FRC's Meg Kilgannon joins lawmakers at Capitol Hill news conference on campus chemical abortion legislation

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Joshua Arnold, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier today, Meg Kilgannon, Senior Fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, joined lawmakers, pro-life activists, and experts at a Capitol Hill news conference announcing the introduction of new legislation to fight taxpayer-funded chemical abortions on college campuses.

Meg Kilgannon said:

"Founded in 1983, Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life. FRC is committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in the nation and the culture from a biblical worldview.

"Few things are more detrimental to human dignity than the practice of abortion. A child in the womb is a distinct, developing, whole human being, created in the image and likeness of God.

"Each time a mother decides, or a father pressures, or a taxpayer funded educational institution encourages the end to such a life, it is a profound tragedy.

"That institutions of higher learning would participate in this kind of brutality is deeply disturbing. Colleges are places for women to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. It's not the place to be handed dangerous chemical abortion pills that kill her unborn child and harm her as well.

"To Congressman Chip Roy for crafting this legislation and Senator Steve Daines for leading this bill in the Senate, we say thank you for taking a stand to protect mothers from being preyed upon by the abortion industry while seeking a college degree. Thank you for standing up for the culture of life and the great potential of every human life in the womb. Thank you for protecting the vulnerable from facing a false choice between education or life, but not both.

"To university health clinics obsessed with controlling women's bodies in the service of the culture of death, we say stop telling women we can't be moms and graduate from college. Stop telling women that to be successful we have to kill our children. Start telling women the ways you'll adapt a system-- that for decades focused only on males--to accommodate the totality of women--including women's fertility. Fertility is a blessing from God and a gift to the world.

"As we stand here today, the abortion industry is pulling out all the stops to force states like California to mandate colleges offer chemical abortion and convince universities to voluntarily prescribe these dangerous drugs.

"The Protecting Life on College Campus Act is needed now more than ever! FRC supports this bill and we urge Congress to act on this important legislation," concluded Kilgannon.

To view the full press conference, visit:


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