Rob Schwarzwalder

Senior Vice-President

Recent Activity

What Jesus’s Resurrection Accomplished

Christianity Is Exclusive - and Inclusive!

We Should Plan. But It’s God Who Decides.

The Hollowness of Major College Sports Programs

The Threat of ‘Putinism’

Pro-Life Women Physicians Show a Path Forward for Life

The Truth About ‘Genocide’ and Israel

The Gospel Should Make You Feel Bad (At First)

Jesus: Accept No Substitutes

The Great Sham of the United Nations

The Unstoppable Word of God

The Most High Rules - Whoever Wins in November

Evangelical Self-Reflection and the Danger of Contempt

Claudine Gay Makes Us Ask, What Is an Education For?

How Do We Test for Truth?

The Greatest Blessing

Don’t ‘Paint Over’ the Truths of Christmas

Honoring Mike Johnson’s - and Everyone’s - Faith

The Moral Bankruptcy of Higher Education - and the Opportunity it Gives Christians

Some Facts about Israel You Might Have Missed

In This Time of Crisis, Give Thanks for the One Who has Overcome the World

Peace with China - Through American Strength

The Cowards of Hamas

Why Are Gaza’s Arabs So Poor?

America’s Universities Reap What They Have Sown

Israel Is Not an ‘Apartheid’ State

Hamas Horrors Rock Israel: ‘This Is the Day of the Greatest Battle’

Prudence and Principle Needed on Capitol Hill

The Un-Senator

In Russia, One Despot Begs Another for Arms

Does NATO Still Matter?

‘De-Conversions’ and the Knowledge of the Truth

China on the Verge of Collapse?

Progressive Policies = Dying Cities

The Greatest Killer of Children in Modern Times

Higher Education - Prestige versus Truth

Celebrating the American Body of Christ

A Crippling Hit to the Porn Industry?

Vladimir Putin, Man of Faith?

The Most Evil Political Act - and the Greatest Triumph in History (Part 2)

The Most Evil Political Act in History (Part 1)

Christian Colleges on the Brink

‘Bidenomics’ Are No Cause for Celebration

Bowing to a Tiger: The Danger of U.S. Ties to China

The Faults in ‘No-Fault’ Divorce

Discrediting a Conservative Supreme Court

America: A Noble, Remarkable Work in Progress Worth Celebrating

Is Christianity Still Relevant in a Less Religious Culture?

NPR’s Left-wing Bigotry - and How You Can Take Action

Propaganda versus Grace

Joe Biden Is Right

A Failed Revolution and an Opportunity for the Gospel

How to Think about Government in a Post-Christian America

What Is the ‘Image of God’?

Abraham Lincoln and the Problem of Pain

Pat Robertson, a Man in the Arena

China’s Threat and America’s Response

Joe Biden and the Reality Test

The Religion of Abortion

Christians in a World of Sexual Sin

Evangelicals and the Jewish People

Gratitude and Remembrance: A Nation Remembers

Less Religion, More Evangelism!

Houghton University Stands for Truth Despite Opposition - Even from Christians

Oregon’s 13 - Bravely Standing for Life and Children

Why Become Something You Can’t Define? The Crisis of Transgender Identity

Be Careful What You Wish For - God Might Allow You to Get It

How Drones in America’s Kitchen Show Joe Biden’s Weakness

The Chinese Farmland Nearest You

Truth, Sexuality, and Gender

The Coronation Ceremony of an Earthly King - Grounded in God’s Word

Flying Against the Winds of Culture

Fathers and Sexual Identity

Tarheels Dig in on the Constitution

American Weakness Invites Aggression

Can We Recover a Common Moral Language?

‘Bernie Sanders, Capitalist’

George Verwer, a Paul of Our Time

Teaching American Students to Be Americans

Forgetful People, Redeemed by a Faithful Savior

Does Democracy Need Christianity to Thrive?

TikTok, National Security - and a Desperate Generation

Environmental Protection Shouldn’t Mean Economic Suicide

‘Land Acknowledgements’ and Cheap Apologies

Jesus, Women, and Us

The Cost of Peace and Freedom

Taxing and Spending - Hard but Needed Choices

Putin’s Gathering Nightmare

No Reason for Rage: Christians Need to Be Civil

Corruptions of Sexuality Mean Opportunities for the Truth

What the Bible Teaches about Race

Farewell, Church of England

Yes, He Gets Us - But Are We Getting Him?

