Family Research Council recommends and supports prenatal nondiscrimination acts (PRENDAs). Although modern scientific advancements, such as genetic testing and ultrasounds, have made it easier to heal various medical conditions afflicting unborn children and emerging technologies, such as noninvasive prenatal testing, have made it possible to identify an unborn child’s sex earlier than ever before, these developments have also increased the potential for discriminatory abortions. To prevent such injustices from happening, many state legislatures have passed PRENDAs, which prohibit abortions sought on account of an inherent characteristic or prenatal diagnosis. PRENDAs are a commonsense means of promoting a culture in which all human life is valued.
Key Points:
- Prenatal Nondiscrimination Acts prohibit anyone from knowingly aborting the unborn child of a woman who sought the abortion solely on the basis of an inherent characteristic, such as a child’s race, sex, or prenatal diagnosis.
- An estimated 67 percent of women in the United States who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose abortion.
- Race, sex, or prenatal diagnosis should never be a death sentence for an unborn child.
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