FRC's Tony Perkins Statement on Louisiana's Stop Harming Our Kids Act

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Family Research Council president, and former Louisiana state legislator, Tony Perkins released the following statement regarding Louisiana's Stop Harming Our Kids Act:

"I urge the Louisiana Senate leaders to discharge HB 648 from committee. The Stop Harming Our Kids Act is necessary to protect Louisiana's children from the use of experimental drugs and surgeries that leave minors with permanent physiological and psychological damage.

"'Gender-affirming care' is not scientifically supported and is in direct opposition to good mental health practice. The majority of kids who are gender confused outgrow discomfort with their developing bodies. In addition, a growing number of adults who de-transitioned testify to the harms they suffered as minors, the physiological challenges they continue to face, and the regret they now experience as adults. Louisiana must join the increasing number of states who protect kids and support HB 648," Perkins concluded.

Perkins also sent a letter addressed to Louisiana State Senate President Page Cortez which read in part:

"The Louisiana Senate Health and Welfare Committee heard testimony from numerous experts, including a pediatric endocrinologist and credible mental health professionals, regarding the long-term damage done to children when puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries are administered. The committee heard heart-wrenching stories of adults who deeply regret their 'transition.' Also present were heartbroken parents because counselors and school personnel encouraged their children to 'identify' as something they can never be.

"I will avoid the hearsay that Governor Edwards wanted this bill killed, and Republican Senators did his bidding. As you are aware, the Senate can rectify the situation by discharging the committee of its duty and ordering it to report HB 648 to the full Senate.

"We call upon you to lead the Louisiana Senate to move to bring HB 648 to the floor for a fair vote that will enable our state to protect children from experimental drugs and surgeries being advanced by the profiteers of the gender-transition movement."

To read the full letter, please see:

To review FRC's Dr. Jennifer Bauwens' testimony on this bill, please see:


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