Human Sexuality and the God of the Bible
Rob Schwarzwalder, Senior Vice President of Family Research Council, wrote an article published in Religion Today. He wrote about what true sexuality and marriage look like, as a way of combating the perversion and lies that have attacked what God created. He, along with other leading Christians, offered comments about God-designed marriage and sexuality:
“Want to be truly countercultural? Love God. Love your spouse. Love your children. Be loyal to them. Die to your own selfishness. Stand for marriage as it is taught in the Bible. Model servanthood.”
“You’ll be thought, by some, at least, odd, old-fashioned, and out-of-date. That’s OK; you’ll be content. Not a bad thing, that.”
“Christians must not go with the flow. They must instead love the advocates of same-sex marriage better than they love themselves precisely by refusing to endorse it” (Jonathan Leeman).
“ … Each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and has for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. Nor did God create these each by himself, and join them together as alien by birth: but He created the one out of the other, setting a sign also of the power of the union in the side, whence she was drawn, was formed. For they are joined one to another side by side, who walk together, and look together whither they walk” (Augustine of Hippo, “Of the Good of Marriage”).
Why Pay Clintons Top Dollar for No Answers on Jerusalem?
Ken Blackwell, Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment, along with Bob Morrison, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, wrote an article for Townhall. Ken and Bob found that the Clintons are paid up to $500,000 for a speech. If they can be paid that much, how much is it to ask for them to give the American people the answers they want, and in this case, why they decided to divide part of Israel and give it to terrorist Yasser Arafat? Ken and Bob had this to say:
“What happened to Jerusalem the last time Jerusalem was divided? In the thousands of years that Jerusalem has been regarded as the Holy City, it was formally divided only for a brief period, 1948-1967. Then, the neighboring Jordanians occupied the Eastern part of the city. Jews were forbidden to approach the Western Wall, their holiest place. Their cemeteries—some going back a thousand years—were used for latrines. Their grave markers were uprooted and carted away for paving stones. Christians’ access was severely limited, too.”
“If Jordan, widely regarded as a moderate Hashemite monarchy, could so treat East Jerusalem, how would Palestinian militants treat it? Look to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to learn how.”
“This is why Jerusalem—regardless of what timid, droning Obama State Department apparatchiks keep saying—must never again be divided…”
The Obamacare ‘Jam Rule’
Ken Blackwell, Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment, wrote an article for World Magazine. Obamacare, the President’s ‘signature piece of legislation’ has been labeled a ‘train wreck’ according to Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. Many of the law’s backers are now turning their back on it, knowing how disastrous it is to America. President Nixon was impeached on the basis of lawlessness, all too similar to Obama. He’s not too concerned about fulfilling his duties since doesn’t have another term to worry about campaigning for, and knows he won’t get impeached, since Republicans couldn’t pull off the impeachment of Clinton when the GOP had majority in both the House and Senate. Ken had the following to say:
“I cannot honestly say I oppose delaying Obamacare’s employer mandate. But I believe it is the responsibility of Congress to change the laws, not something this president (or any president) should do by fiat. Surely, if corporations can get a year’s reprieve from Obamacare regulations, then the average Joe and Jane deserve a yearlong respite, too. Most of those corporations have accounting departments that can help them cope with the train wreck they so narrowly averted. I thought liberals cared about ‘the little guys.’”
“The whole Obamacare fiasco has an Alice in Wonderland quality to it. It was a great achievement in the past. It is something great to be anticipated in the future. But no one seems to want it right now. Instead of “train wreck,” maybe we should call it the Obamacare Jam Rule. In Alice’s amazing world behind the looking glass, it was always “jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but never jam today.” If we don’t repeal this thing, we will all be in a jam.”
Letter: Religious Freedom Threatened in Military
Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, wrote a letter to the editor published in the Baton Rouge Advocate. After FRC’s news conference addressing the attack on religious liberty in the military on July 9, there were articles released throughout the media that discredited what was said at our conference. Some reporters claimed that our concerns were false, and that the hostility against those of faith in our armed forces was not that bad. Those who are experiencing the persecution feel differently. In his article, Tony mentions a story of Rear Admiral William Lee, who was told he ‘crossed the line’ when he gave a Bible to a Coast Guardsman who had attempted suicide.
“Just a few weeks after Adm. Lee told of the restrictions and threats military members face if they simply share the hope they have found in following Jesus Christ, I met the young man who survived the self-inflicted gunshot to the head. His outlook on life has totally changed. He has hope, he has purpose and he has a future because someone crossed a line that should never have been drawn.”