemployment checks keeping people from finding work? Roger Severino, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, responded to the Biden administration’s redefinition of sex discrimination. Ken Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers, reacted to a USA Today columnist calling for the cancellation of a Promise Keepers rally. And, David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics & Biblical Worldview, shared how followers of Christ should respond in situations like the one faced by Promise Keepers.
7. Pray Vote Stand Broadcast: What You Need to Know About Biden's “American Families Plan”
On this edition of Pray Vote Stand, Tony Perkins was joined by Joy Pullmann, Mary Szoch, Charmaine Yoest, and Rep. Vicki Hartzler (R-Mo.) to discuss President Biden’s massive and far-reaching proposal that will usher in a government takeover of childcare and education.