Planned Parenthood's New Annual Report Shows Why It's Time to End Taxpayer Funding

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Only days after the release of a new shocking undercover expose video, Planned Parenthood released its 2015-2016 annual report.  Planned Parenthood generally publishes its report in January.  For unknown reasons, this year it waited until the end of May to release it.  The new report focuses on its 100-year anniversary. A closer look at the numbers reveals some shocking statistics.  

Family Research Council’s Arina Grossu, Director of the Center for Human Dignity, released the following statement:

“Planned Parenthood’s new report reveals that abortions, taxpayer funding, and profit have all gone up.  Meanwhile its cancer screenings, basic breast exams, prenatal services, and even customers have decreased. 

“Last year, America’s largest abortion chain committed 328,348 abortions, over 4,300 more abortions than it committed in 2014-2015.  Both its government funding ($554.6 million) and total revenue ($1.354 billion) in 2016 is the highest in its history.  It also made more than $77 million in profit, $19 million more than the year prior.  Cancer screenings have dropped by half since 2011, abortions now outnumber basic breast exams for the first time in its history, prenatal services have dropped by almost a half since last year alone, and the number of patients is down by four percent.

“The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood is getting more government funding and committing more abortions than ever before, while continuing to decrease in key services to women such as cancer screenings, breast exams, and prenatal services.

“This sham organization’s focus is increasingly on higher abortion numbers and higher profits. Why are we continuing to hand over half a billion dollars in taxpayer money to an organization that kills America’s unborn children at record rates while lining their pockets with more than $77 million in profit? 

The time to defund Planned Parenthood is now.  It’s time to redirect the funds to community health centers that provide comprehensive and holistic care to women and their children,” Grossu concluded.
