Family Research Council recommends and supports chemical abortion bans and regulations. While many states have enacted pro-life laws in recent years, the abortion industry has been searching for ways to circumvent such laws by promoting risky, do-it-yourself chemical abortions. At-home abortions leave mothers to endure the trauma of abortion alone in their bathrooms, with no support or medical follow-up. Thankfully, state legislators throughout the country are introducing legislation that seeks to regulate or ban the dangerous practice of “self-managed” abortions altogether.
Key Points:
- The abortion industry has latched on to the abortion pill as a lower-cost alternative to surgical abortions—and one that can be carried out virtually anywhere.
- Abortion pill usage has surged even asthe overall numberof abortions in theUnited States is indecline.
- Chemical Abortion Regulations are aimed at mitigating the dangers and complications for women associated with chemical abortions.