Here are “The 7” top trending items at FRC over the past seven days:
1. Update: RNC Pride Tweet: The Elephant in the Room
A handful of days into this rainbow deluge, the air of LGBT pride is so suffocating that people could choke. It’s plastered across social media, corporate logos, cereal boxes, even big box stores’ pandering displays. But one place conservatives thought they were safe from all this nonsense was the Republican National Committee. Turns out, their chairwoman is just as happy as anyone to pull on the LGBT jersey.
2. Update: Virginia District Hears Parents Loudoun Clear
The parents of Loudoun County, Virginia who were packed into every available chair at a recent school board meeting were angry. For months, they’d been warring with the district over its woke curriculum in a feud so bitter that it made the national news. But it was the suspension of Tanner Cross, a P.E. teacher who spoke out about a new transgender policy, that turned the local temperature from hot to boiling.
3. Blog: Kim Jong Un Encourages Workers to Maintain “Communist Faith”
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un recently encouraged workers to build up their “communist faith.” In a letter released by North Korean state media last month, Kim wrote to a federation of trade unions, claiming that such communist faith is required to attain the utopian society supposedly possible in the world’s last true communist dictatorship.
4. Blog: Book Review: Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult
If you think writing a book to challenge the idea of “affirmative care” for children makes her mean, cold or uncaring, you’d be very wrong about that. It is precisely her compassion for others that compelled Keffler to write this book. Many desperate parents are searching high and low to find authentic help for their struggling child—this book serves this very real need.
5. Washington Watch: Chris Mitchell, Warren Davidson, Gordon Chang, Beth Mizell, Gabrielle Clark
Tony was joined by James Comer, U.S. Representative for Kentucky, who called for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, discussed how the Biden administration has managed recent crises. Tanner Cross, an educator in Loudoun County Public Schools who was suspended for objecting to new school policies on gender identity, and Tyson Langhofer, Senior Counsel and Director of the Center for Academic Freedom at Alliance Defending Freedom, praised the court decision ruling that Tanner’s constitutional rights were violated when the school board suspended him. And, Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy & Government Affairs, and Katherine Johnson, FRC’s Research Fellow for Legal and Policy Studies, talked about church victories in court cases over COVID restrictions, and spoke out against the San Jose, California government authorities who continue to harass churches.
6. Washington Watch: Ken Ham, Dr. Brad Jurkovich, Burgess Owens, Ray Comfort
Guest host Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) was joined by Ken Ham, CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis, to discuss the root causes behind the decline in U.S. church membership. Dr. Brad Jurkovich, Senior Pastor of First Bossier in Bossier City, La., addressed the present challenges faced by America’s churches. Burgess Owens, U.S. Representative for Utah, advised Christians on how they should think about and approach issues regarding race. And, Ray Comfort, CEO of Living Waters, urged Americans to turn to the gospel as the only real answer to the challenges and difficulties facing our nation.
7. Pray Vote Stand Broadcast: A Christian Response to LGBT Pride
On this edition of Pray Vote Stand, Tony Perkins was joined by Dr. Wayne Grudem, Sarah Perry, and Pastor Ken William to discuss the designation of June as “Pride Month” and how Christians are to think biblically about pride, parenting tips on how to fight back against LGBT indoctrination in schools, and how believers can open the doors of dialogue with those struggling with an LGBT identity.