China’s Threat Is about More Than Balloons

Yes, Mr. President, the World Is Watching

Healing a ‘House Divided’

Screen Time and the Battle for Your Child’s Mind

Was the Holocaust Unique?

McCarthy Strikes Out Three Democrats

Marching Forward for Life

Joe Biden’s Got a Secret

Religious Freedom for Christian Colleges: A Victory in Federal Court

The Media and Abortion

Reduce Federal Spending - But Not at the Expense of Our Security

The Built-In Sources of the Christian’s Strength

Have Ears That Hear, Not Itch

Abortion’s Cost to the Economy

Christian Hope in 2023

Loss, Grief, and Sneering at Death

A Sword of Peace

The Long March Toward True Transformation

Is a More Conservative Court ‘Imperialistic’?

Pluralism Doesn’t Mean Moral Anarchy

Is Political Change in the Wind?

Winning Next Time

America’s Morality Police

Anti-Natalism and the Promise of Life

Regardless of Attacks, George Washington Remains

What the Midterm Voters Chose

Mr. Biden, Don’t Trust China - Ever

Captives of a Loving Conqueror

Christian Colleges and LGBTQ Confusion

True Identity and the LGBTQ Movement

A Case Study in Liberal Protestantism Collapse

Putin’s Favorite Americans

The Left Has Made Abortion Sacred. It Must Be Fought with the Gospel of Life.

NPR: A Case Study in Left-Wing Bias

Lessons for Christians from a Jewish University

Unknown Christian Warriors

Young Women and the Politics of Marriage

Does Christianity Have a Future in America?

Oh, Man! Or - Oh, Man?

Biden’s Uncertain Trumpet

God Save Us from Those Who Hate the Queen

What’s Next in Ukraine?

A Queen Who Talked about Jesus

Attacking Originalism: Liberalism’s Desperate Last Legal Stand

Do Tax Cuts Matter?

Mr. President, America is Under Threat - Mostly from the Left

Gorbachev Is Dead, but Reagan’s Triumph Lives

‘Removing Pregnancies’: The Abortion Industry’s Misuse of Language

Rising Anti-Semitism: A Christian Response

Jesus, Joseph, and Fathers

Of Mice, Men, and ‘Perverted Science’

The Threats to ‘Our Democracy’

The Truth About the Evangelical Pro-Life Movement

China, Climate, and Human Dignity

Anglican Bishops: ‘Unity’ Over Truth?

Standing in Seattle: A Christian University Is Not Bending to a Radical Agenda

Remember: Despite All the Bad News, the Good News Is Advancing!

The Weakness of Biden’s Foreign Policy

Why the Constitution Maddens the Left

‘Peace Through Strength’ Is Still a Good Motto

Gender, Abortion, and Transphobia

Jurassic Morality and Christian Faith

Gavin the Good - and the Rest of Us

Hope of a ‘Different World’: Vladimir Putin and the True King

A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy - of Love and Sacrifice

Scouts Use Kids for Pride Propaganda in Seattle

Ending the Roe Regime: Affirming, Not Eliminating, a Right

The Church and the Sexual Revolution

Putin’s Role Model and Brutality in Ukraine

No Fries with That: Inflation Takes a Bite out of Families

Live by the Courts, Die by the Courts: The Great Error of the Left

Mr. President, There’s No Free Lunch - or Free Debt

Grace, Truth, and Politics

Rob Schwarzwalder, Mark Hancock

Kevin Cramer, Dan Bishop, Bob Fu, Rob Schwarzwalder

Mo Brooks, Mike Johnson, Travis Weber, Katherine Johnson, Rob Schwarzwalder, Larry Jackson

Adoption: Multi-Racial, Multi-National, Heaven-Blessed

Women in Special Ops and Selective Service

Family-Friendly Tax Policy: Practical Ideas for Helping Parents

Christians and Public Life: Politics, Culture, and Bearing the Light of the Gospel

