Here are some quick facts on the most recent action regarding California’s alarming bill, AB 2943, with links to sources:
- The California Senate just passed AB 2943 on August 16.
- AB 2943 is Round Two of California’s attack upon sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE).
- AB 2943 is so sweeping it could potentially ban the sale of some books—even the Bible.
- Therapy bans restrict what therapists can say to clients. The Supreme Court has signaled that this violates constitutional rights to free speech.
- Ironically, AB 2943 was passed even as a new study has debunked claims that SOCE is ineffective and harmful
- Most clients who seek SOCE just want to live their lives according to the teachings of their faith, so bills like AB 2943 are an attack upon their freedom of religion.
- The Assembly or Gov. Brown have a last chance to block enactment of AB 2943. Urge them to do so now.