Chris Gacek

Senior Fellow for Regulatory Affairs

Dr. Chris Gacek is the Senior Fellow for Regulatory Affairs at Family Research Council. Dr. Gacek received a Bachelors of Science in economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a Masters and Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University, and a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

He has previously worked for the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (as a law clerk), the Federal Communications Commission, and a subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (Sen. Tom Coburn, Chairman).

Dr. Gacek is the author of The Logic of Force: the Dilemma of Limited War in American Foreign Policy (Columbia Univ. Press, 1994).

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Recent Activity

Chris Gacek, Ralph Norman, Meg Kilgannon, Tony Perkins, David Closson

Burgess Owens, Chris Gacek, Dr. Owen Strachan, David Closson

Kevin Hern, J. Christian Adams, Chris Gacek, Stephen Moore

Roger Marshall, Dr. Andy Harris, Chris Gacek, Caroline Glick

Buddy Carter, Jonathan Gilliam, Gordon Chang, Chris Gacek, Brent Keilen

Samaritan’s Purse Made My Christmas

Randy Weber, Joel Griffith, Chris Gacek, David Closson

Kerry Picket, Mark Alford, Mark Lamb, Chris Gacek, Jerry Boykin

Matt Gaetz, Chris Gacek, Jill Garner, Meg Kligannon, Travis Weber

Scott Perry, Chris Gacek, Dr. Andrew Bostom, Dr. Jennifer Bauwens

La exportación de la ideología LGBT: La prioridad de la política exterior de la administración Biden

Ep. 16: Exporting Pride: The USA's New Foreign Policy Priorities

Nicki Neily, Andrew Walker, Chris Gacek, Roger Gannam

Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy Priority

Warren Davidson, Keith Self, Tyler O'Neil, Chris Gacek, Mary Szoch

Tim Burchett, Meg Kilgannon, Bob Fu, Lathan Watts, Chris Gacek

Ben Cline, Norman Woods, Chris Gacek, David Closson

International Holocaust Remembrance Day: January 27, 2023

Virginia Aabram, Jody Hice, Jeff Landry, Chris Gacek, Dr. Ingrid Skop

‘Sincere and Humble Thanks’: George Washington’s Vision for American Thanksgiving

No, Secretary Austin, Pro-Life Protections Are Not Harming Military Readiness

Holocaust Remembrance Day: "Never Again"

The Resurgence of History's Oldest Hatred

On Holocaust Remembrance Day: We must confront today's antisemitism

75 Years Ago Today: A D-Day Prayer

77 Years Ago Today: The Battle of Midway

Chris Gacek, John Bursch, Maria Teffler, David Horowitz

Sen. Roy Blunt, Rep. Andy Harris, Terry Jeffrey, Chris Gacek, David Closson, Mary Beth Waddell

Sen. Mike Lee, Valerie Richardson, Sarah Perry, Chris Gacek

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