Family-Friendly Tax Policy: Practical Ideas for Helping Parents

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News - June 3, 2016

The Social Conservative Review: May 12, 2016

The Social Conservative Review - April 28, 2016

What's Next in a Blurry Culture

Social Conservative Review - April 14, 2015

Pay-Pal Prefers Cuba to North Carolina

Obeying God, Not Men

"Stand with the (Unstoppable) Persecuted" Church on Sunday, April 17th

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News March 31, 2016


Backpage's (Rightful) Front Page Humiliation

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News March 17, 2016

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News March 3, 2016

"The Dirty Dozen" 2016: The 12 Leading Facilitators of Sexual Exploitation

Dancing for Joy at 106 and "Loving Jesus Christ"

Adopted or Biological, Children Are a Joyous, Disruptive Mystery

We Are More than "Born Equal," Mr. President

A Good Society Depends on Hospitality, Order, and Justice

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News January 21, 2016

A Fundamental Departure from the Faith

It Is Not the Political Critic That Counts

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News January 7, 2016

The Cost of President Obama's Cultural Imperialism

Hello to America - in Arabic?

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News December 3, 2015

Peas in a Rotting Pod: Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger

Who Cares What Era We're In?

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News November 12, 2015

A Sheikh, the Supreme Court, and an Abortion Center: Matters of Life and Death

I Agree with Bernie Sanders

It's "National White Ribbon Against Pornography Week" (October 25-31)

Winning the "War of Exhaustion:" Persevering in an Eroding Culture

A Planned Parenthood Lexicon

"Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day" and Planned Parenthood

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News October 1, 2015

President Obama: Insulting Friends, Placating Adversaries

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News September 18, 2015

"Fuller Seminary Takes a Stand"

Sen. Mike Lee's Senate Speech on Planned Parenthood

Religious Participation and Religious Liberty

Kim Davis: The Issues of Accommodation and Burden

Constitutionalism of John Kasich

Framing Christian Thinking About Human Sexuality: Three Theological Considerations

Religious Liberty in Action: A Lesson from Early America

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News August 3, 2015

Religious Liberty: The Prospect of Its Loss

Kansas Gov. Brownback: Investigating Planned Parenthood for "Treating the Unborn as Commodities"

Eloquence About Life: Commentary On the Planned Parenthood Video

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News July 16, 2015

Justice Kennedy and the Lonely Promethean Man of Liberalism

Wise Thoughts on Christians Trying to Conform Jesus to the Culture

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News July 2, 2015

Increasing the Child Tax Credit: Good for Families, Good for the Economy

Supreme Chaos

Four Short Observations about Justice Kennedy's Opinion on Same-Sex Unions

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News June 18, 2015

Elisabeth Elliot: A Woman Who Knew God

Conservative Conservatism

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News June 4, 2015

Does Masculinity Matter?

Is Rubio Right About Christianity Being Designated "Hate Speech?"

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News May 21, 2015

New Annual Report on International Religious Liberty Now Available

"The Defense of Marriage and the Right of Religious Freedom: Reaffirming a Shared Witness"

"Five Democrat Abortion Policies More Extreme Than Killing 7-Pound Babies"

Hate, Love, Truth, and Homosexuality

The Dead End of Sexual Sin

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News April 9, 2015

Standing with my friend, Curt Smith


"Microaggressions," Racism, and Plain Stupidity

Some Evangelicals I Know

Tony, the Homeless Track Star

Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting

Alarming New Study: Rise in Youth-Produced Child Pornography

"Planet Fitness Bans Woman for Protesting Man in Locker Room"

The Dignity of Motherhood

The 150th Anniversary of Lincoln's Second Inaugural: A Meditation on the Will of God

Social Conservative Review: An Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News February 26, 2015

Depression, Divorce, and Hope

Washington Post Commentator: President Obama's Prayer Breakfast Remarks "Patronizing in the Extreme"

