Social libertarianism is one of the fastest growing and most powerful political forces in America. Its influence is captured in studies by Gallup finding that, "Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues."
Social libertarianism is particularly prevalent among millennial and younger generations. It is found in statements like, "I won't use doctor-assisted suicide, but I don't want to restrict others from having that choice." In Colorado, the strength of social libertarianism is evidenced in Hillary Clinton winning by 5%, recreational marijuana legalized by 10%, and doctor-assisted suicide legalized by nearly 30%.
Austin Petersen, Libertarian candidate for president, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, and popular figure among millennials, once tweeted, "I believe in a world where gay married couples are free to protect their marijuana fields with fully automatic machine guns. #freedom."
Unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding of freedom that confuses liberty with license. To respond, we must return to a Russell Kirk and Edmund Burke understanding of natural law-based freedom and ordered liberty.
Join Jeff Hunt, Vice President of Public Policy at Colorado Christian University, for an important lecture on The Conservative Response to Social Libertarianism.
Jeff Hunt is the Director of the Centennial Institute, Vice President of Public Policy for Colorado Christian University, and Chairman of the Western Conservative Summit. Jeff earned his BA degrees in Philosophy and Religious Studies from Westmont College, Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and Master of Political Management from George Washington University. He has served as Media Coordinator for the Senate Republican Conference, Director of Operations for the Clapham Group, Special Assistant to Senator Rick Santorum's 2012 White House campaign, and Director of Colorado Coalitions for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign. He was the founder of Avinova Media Group, a digital media marketing firm based in Colorado.
Jeff is a former river and mountain guide and loves to be outdoors. He and his wife, Nicole, have four children.