Issue Brief

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts - 2023 Edition
January 13, 2023 - Connor Semelsberger, Mary Szoch and Joy Stockbauer

On the 46th memorial of Roe v. Wade, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the Reproductive Health Act which repealed legal protections for infants who survive abortion. The celebration of this law in New York City, followed by comments by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam which seemed to endorse infanticide has launched the question of born-alive abortion survivors into the conscience of America.

The Holding of Roe v. Wade Was Never In Line with American Attitudes on Abortion
October 20, 2022 - Connor Semelsberger

Under Roe, no restrictions on abortion in the second or third trimesters are mandated. Abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is the default unless Congress or the individual states pass laws restricting it. This common misunderstanding of Roe has caused great confusion about abortion laws in America.

Roe v. Wade: An Explainer
October 20, 2022 - Connor Semelsberger

The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973 ruled that abortion is protected under the U.S. Constitution, striking down many state abortion restrictions and severely limiting the extent to which states could write their own abortion laws.

Religious Freedom and International Development: An Explainer
June 27, 2022 - A.J. Nolte and Arielle Del Turco

A strong correlation exists between religious freedom and economic growth. Because of this correlation, the U.S. government's foreign assistance efforts would greatly benefit from promoting international religious freedom programming and projects. If the U.S. government wants to have a long-lasting impact in the countries it seeks to strengthen, then promoting religious freedom must be a part of the solution.

Diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in Children: An Explainer
May 6, 2022 - Jennifer Bauwens

Gender dysphoria is a clinical term used in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to describe children and adults who experience a psychological condition marked by an incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex.

Assisted Suicide: An Explainer
May 6, 2022 - Mary Szoch

In the United States, assisted suicide allows a patient with a six-month terminal diagnosis to request and ingest legally prescribed medication for the explicit purpose of ending their own life.

Women Should Not Be Drafted into Selective Service
July 30, 2021 - Mary Beth Waddell

Currently, all male U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register with the Selective Service System, a government agency that manages any potential military drafts. Women are exempt from registering with the Selective Service. However, in July 2021, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) voted in favor of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would require both men and women to register.

Human-Animal Chimeras: Unethical and Unnecessary
June 15, 2021 - Mary Szoch

In the United States, the ethical considerations regarding human-animal chimeras and human embryo research are intertwined. Understanding the regulations on human-animal chimeras the United States ought to have requires a review of the United States' policies on human embryo research, an overview of what human-animal chimeras are, an analysis of the purported benefits of human-animal chimera research, and a synopsis of the ethical questions posed by creating these creatures.

How the United States Can Address China's Uyghur Genocide
March 10, 2021 - Arielle Del Turco

The Xinjiang region in northwest China is the location of the most totalitarian crackdown on a religious group in the world today. The Chinese government has herded over one million Uyghurs and other ethnic Turkic Muslims into what they call "vocational education training centers."

How the “Equality Act” Is Actually Unequal, Unfair, and Unjust
March 1, 2021 - Mary Beth Waddell

The "Equality Act" is legislation that would massively overhaul our federal civil rights framework in order to mandate special privileges in the private sector for sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). It would add these SOGI categories alongside characteristics in civil rights statutes that are innate, inborn, involuntary, and immutable, such as age, race, national origin, or protected under the Constitution, such as religion.

Title X Rule Changes Protect the Unborn and Increase Health Care Options
March 13, 2019 - Patrina Mosley and Connor Semelsberger

In 1988, President Reagan issued new regulations for the Title X family planning grant program created by Congress during the Nixon administration. The Title X statute prohibits abortion as a method of family planning. Reagan's regulations require recipients of the grant to have complete physical and financial separation from any abortion services performed by the recipient, and bar recipients from referring for abortion. The Clinton administration rescinded these pro-life regulations in 1993, but the Trump administration reinstated them in March 2019. Read the Full Publication

The SPLC's Incursion into Education
February 8, 2018 - Family Research Council

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls itself a nonprofit civil rights organization "dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry" by using "litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy." It was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm that fought the Ku Klux Klan for financial damages for the victims of Klan violence.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Phony Lists, and Intimidation
October 19, 2017 - Family Research Council

The SPLC calls itself a nonprofit civil rights organization "dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry" by using "litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy." It was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm that fought the Ku Klux Klan for financial damages for the victims of Klan violence.

Religious Liberty and the Wedding Vendor Cases
December 14, 2016 - Alexandra McPhee

People of faith increasingly find themselves facing lawsuits (along with censure and hostility) when they refuse to renounce their religious beliefs on marriage and sexuality in living out ... (more)

Free Speech Fairness Act
October 27, 2016 - Family Research Council

The Johnson Amendment is a tax provision that prevents 501(c)(3) organizations from participating in political campaigns on behalf of, or in opposition to, a candidate for public office. The Johnson Amendment is an unconstitutional restraint on free speech, and is a tool the IRS uses to threaten and censor the First Amendment free speech rights of churches, charities, and their leaders. The Johnson Amendment was passed in 1954 and since then, has caused great confusion and concern regarding what tax exempt organizations and their leaders may say about moral issues and political candidates, partly because of the IRS's inconsistent enforcement of the law.