C.S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism

The Pope on Family, Marriage and Life

Architecture, Values and the March for Life

Population, Abortion, and Food

News Flash: Pornography Hurts Marriage

An Active President: Obama on the March As the GOP Preps to Run Congress

On the Death of Eric Garner and Race

Pro-Life: Right Policy, Good - and Imperative - Politics

The Constitution and Executive Orders

News Flash: The Pope is Pro-Life

A President Who Shrugs

Beachheads of God's Kingdom

Keep Calm and Don't Carry On: On Being Joyful in the Battle

An Inescapable and Irrepressible Conflict

Robert Gates' Boy Scouts

Islamism and Ferguson: There is No Moral Equivalence Between Them

Children of the Heart

A Tale of Two (Civil) Senators

Memo to Evangelicals: All Marriages Are Not, Nor Ever Will Be, Biblically Equal

Welcome Back to College, USA

Truett Cathy, "Chick-fil-A Founder, a Champion of Conservatism and Chicken" -- and of Christ

America's Uncertain International Trumpet

My Friends Dan and Judy

Children Are Always a Blessing

Will Rabbi Saperstein Be a True Advocate for Religious Liberty?

Conservatism's Good - and Under-reported Ideas

Barack Obama and Constitutional Originalism

Illiberal Liberalism

Good Policy More Important Than Good Photos

Blumenthal Pro-Abortion Bill: Going Backward at Full Steam

"Hostility to Religion in America" -- new FRC publication

The World Cup, Human Dignity, and the Unborn

Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery ¿ Here at Home and Around the World

Think About What You Are Seeing

The "Top Ten" Countries for Violence Against Christians

Alliance Defending Freedom: Open Letter to Planned Parenthood

John Kerry, Teddy Roosevelt and "Manning-Up"

Electronic Connectedness, Eternal Change

"Former Chinese Dissident: 'Escalating Crackdown' on Churches in China"

A Selfie-Taking, Hashtagging Teenage Administration

FRC Stands for Religious Liberty, at Home and Abroad

Pay No Attention to the President Behind the Curtain

Justice Kennedy's Reminder: Some Americans Just Need to Grow Up

Christian Faith and Marijuana Use

John Paul Stevens and the Constitution

Kirsten Dunst Is a Good Sociologist

Obamacare Open-Enrollment and Statistical Reality

"Perfect Together: Social and Defense Conservatives"

Friendship, Feelings, and Homosexuality: Thoughts on Truth and Love

Bowdoin College and Religious Bigotry

Conservatives: Keep Calm and Carry On

The Poverty of Nations: Practical Solutions for a World in Need

Likeability, Character, and Barack Obama

Barack Obama: Public Musings, Liberal Activism

Religious Persecution Around the World is Growing

Resources to Help You Fight Pornography

'Lost Episodes' Deserve Discovery

Economic and Human Inequality: The Contradictions of Barack Obama's Vision

Conversions to Christianity in Muslim World: A Potential Death Sentence?

Medal of Freedom, Life of Darkness

Bill Clinton, Honor, and Obamacare

Hats Off to Coats

Obamacare: High Stakes for Liberalism

Obamacare Problems Much Worse than Technical Glitches

A Civil War general, a Wyoming storekeeper, and a Vietnamese businessman: A story of America

Three Cheers for the Santa Clara Broncos (and not for a sports victory)!

Complementarity in Marriage: What it is and Why it Matters

What Would and Wouldn't Shut Down

Dubious Reporting About International Adoptions

The Battle for Life Continues, Regardless of Outcomes

They Should be Blushing Crimson at the U of Alabama

They Should be Blushing Crimson at the U of Alabama

New FRC Publication: "Social Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel," by E. Calvin Beisner

Syria ... and The Congo, Egypt, etc.

Manipulations of Life Starting Small

Business Closures that are Good for the Economy

"Opting-In to Having Kids"

C.S. Lewis on Homosexuality

Babies Born This Month

Sowing and Reaping: China's "One-Child" Policy Fosters Human Trafficking

Don't Try to "Cherry-Pick" the Bible

U.S. Is Helping Fund China's "One-Child" Policy

Chen, China, and New York University

What an Unborn Baby Learns

A Response to "Why Tolerate Religion?"

Gosnell, the New York Times, and Moral Squalor

"When Real Love Collides with Our Selfish Hearts"

Does Anything's - or Anyone's - Size Matter to God?

Lack of Data on Same-Sex Parenting Should Be a Major Caution to Supreme Court

Madonna Still Scouting - for Herself


Leviticus, Jesus, and Homosexuality: Some Thoughts on Honest Interpretation

On Love, Homosexuality, and Sin: An Evangelical Proposal