FRC report: U.S., among Gang of Six, Inhumanely Allows Abortion Through All Nine Months of Pregnancy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 30, 2021
CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Joshua Arnold, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Ahead of the oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the first direct challenge to Roe v. Wade in a generation, Family Research Council published a new comprehensive issue brief identifying the United States as one of only six nations that allow abortion on-demand through the entire of span of pregnancy. The U.S. joins human rights violators China, North Korea, and Vietnam, as well as Canada and South Korea in their extreme abortion policy.

The FRC report indicates that across the globe the vast majority of countries, 130, completely prohibit or only allow abortion in specific cases. Seventy-seven nations outlaw abortion completely or only allow abortion where the mother's life or physical health is at risk--making this by far the most common type of abortion law in the world. Twenty-three nations only allow abortion for some additional rare cases like rape, incest, or a fetal abnormality. This means 100 nations--over half of countries surveyed--completely outlaw abortion or only allow abortion in rare cases to protect the life of the mother or in cases of rape, incest or because of a fetal abnormality.

Only 67 of 197 countries surveyed allow elective abortion. Of those 67 countries, 56 nations (including 48 of 51 European countries) restrict all abortions by 14 weeks. The remaining three European countries either prohibit abortion entirely or only permit it in rare cases.

FRC's Director of the Center for Human Dignity, and lead author of the report, Mary Szoch commented:

"It is shameful that the United States--the 'land of the free'--joins North Korea, China, Canada, South Korea and Vietnam on the list of nations who reject the scientific fact that an unborn child in the womb is a human, worthy of respect and deserving of the right to life. America's abortion laws that allows an abortionist to kill a child up until the moment of birth is more in line with the laws of countries who torture their own citizens than it is with American values. Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization presents an opportunity to change this. The U.S. Supreme Court must embrace this opportunity and defend life."

Joy Zavalick, Research Assistant for the Center for Human Dignity and co-author of the analysis, added:

"The ruling in Roe v. Wade was never based in scientific fact -- it was based on a claim to ignorance about whether the unborn child was a living human. Since 1973, science has unequivocally proven that life begins at conception. Nations around the world affirm this truth. It is time that the United States recognizes the humanity of the unborn and catches up to the rest of the world."

The report can be found at:


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The Effects of Marijuana
Life and Human Dignity
Stark Discrimination Against Faith-Based Adoption Agencies
Life and Human Dignity
Modern Slavery: How to Fight Human Trafficking in Your Community
Life and Human Dignity
The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community
Life and Human Dignity
Is Late-Term Abortion Ever Necessary?
Life and Human Dignity
Should We Legalize Voluntary Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide?
Surgical Abortion
Induced Abortion and Subsequent Preterm Birth
Life and Human Dignity
Politicized Science: the Manipulated Approval of RU-486 and Its Dangers to Women's Health

About Family Research Council

For 40 years, we've been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview.

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