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The Era of Legislating from the U.S. Supreme Court May Soon Be Over, says FRC's Perkins
WASHINGTON, DC - President Donald Trump today announced Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to the nation's highest court.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, who attended the White House announcement on the Court, released the following statement:
"Once again, President Trump is following through on his promise and has selected a nominee who has a proven, originalist track record. Judge Amy Barrett is a highly qualified nominee who is committed to the Constitution and understands that a judge's role is not to legislate from the bench.
"Senate Democrats have already made clear there will be a fight over the nominee regardless of who it is, so the president is making the fight worth it.
"Thanks to President Trump, we now have the opportunity after many decades to finally return lawmaking back to the legislatures that are elected by the people. The Left, failing to win in the court of public opinion and in legislatures, has increasingly relied on the courts to rewrite laws to suit their purposes. However, the reality is sinking in among Senate Democrats that the era of legislating from the Supreme Court bench may soon be over. That's why the president's judicial nominees face smears and attacks on their faith.
"Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein once infamously told Judge Barrett that the 'dogma lives loudly within you' -- more than insinuating that it is somehow impossible to serve both God and country. Implying Barrett's religious beliefs somehow disqualify her for the job is a violation of Article VI of the Constitution.
"We are putting Senate Democrats on notice should they return to their religious test playbook. Should you use Judge Barrett's faith as a club to attack her nomination, she will not stand alone. Millions of Americans will stand with her. In fact, 'Remember the dogma' like 'Remember the Alamo' may become an enduring battle cry for religious liberty," concluded Perkins.