How to Amend the Johnson Amendment
September 7, 2016 - Mr. Travis Weber

In 1954, to help stop his political opponents, then Senator Lyndon Johnson introduced an amendment to the tax code to bar tax-exempt entities from involvement in political campaigns. The "Johnson Amendment" was passed and became part of federal law

Women in Special Ops and Selective Service
July 6, 2016 - Rob Schwarzwalder

In the First World War, trench lines extended hundreds of miles throughout Europe. Enemy armies faced one another in fixed positions, with networks of tunnels and exit pathways clearly distinguishing the front lines from the rear areas.

Bathroom Incidents
June 9, 2016 - Family Research Council

"Gender identity" non-discrimination laws--particularly those that apply to schools and "public accommodations"--authorize people to use sex-separated facilities (such as restrooms, locker ... (more)

Title IX and Transgendered Students
May 17, 2016 - Family Research Council

This Issue Brief provides FRC's response to the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education Guidance to Schools Regarding Title IX and Self-Identified Transgendered Students ... (more)

The FDA Adopts the Abortion Industry Standards for the Mifeprex (RU-486) Abortion Regimen
April 18, 2016 - Arina Grossu

On March 30, 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced changes to the labeling for the Mifeprex® (RU-486) abortion regimen. With these modifications, the FDA accepted wholesale the "off-label" regimen now being used by abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. These changes will greatly lower the already inadequate safety standards that had been put in place when the drug was first approved by the Clinton FDA in 2000. Below this brief description and initial analysis of the changes approved by the FDA, FRC summarizes the most recent adverse event data available, an FDA report from 2011, of the Mifeprex abortion regimen.

A Supreme Decision: Filling Scalia's Seat
February 29, 2016 - Chris Gacek

The untimely passing of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has launched an intense political debate. Essentially, the two positions are that the Senate should consider any nomination sent to it by President Barack Obama or that it should wait to consider a nomination from the next President who will have received a fresh mandate from the American people in the November 2016 election.

The Transgender Movement and 'Gender Identity' in the Law
February 16, 2016 - Peter Sprigg

Virtually all people have a biological sex, identifiable at birth and immutable through life, which makes them either male or female. The transgender movement represents a denial of this physical reality.

The Inequality of the "Equality Act"
February 9, 2016 - Family Research Council

The so-called "Equality Act" ("EA") is a bill introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate on July 23, 2015 which would give special protections to persons who identify as homosexual or transgender by adding "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as protected categories under federal civil rights laws.

Can There Be 'Compromise' Between Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Laws and Religious Liberty Protections?
February 8, 2016 - Peter Sprigg

Those in the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) movement lament that neither the federal government nor a majority of the states has yet adopted legislation to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the list of protected categories in laws prohibiting discrimination in markets for employment, housing, and public accommodations.

In Brief: What Science Reveals about Fetal Pain
March 3, 2015 - Arina Grossu

Family Research Council's (FRC) Center for Human Dignity has published "What Science Reveals about Fetal Pain," an updated analysis paper presenting more than 30 scientific studies, testimonies, medical evidence, and real life experiences that demonstrate that an unborn child can feel pain by 20 weeks post-fertilization.

Population, Abortion, and Food
January 8, 2015 - Rob Schwarzwalder

Global overpopulation and food scarcities are myths, yet these myths are received as fact by far too many people. They also are used by advocates of population control as pretexts for coercive or incentivized abortion-on-demand, sterilization, and widespread distribution of oral contraceptives. In this paper, the author argues that neither overpopulation nor shortages of food are the problems their proponents claim them to be and thus should not be used to advance anti-natalist policies, particularly in the developing world.

Pornography and Its Consequences
July 28, 2014 - Mary Szoch

Pornography has spread like a plague across the nation. It has moved from the margins of our culture to the mainstream, undermining marriages, families, and communities. Worst of all, it has stolen a time of innocence from our children.

Facts About The Definition of Marriage in Maryland
October 24, 2012 - Peter Sprigg

1. Marriage has always been defined as the union of a man and a woman. Up to this year (2012), same-sex marriage has never been legal in Maryland. (That is, Maryland has never issued licenses for civil "marriages" between two persons of the same sex.)

Stark Discrimination Against Faith-Based Adoption Agencies
September 27, 2012 - Mr. Peter Sprigg

What is H.R. 1681, the so-called "Every Child Deserves a Family Act"? H.R. 1681 is a bill introduced by Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) on May 3, 2011. It would "prohibit discrimination in adoption or foster care placements based on the sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status of any prospective adoptive or foster parent, or the sexual orientation or gender identity of the child involved."

Homosexual Parent Study: Summary of Findings
August 23, 2012 - Peter Sprigg

There has been a great deal of media attention focused on a pioneering new study of children with homosexual parents (defined as parents who had a same-sex romantic relationship while the child was under age 18).