"How Did the Early Christians of Rome Defeat Pagan Sexuality?"
Over the past century Western Civilization, including the United States, has experienced profound social, culture, and sexual changes. Many of these changes run counter to deeply-held Christian moral teaching. Those supporting the change seem impervious to arguments in favor of traditional morality. With that said, we tend to forget that the early Roman Church lived in a pagan world dominated by its sexual ethos. Yet, the Christian Church's sexual ethic emerged victorious, and that fact prompts us to ask, "How Did the Early Christians of Rome Defeat Pagan Sexuality?" Dr. Peter Jones will address this profound question.
Dr. Peter Jones is the foremost evangelical scholar of neo-paganism. In 1991, he returned to the U.S. after living 25 years in France and concluded that "a new spirituality had taken over America." What he first identified as "New Age" was far more than a left-coast fad, and it led him to publish the Gnostic Empire Strikes Back (1992). A series of books followed. In 2006, he wrote two more: The God of Sex: How Worldview Determines Sexuality, and Capturing the Pagan Mind: Paul's Blueprint for Thinking and Living in the New Global Culture.
Dr. Jones holds an M. Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th. M. from Harvard Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. He taught New Testament at Westminster Seminary (Escondido, CA) until December 2002. He now directs truthXchange (www.truthxchange.com), a non-profit which emphasizes reaching college and university students who often encounter the "new spirituality" on their campuses.