The rest of the country already celebrated Christmas, but for Democrats, it's today. To them, the anniversary of the January 6th riot marks one of the greatest political gifts ever given -- a terrible stain on our country that Joe Biden's party will forever exploit and distort to keep the outrage about conservatives burning. "Every day is January 6 now," the New York Times had the audacity to declare. And maybe for the far-Left it is. For a struggling and fractured party with no successes to speak of, the constant reminder of 2021's traumatic event seems to be the only thing they can grab to keep their socialist dreams afloat.
That's not to say that what happened when the mob stormed the Capitol wasn't repugnant. It was. But it was also the culmination of months of frustration, isolation, nationwide lawlessness, and despair, cheered on by (if not orchestrated) by the Left. "This is what inevitably happens when a society lets violent mobs run roughshod through cities and towns and does nothing," John Daniel Davidson warned. And while the vast majority of people on that day weren't there to shatter windows or trash offices, the entire conservative movement is still paying a steep price for those who were.
President Biden, desperate to make political hay while the media's sun is shining, railed against the entire Republican Party this morning for its supposed "plot" to topple democracy. They held "a dagger at the throat of America," he accused before making another empty appeal to unity. "I will stand in this breach," Biden claimed, after 12 months of doing nothing to bind the nation's wounds.
If anything, the administration's first year has been about revenge, using our institutions and Senate traditions to take what Democrats believe January 6th earned them: unending and unchecked power. "January 6th was a dark day for Congress and our country," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) agreed. But "it has been stunning to see some Washington Democrats try to exploit this anniversary to advance partisan policy goals that long predated this event. It is especially jaw-dropping to hear some Senate Democrats invoke the mob's attempt to disrupt our country's norms, rules, and institutions as a justification to discard our norms, rules, and institutions themselves."
Instead of viewing January 6th as a wake-up call, Democrats have resorted to opportunism, using the tragedy as leverage to demand every unconstitutional item on their menu: a nationwide takeover of elections, the toppling of the legislative filibuster, and an end to the minority's voice in the Senate. "Never let a riot go to waste," Rich Lowry quipped in a nod to Rahm Emanuel's infamous advice.
For the men and women of the Trump administration, who devoted four years of their lives to turning this country around, the distortion of what happened that day continues to hurt. Mark Meadows, Donald Trump's former chief of staff, could only shake his head at how the date continues to cast a shadow on all the president accomplished. "It is really all about trying to make sure that January 6th defines what President Trump and his entire four years was all about. You and I know that's not the case," he said on "Washington Watch" Wednesday.
"I don't know that there was a stronger pro-life president that we've ever had in the White House than Donald ... We had a president in Donald Trump [who] was willing to actually take on great political risk to do things that obviously have never been done. We don't have to look any further than an embassy in Jerusalem. And the number of initiatives that [made]... American families and religious freedom as the hallmark of what his administration was all about."
The Donald Trump he knew wasn't the reckless villain the Left and media make him out to be. "He's got an unbelievable compassionate heart. People don't realize that in [private], when there [are] no cameras rolling, things touch him in a way and he does something about it -- whether it's writing personal checks, whether it's making calls to people that have suffered loss. He loves this country and does that in a way that profoundly impacted me."
Of course, those stories -- the ones Mark tells in his new book, The Chief's Chief -- never made a dent in the negative coverage that hounded Trump's term. "I was one that never used the words 'fake news' until I actually got to the White House and experienced it," Meadows remembers. "And the problem is, [when] we consume [news], we're trusting people. We see something and we go, 'Well, gosh, you know, if it's being reported, it's got to be true.' I can just tell you, there needs to be a strong discernment in terms of what you take in and what to trust."
That advice matters more than ever now, as the media's forces team up to do whatever is politically expedient for the Left -- even if it obscures the truth. Especially if it obscures the truth. But the Democrats will eventually reap what they've sown -- not just in their mischaracterization of what happened that day but for all of the lawlessness they condoned leading up to it. "For as much as they now obsess over the violence of January 6, Democrats were at pains to explain to us in the summer of 2020 that destruction of property isn't really violence, and that rioting is okay if done for the right reasons," Davidson argues.
The American people have been tested these last two years, in some ways, as never before. But throughout history, our greatest crises have often led to our greatest comebacks. I'm hopeful, as Mark Meadows is, that "in the weeks and months ahead, the American people's voice will start to be heard again in the elections." Because that, guided and fueled by our prayers, will make all the difference.