CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday Family Research Council President Tony Perkins delivered remarks at U.S. Rep. Chris Smith's press conference on "Growing concerns over the WHO 'pandemic treaty.'" The press conference called out the World Health Organization's (WHO) unprecedented rush to ratify the so-called "pandemic treaty" at their May meeting. As more attention has focused on the accord, which in effect is a legally binding treaty, a multitude of concerns have arisen over such issues as individual free speech rights, the opaque nature of negotiations over this treaty, the treaty's disregard for each nation's sovereignty, and the treaty's promoting of abortion.
Perkins remarked in part:
"Few Americans, save those who desire to exercise control over the lives of others, would want to see another pandemic like COVID-19 and the government response that followed that pandemic.
"At the tip of the spear of these failed approaches was the World Health Organization and many of their lemmings in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
"Instead of reviewing and acknowledging its failures, the WHO seeks to submit its disastrous approach to the entire world as the way forward, in a binding agreement, which by its nature, not its name, is a treaty. It should be submitted to the U.S. Senate and not advanced as it is currently being advanced.
"Now it must be recognized at the outset that the draft agreement is, first and foremost, a global political, economic, and social manifesto.
"This is a global power grab using any future emergency as justification to take that power.
"It is unlikely that archeologists will ever uncover the planning and zoning agreement from the Tower of Babel, but if they do, I would imagine it does not differ much in the scope of this attempt at global governance," Perkins concluded.
To watch the full press conference, please visit:
To read more about FRC's concerns about this "treaty," see our comment filed with the Biden administration: