CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Joe Biden today signed the so-called "Respect For Marriage" Act into law. The law will now accelerate and intensify the already-existing attacks on religious liberty (by creating a private right of action); legislatively cement anti-family policies harmful to children; make faith-based adoption and foster-care agencies a greater target for frivolous litigation, curtailing or ending their ability to help children find homes; threaten the tax-exempt status of adoption and foster care agencies (and other vitally needed non-profit organizations, whether religious or secular); and tacitly vilify millions of Americans who believe in natural marriage by labeling that belief as "sex discrimination," tantamount to racism.
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins released the following statement after the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act was signed into law:
"Today is a dark day for religious freedom. President Biden has now unleashed one of the greatest assaults on religious freedom in modern history. The principles of our First Freedom, guaranteed in our Constitution, that he swore to 'preserve, protect and defend,' are now in even greater jeopardy. These founding principles have been challenged for seven years since the Obergefell decision, and in cases involving Jack Phillips and others. In signing the (Dis)Respect For Marriage Act into law, Biden has succumbed to the temporal forces of the culture rather than the transcendent principles of our nation's Constitution.
"As Bible-believing Christians, we understand that whether by the White House, the Court, or by the Congress, truth cannot be altered--nor will our commitment to that truth. Marriage is an institution created by God for the well-being of men, women, children, and society as a whole--it cannot be redesigned without impoverishing them all," Perkins concluded.